35 research outputs found

    Sub-graph based Multicast Protection in WDM Networks: A Multi/Many-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms approaches

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    In this paper is addressed the multicast routing-and-protection, and wavelength assignment (MRPWA) problem which is critical for the success of applications point-multipoint in WDM networks. Basically, it is proposed the design of the primary and protection multicast routes, where the resources protection are based on sub-graph protection strategy subject to the quality requirements of the QoP protection: dedicated (1 + 1), shared (M: N) and better effort (without protection). In this way, NSGA-II and NSGA-III, evolutionary algorithms, are applied to MRPWA considering multi- and many-objectives optimization context, respectively. The evolutionary algorithms optimize simultaneously: (i) the total number of links used, (ii) the number of wavelength converters, (iii) the number of splitter nodes, and (iv) the number of destinations served-and-protected. Considering Hyper-volume measure, the experimental tests on a set of instances indicate that the protection approach based on sub-graph proves to be promising in comparison to the dualtree protection strategy. On the other hand, the evolutionary technique oriented to many-objectives (NSGA-III) is more convenient than the oriented towards multi-objectives (NSGA-II) in the study problem.XIII Workshop Arquitectura, Redes (WARSO)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    Sub-graph based Multicast Protection in WDM Networks: A Multi/Many-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms approaches

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    In this paper is addressed the multicast routing-and-protection, and wavelength assignment (MRPWA) problem which is critical for the success of applications point-multipoint in WDM networks. Basically, it is proposed the design of the primary and protection multicast routes, where the resources protection are based on sub-graph protection strategy subject to the quality requirements of the QoP protection: dedicated (1 + 1), shared (M: N) and better effort (without protection). In this way, NSGA-II and NSGA-III, evolutionary algorithms, are applied to MRPWA considering multi- and many-objectives optimization context, respectively. The evolutionary algorithms optimize simultaneously: (i) the total number of links used, (ii) the number of wavelength converters, (iii) the number of splitter nodes, and (iv) the number of destinations served-and-protected. Considering Hyper-volume measure, the experimental tests on a set of instances indicate that the protection approach based on sub-graph proves to be promising in comparison to the dualtree protection strategy. On the other hand, the evolutionary technique oriented to many-objectives (NSGA-III) is more convenient than the oriented towards multi-objectives (NSGA-II) in the study problem.XIII Workshop Arquitectura, Redes (WARSO)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    Performance Evaluation of Non-Hitless Spectrum Defragmentation Algorithms in Elastic Optical Networks

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    Fragmentation in Elastic Optical Networks is an issue caused by isolated, non-aligned, and non-contiguous frequency slots that can not be used to allocate new connection request to the network, due to the optical layer restrictions imposed to the Routing and Spectrum Assignment (RSA) algorithms. To deal with this issue, several studies about Spectrum Defragmentation have been presented. In this work, we analyze the most important Non-Hitless Defragmentation Algorithms found in the literature, with proactive and reactive approaches that include rerouting and non-rerouting schemes, and compare their performance in terms of Blocking Probability, Entropy, and Bandwidth Fragmentation Ratio. Simulations results showed that the Fragmentation Aware schemes outperformed the other algorithms in low traffic load, but the Reactive schemes got better results in high traffic load.Sociedad Argentina de Inform谩tica e Investigaci贸n Operativa (SADIO

    Sub-graph based Multicast Protection in WDM Networks: A Multi/Many-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms approaches

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    In this paper is addressed the multicast routing-and-protection, and wavelength assignment (MRPWA) problem which is critical for the success of applications point-multipoint in WDM networks. Basically, it is proposed the design of the primary and protection multicast routes, where the resources protection are based on sub-graph protection strategy subject to the quality requirements of the QoP protection: dedicated (1 + 1), shared (M: N) and better effort (without protection). In this way, NSGA-II and NSGA-III, evolutionary algorithms, are applied to MRPWA considering multi- and many-objectives optimization context, respectively. The evolutionary algorithms optimize simultaneously: (i) the total number of links used, (ii) the number of wavelength converters, (iii) the number of splitter nodes, and (iv) the number of destinations served-and-protected. Considering Hyper-volume measure, the experimental tests on a set of instances indicate that the protection approach based on sub-graph proves to be promising in comparison to the dualtree protection strategy. On the other hand, the evolutionary technique oriented to many-objectives (NSGA-III) is more convenient than the oriented towards multi-objectives (NSGA-II) in the study problem.XIII Workshop Arquitectura, Redes (WARSO)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    Performance Evaluation of Non-Hitless Spectrum Defragmentation Algorithms in Elastic Optical Networks

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    Fragmentation in Elastic Optical Networks is an issue caused by isolated, non-aligned, and non-contiguous frequency slots that can not be used to allocate new connection request to the network, due to the optical layer restrictions imposed to the Routing and Spectrum Assignment (RSA) algorithms. To deal with this issue, several studies about Spectrum Defragmentation have been presented. In this work, we analyze the most important Non-Hitless Defragmentation Algorithms found in the literature, with proactive and reactive approaches that include rerouting and non-rerouting schemes, and compare their performance in terms of Blocking Probability, Entropy, and Bandwidth Fragmentation Ratio. Simulations results showed that the Fragmentation Aware schemes outperformed the other algorithms in low traffic load, but the Reactive schemes got better results in high traffic load.Sociedad Argentina de Inform谩tica e Investigaci贸n Operativa (SADIO

    WDM Network Design with Node Protection : An approach based on MOACO

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    This work studies the survivable optical network design prob- lem subject to simple node failure where disruption by network recon g- uration degrades the Quality of Service. The impact of the number of recon gurations when a node fails over other objective functions is crit- ical. Therefore, a Multi-Objective Ant Colony Optimization (MOACO) Algorithm is proposed, which tries to nd the best network design as well as the primary and back-up multicast trees considering a multicast re- quest set. The MOACO algorithm simultaneously minimizes the network design cost, the maximum end-to-end optical delay, the total number of recon gurations and the maximum number of recon gurations. The ex- perimental results over di erent instances show the bene ts of the pro- posed approach front to two state-of-the-art protection approaches based on total or partial recon guration.IX Workshop de Arquitecturas, Redes y Sistemas OperativosRed de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    KhronoPol: Time Planning System for the Facultad Polit茅cnica UNA

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    This work presents an integral solution for the administration and automatic generation of class schedules and class assignment denominated KhronoPol. The system developed is based on a modular architecture, multiuser and accessible from the Internet with a high degree of maintainability. Given the complexity that the problem can reach KhronoPol has 2 phases: in the first phase a Genetic Algorithm seeks the optimal allocation of time and subjects, and the second phase a Backtracking Algorithm performs the assignment of classrooms to previously calculated subjects. It has been taken as a case study the schedule of the Facultad Polit麓ecnica - Universidad Nacional de Asunci麓on (FPUNA) in which two real scenarios are posed: (a) initial scheduling, and (b) rescheduling minimizing changes considering new sections and changes of teachers. The FPUNA consists of 16 undergraduate degrees, 1.000 courses per semester, 60 classrooms of different capacities, and 300 teachers.Sociedad Argentina de Inform谩tica e Investigaci贸n Operativa (SADIO

    WDM Network Design with Node Protection : An approach based on MOACO

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    This work studies the survivable optical network design prob- lem subject to simple node failure where disruption by network recon g- uration degrades the Quality of Service. The impact of the number of recon gurations when a node fails over other objective functions is crit- ical. Therefore, a Multi-Objective Ant Colony Optimization (MOACO) Algorithm is proposed, which tries to nd the best network design as well as the primary and back-up multicast trees considering a multicast re- quest set. The MOACO algorithm simultaneously minimizes the network design cost, the maximum end-to-end optical delay, the total number of recon gurations and the maximum number of recon gurations. The ex- perimental results over di erent instances show the bene ts of the pro- posed approach front to two state-of-the-art protection approaches based on total or partial recon guration.IX Workshop de Arquitecturas, Redes y Sistemas OperativosRed de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    T茅cnica de pron贸stico de la demanda basada en Business Intelligence y Machine Leaming

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    Pronosticar ciertos eventos constituye una actividad por la cual el ser humano siempre sinti贸 fascinaci贸n y necesidad de realizarlo. En la actualidad, uno de esos eventos se relacionan con las empresas y consiste en pronosticar la demanda de ventas para un per铆odo futuro, a su vez representa uno de los m谩s importantes retos con que se enfrenta una organizaci贸n. Este pron贸stico de demanda disminuir谩 la incertidumbre del Gerente de Compras en el momento de tomar decisiones acerca del volumen de productos a adquirir para la reposici贸n de stock. Este trabajo propone una nueva t茅cnica de pron贸sticos basada en la integraci贸n de herramientas de Business Intelligence y Machine Leaming. Los experimentos indican que el modelo propuesto alcanza resultados prometedores y esta nueva t茅cnica puede transformarse en una s贸lida herramienta de apoyo para la toma de decisionesSociedad Argentina de Inform谩tica e Investigaci贸n Operativa (SADIO

    Dise帽o de un modelo de optimizaci贸n para la disposici贸n final de envases de vidrios en los barrios de la ciudad de Asunci贸n - Paraguay

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    Una gesti贸n integral de residuos s贸lidos eficiente y sostenible en t茅rminos ambientales, es aquella que permite que llegue como m谩ximo un 20% de los residuos totales a vertederos o rellenos sanitarios como destino final (Abbate, 2011). Para el 2017, el Ministerio del Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible estim贸 que un 20% de los 254 municipios del Paraguay cuentan con programas de reciclajes (MADES, 2020), utilizando precarios procesos de separaci贸n de materiales en vertederos municipales y clandestinos, con trabajadores informales. Actualmente, existe una brecha enorme entre los negocios realizados por los grupos de recicladores en el principal relleno sanitario de la capital, Cateura, y el volumen potencial de negocios que podr铆a realizarse en el mismo lugar, desde una perspectiva distinta. Salvo casos aislados, como el programa Recicla 2.0 de Asunci贸n para potenciar el reciclaje en barrios, se resalta que la separaci贸n y recolecci贸n de residuos tiene poca participaci贸n en las agendas medioambientales, y en este trabajo se da foco a uno de los residuos menos considerados: el vidrio (MADES, 2020). En este sentido, con el fin de fortalecer la gesti贸n de residuos en los municipios, se plantea la posibilidad de estructurar la disposici贸n temporal y final del vidrio, mediante un modelo de programaci贸n mixta entera lineal que permita ubicar puntos de captaci贸n de residuos (puntos verdes) en los barrios de la ciudad de Asunci贸n, y tambi茅n localizar centros de acopio con posibilidades de triturado y/o acondicionamiento de dicho residuo. Adem谩s, se desea asignar y rutear veh铆culos para la recolecci贸n desde los puntos verdes hasta los centros de acopio, y programar la distribuci贸n de materiales procesados hasta los clientes finales. Conjuntamente, se analizar谩n estrategias econ贸micamente viables para determinar la rentabilidad de la inversi贸n en una unidad de negocio verde, proveedora de clientes que utilicen productos reciclados o reutilizados como insumo industrial o comercial. Finalmente, es axiom谩tico que, si se clasifican los residuos de las viviendas en reciclables y no reciclables, el mercado del reciclaje se incrementar谩 considerablemente con el consecuente impacto social, econ贸mico y ambiental positivo que ello conlleva, adem谩s de la mejora ambiental que implicar铆a no enterrar un gran porcentaje de materiales que hoy tienen valor comercial (Abbate, 2011); raz贸n por la que se emprende esta investigaci贸n.Sociedad Argentina de Inform谩tica e Investigaci贸n Operativ