784 research outputs found

    Фотодинамическая терапия больных псориазом

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    Photodynamic therapy (PDT) in the treatment of psoriasis remains the subject of much debate. There is no consensus in the scientific community about effective and safe PDT regimens for psoriasis. Described in the published materials doses and concentrations of photosensitizers for psoriasis, as well as light doses, differ by dozens of times. The purpose of this review is to analyze the efficacy and safety profile of various PDT regimens for psoriasis. Some studies demonstrate 100% effectiveness of the method in certain modes (complete or partial clearance of psoriasis foci after PDT). In particular, such efficiency was obtained with the application of 20% 5-ALA (light dose 15 J/cm2) and 0.1% methylene blue (light dose 15 J/ cm2). The main factor limiting the use of PDT in psoriasis, and in some cases even being the reason for treatment interruption, is severe pain during the irradiation procedure. This requires careful development of PDT regimens in patients with psoriasis.Использование фотодинамической терапии (ФДТ) в лечении псориаза остается предметом многочисленных дискуссий. В научном сообществе нет единого мнения об эффективных и безопасных режимах ФДТ при псориазе. Описанные в литературе применяемые для лечения псориаза дозы и концентрации фотосенсибилизаторов, а также световые дозы различаются в десятки раз. Целью настоящего обзора является анализ эффективности и профиля безопасности различных схем применения ФДТ при псориазе. Ряд исследований демонстрирует 100%-ную эффективность метода в определенных режимах (полное или частичное очищение очагов псориаза после проведения ФДТ). В частности, такая эффективность была получена при применении аппликации 20%-ой 5-АЛК (световая доза 15 Дж/см2) и 0,1%-го метиленового синего (световая доза 15 Дж/см2). Основным фактором, ограничивающим применение ФДТ при псориазе и в отдельных случаях даже являющимся причиной прерывания лечения, является сильная болезненность во время процедуры облучения. Это требует тщательной отработки режимов ФДТ у пациентов с псориазом

    Providing enhanced social interaction services for industry exhibitors at large medical conferences

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    Large medical conferences offer opportunities for participants to find industry exhibitors that offer products and services relevant to their professional interests. Companies often invest significant effort in promotions that encourage participants to spend time at their stand (e.g. providing free gifts, leaflets, running competitions) and register some contact details. Attendees will use the conference to find others who also share similar professional interests, as well as keep up to date with developments on products such has pharmaceuticals and medical equipment. From both perspectives, a number of improvements can be made to enhance the overall experience by using existing active RFID technology: Vendors would be able to more closely monitor the success of their promotions with statistics on the stand's visitors, as well as find more potential customers by using real-time visualizations; Participants would be able to log their social interactions, keeping an electronic history of the people they have met. The SocioPatterns project and Live Social Semantics experiments have recently demonstrated a scalable and robust infrastructure that would support these kinds of improvements. In this paper, we propose an infrastructure that provides enhanced social interaction services for vendors and participants by using small active RFID badges worn by attendees and attached to fixed location

    Experimental evidence of chaotic advection in a convective flow

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    Lagrangian chaos is experimentally investigated in a convective flow by means of Particle Tracking Velocimetry. The Fnite Size Lyapunov Exponent analysis is applied to quantify dispersion properties at different scales. In the range of parameters of the experiment, Lagrangian motion is found to be chaotic. Moreover, the Lyapunov depends on the Rayleigh number as Ra1/2{\cal R}a^{1/2}. A simple dimensional argument for explaining the observed power law scaling is proposed.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figur

    IRBIT a Master Regulator of Cell Physiology

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    (excerpt) Hormones and neurotransmitters regulate cell functions by binding to their receptors, which activate intracellular signaling and produce the physiological response [1]. There are several intracellular pathways, including but not limited to, leading to the activation of protein kinases, phosphatases and increase in intracellular calcium (Ca2+) [1]


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    This study aims to describe the role of scouting games in shaping the collaborative character of SD Negeri 20 Bengkulu City students. The approach and type of research used is descriptive qualitative. The subjects in this study were scout coaches and students of SD Negeri 20 Bengkulu City. Data collection techniques used observation, interviews, and documentation by testing the credibility of the data through persistent observation and member checks. The data obtained were analyzed through data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusions. The results of this study are the scouting games that are carried out, namely pearl two, bom activity one and pinton, these games are to fill in student training activities and as an exercise to form the character of student cooperation. The aspects that become indicators of cooperation are showing an attitude of social justice within the group, carrying out tasks according to their respective parts, and having a spirit of cooperation to achieve common goals appears in how to play the game. Thus it can be concluded that scouting games can shape the collaborative character of SD Negeri 20 students in Bengkulu City by showing every aspect of the indicators on how to play the game Mutiara Dua, Bomb Activity One and Pinton. Keywords: Games, scouting, cooperation

    Structural basis for membrane insertion by the human ER membrane protein complex

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    A defining step in the biogenesis of a membrane protein is the insertion of its hydrophobic transmembrane helices into the lipid bilayer. The nine-subunit endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane protein complex (EMC) is a conserved co- and posttranslational insertase at the ER. We determined the structure of the human EMC in a lipid nanodisc to an overall resolution of 3.4 angstroms by cryo–electron microscopy, permitting building of a nearly complete atomic model. We used structure-guided mutagenesis to demonstrate that substrate insertion requires a methionine-rich cytosolic loop and occurs via an enclosed hydrophilic vestibule within the membrane formed by the subunits EMC3 and EMC6. We propose that the EMC uses local membrane thinning and a positively charged patch to decrease the energetic barrier for insertion into the bilayer

    Polymorphous light eruption and benign summer light eruption

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    BACKGROUND/PURPOSE: Polymorphous light eruption (PLE) heterogeneity has been postulated, but the existence of benign summer light eruption (BSLE) is controversial. We studied the prevalence of the clinical patterns, criteria distinguishing BSLE from PLE, and diagnostic usefulness of phototest. METHODS: Five Italian Photodermatology Centres recruited retrospectively 346 patients with typical clinical history and/or presentation of PLE. Age, gender, skin type, family history and presence of atopy were considered. UVA and UVB MEDs and provocative phototests with UVA and UVB were obtained with a standardized procedure. Photopatch tests were applied according to the IRCDG rules. ANA were assessed by indirect immunofluorescence. RESULTS: Four criteria (predominance of women, shorter latency, uninvolvement of the face and absence of relapse during summer) identified BSLE in only 6.1% of cases. All had positive phototests, mostly with UVA. Uninvolvement of face, short latency and no seasonal relapses identified 11.7% patients, mostly with positive phototests to UVA. Short latency and no seasonal relapses in women identified 11.2% patients. Uninvolvement of face and no seasonal relapses in women identified 8.1% of patients. Uninvolvement of face and short latency in women identified 17.6% of patients. CONCLUSION: Criteria diagnosed BSLE in only a minority of patients, who were positive at phototesting, mostly with UVA

    Uticaj različitih mikotoksina na zdravlje svinja - zapažanja s terena

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    Mycotoxins are structurally diverse fungal metabolites that can contaminate a variety of dietary components consumed by animals and humans. The aim of this paper was to present the field observations of clinical and pathological consequences on swine health in the cases when Fusarium mycotoxins were detected in swine feed. The material for research included the samples from swine farms located in the region of Vojvodina, where health disorders resembling intestinal problems in different swine categories were detected. The applied research methods included: epidemiological and clinical evaluation, gross pathology examination, bacteriological tissue testing originating from diseased dead animals. The presence of deoxynivalenol (DON), T-2 toxin and zearalenone (ZEA) in thirteen complete swine feed mixtures were analyzed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay methods, using Ridascreen®FAST DON, Ridascreen®FAST T2, and Ridascreen®FAST Zearalenon test kits (R-Biopharm, Germany). By clinical and pathological examination, the lesions predominantly located in digestive tract were observed in different swine categories. The problem of persistent enteric infections in suckling piglets and alteration of growth performance were notified in weaners and fatteners. In adult categories, reduced feed consumption, sometimes distinct feed refusal and vomiting were observed. In all examined samples of complete feed mixtures for different swine categories the concentration of DON exceeded the maximum permitted levels, but also the presence of other Fusarium mycotoxins was detected. The obtained results indicate the existence of feed mixtures contamination with low levels of Fusarium mycotoxins and their possible positive interaction with etiological agents present in swine farms.Mikotoksini su strukturno različiti metaboliti plesni koji mogu da kontaminiraju komponente koje se koriste u ishrani životinja i ljudi. Cilj rada bio je da se prikažu terenska zapažanja kliničkih i patoloških posledica po zdravlje svinja u slučajevima kada su Fusarium mikotoksini utvrđeni u hrani za ovu vrstu. Materijal za ispitivanje je obuhvatao uzorke poreklom s farmi svinja u Vojvodini, na kojima su registrovani zdravstveni problemi intestinalnog trakta kod različitih kategorija. Primenjene metode ispitivanja su obuhvatale: epizootiološka i klinička ispitivanja, makropatomorfološki pregled uginulih jedinki, bakteriološko i molekularno ispitivanje uzoraka organa i tkiva poreklom od obolelih, uginulih jedinki i mikrobiološko ispitivanje hrane u cilju kontrole prisustva plesni. Prisustvo deoksinivalenola, T-2 toksina i zearalenona je ispitivano u 14 uzoraka različitih kompletnih smeša za svinje primenom imunoenzimske tehnike (Ridascreen®FAST DON, Rida­ screen®FAST T2, Ridascreen®FAST Zearalenon, R-Biopharm, Germany). Kliničkim i patološkim pregledom, kod različitih kategorija svinja, utvrđene su lezije dominantno u digestivnom traktu. Problem upornih enteralnih infekcija kod prasadi na sisi i promene u porastu su zabeležene kod zalučene prasadi i tovljenika. Kod odraslih kategorija svinja, utvrđena je umanjena konzumacija hrane, ponekad izraženo odbijanje hrane i povraćanje. U svim ispitanim uzorcima kompletnih smeša za različite kategorije svinja koncentracija mikotoksina DON bila je veća od maksimalno dozvoljenih vrednosti. U ispitanim uzorcima hrane utvrđeno je i prisustvo drugih Fusarium mikotoksina. Postignuti rezultati ukazuju na kontaminaciju hraniva s niskim vrednostima Fusarium mikotoksina i na njihovu moguću pozitivnu interreakciju s uzročnicima bolesti prisutnim na farmama svinja