152 research outputs found

    La tutela sostenible del patrimonio cultural a través de modelos digitales BIM y SIG como contribución al conocimiento e innovación social

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    Pre-intervention studies of the chapel dedicated to Virgen de la Antigua in the parish church of San Miguel, in Morón de la Frontera (Seville)

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    Los problemas que aquejan a la pequeña capilla renacentista dedicada a la Virgen de la Antigua, en la iglesia parroquial de San Miguel de Morón de la Frontera, la han llevado a un estado de degradación cercano a la ruina. Al plantearnos la intervención sobre este edificio surgió la necesidad de conocer las causas de la inestabilidad estructural que llevó a su urgente apuntalamiento en 1998. Para ello entendíamos que no era suficiente tomar como punto de partida el estado actual del edificio y calcular sobre él los refuerzos necesarios. El precario estado en que se encuentra muestra, a simple vista, las cicatrices y huellas de un complejo devenir que debíamos descodificar, diseñando para ello una serie de trabajos de auscultación y reconocimiento. Todos estos trabajos nos han permitido conocer y comprender sus etapas constructivas y destructivas, esto es, contar con las referencias necesarias, aunque nunca suficientes, para la realización del proyecto de restauración arquitectónica.The problems affecting the small Renaissance chapel dedicated to Virgen de la Antigua in the parish church of San Miguel in Morón de la Frontera have led to a state of decay verging on total ruin. When we addressed the intervention required by the building, we realized that we needed to know what had caused the structural instability which had led to urgent bracing in 1998. We knew that we could not simply take the current state of the building as our starting point for calculating the necessary reinforcements. The precariousness of its current state reveals the scars and traces of a complex fate which we would have to decode by designing and programming a series of examinations to arrive at a diagnosis. All of these processes have enabled us to identify and understand the various phases of construction and destruction, that is, to acquire the necessary - although never sufficient - references to conduct the architectural restoration project

    Interpretation of the remains of the church of the monastery of San Jerónimo de Buenavista (Seville) based on a multifocal approach and the creation of a digital model

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    After the French invasion and the disentailment of ecclesiastical property in Spain in the 19th century, the monastery of San Jerónimo de Buenavista in Seville fell victim to neglect, looting and ruin. Archaeological prospections begun in 1988 yielded evidence of the foundations and some of the paving of the lost areas, but the parts of the monastery’s church that are still standing today have barely received any attention beyond establishing certain spatial relationships with the underlying remains. To examine the construction and spatial characteristics of the building, we developed a digital model based on a photogrammetric survey, a stratigraphic interpretation of traces, a spatial analysis based on the geometric systems of formal control that were used at the time, and the identification of typological references. The aim of these overlapping approaches was to obtain the most objective understanding possible

    Integrated preliminary and parallel works in the restoration project for the Chapel of Los Tocino (15th Century) in the Church of San Juan de los Caballeros in Jerez de la Fronter

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    Consecuencia de una profunda reforma decimonónica inacabada, la capilla de los Tocino había perdido su uso y relación espacial original con el ábside de la iglesia de San Juan de los Caballeros de Jerez de la Frontera al que se adosa. La degradación que sufrió la capilla desde ese momento fue enorme. La interpretación de sus lesiones estaba muy condicionada por el devenir del mismo, siendo necesaria una serie de trabajos previos y paralelos a la intervención para reconocer esta complejidad y determinar los valores patrimoniales sobre los que fundamentar el proyecto. Se planteó así una estrategia de acciones de investigación cuyo alcance debía ser proporcional a los recursos económicos disponibles y los enfoques analíticos que pretendíamos integrar. Entre ellas se programó una intervención arqueológica que incorporaba el análisis del subsuelo y estudio paramental. Se expondrá elFollowing a major but incomplete renovation in the 19th century, the Chapel of Los Tocino had lost its use and original spatial relationship with the apse to which it is abutted in the Church of San Juan de los Caballeros in Jerez de la Frontera. The degradation that the chapel suffered from that moment onwards was enormous. The interpretation of its pathologies was deeply conditioned by the fate of that building and it was therefore necessary to conduct a series of preliminary works parallel to the intervention in order to defne this complexity and determine the heritage values that would underpin the project. We therefore established a strategy of research actions whose cost had to be proportionate to the funds available and the analytical approach we aimed to adopt. These actions included an archaeological intervention consisting in an analysis of the subsoil and the walls. Our paper will describe the results of an integrated project that concluded with the material, spatial and functional consolidation of the chapel

    Reinforced column shafts from the monumental architecture of Italica (prov. Baetica). Implementation of new technologies for the reconstruction of an exceptional practice

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    Esta investigación tiene por objeto presentar los trabajos en curso en torno a un conjunto de fustes procedente de los órdenes arquitectónicos del conocido como Traianeum de Itálica (provincia Baetica, actual Santiponce, Sevilla), complejo de templo central y pórtico perimetral levantado en la ciudad a comienzos del siglo II d. C. En ellos se observan las huellas dejadas por toda una serie de recursos técnicos tales como grapas, espigas metálicas y cavidades para parches marmóreos, asociada con medidas preventivas de refuerzo de piedra eventualmente quebradiza. Para ello, dado su estado fragmentado y fragmentario, se ha recurrido a la aplicación de técnicas fotogramétricas que permitan la obtención de modelos tridimensionales de las piezas, con el fin de reconstruir el funcionamiento y finalidad mecánica de los citados recursos. En último término, se trata de profundizar en aspectos relacionados con una singular capacidad tecnológica selectiva y con la economía y organización de las obras.The pieces under study presented in this paper come from the already well known “Traianeum” of Italica (prov. Baetica, present Santiponce, Seville), a huge complex area, formed by a wide open square with a main central temple, built according to the extension of the city with a new quarter in Hadrian times. Most of them, fragments of column shafts, offer very peculiar technical features: canals for metallic dowels, cavities for marble tasselli and holes for also metallic staples or cramps. All these systems had the aim of reinforce a valuable material with potential structure problems. The ensemble is unique because of the preservation of a sufficient amount of fragments that allows their complete restitution with the help of photogrammetric techniques in order to obtain three-dimensional models of the pieces and to understand the ancient technologic solutions. Even more, the practices make us reflect about technical skills and economy and organization of constructions

    The application of a schema to Late Gothic heritage : creating a digital model for a spatio-temporal study in Andalusia

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    Late Gothic architecture was produced during the late 15th and early 16th centuries in a “supranational” European context in which the rich interaction of professionals created a map of exchange with a significant impact on the territory. This historical period can therefore be viewed as a complex system shaped by the activities of various actors and phenomena. Our methodology includes geographical analysis and visualisations of historical data geolocalised primary sources ‒ and allows us to generate new hypotheses and interpretations about this historical period. This project proposes a new perspective for studying transit in Andalusia during the Modern Era, based on the creation of a digital model of Late Gothic heritage using the spatial data infrastructure currently being generated by the International Late Gothic Network (www.tardogotico.es). Our research examines four geohistorical elements ‒ roads, fluxes, buildings and professionals ‒ and uses a methodology that may have applications in the future for many fields of heritage research and management. This paper presents the initial results of this innovative way of researching cultural heritag

    Technoheritage: ciencia, tecnología y empresa al servicio del patrimonio cultural

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