56 research outputs found

    Onboarding Handbook: An Indispensable Tool for Onboarding Processes

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    Onboarding handbooks constitute a very important and powerful tool in the socialization and integration processes of recruits implemented by Human Resources. As companies compete to thrive in global markets, the attraction and retention of employees have been given much attention in recent years. One of the strategies developed by companies to achieve this goal are the so-called Onboarding Handbooks given to newcomers, serving as a means of facilitating workers’ integration into the everyday processes of the company. As a consolidated research area, many HR studies have been developed around these subjects, as these manuals have been proven to be important tools in the socialization process of the former candidate, now entering the organisational culture of a given enterprise. A literature review was developed according to the main variables of the study of Organisational Socialization processes, strategies, and methods, with special emphasis on the onboarding book. To find out if these manuals correspond to the relevant literature of HR, eight of the onboarding handbooks from several public and private organizations have been analysed following the proposed structure of onboarding handbooks presented in the literature review. In addition, purposeful sampling was followed and content analysis on the handbooks was developed. The paper’s contributions are twofold: (a) the authors suggest a complete and up-to-date structure for the contents of onboarding books to be applied by HR managers and (b) compare its structure to several manuals of different enterprises from various sectors of the Portuguese economy. Findings show that the onboarding book remains an important tool and facilitator of organisational integration. Although, the onboarding processes are changing, and even the format of the onboarding books can become different (digital or not), their contents are essential for the socialization of newcomers and a means to organisational culture dissemination as well as containing functional contents such as internal norms and regulations.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Recruitment and Selection as a Tool for Strategic Management of Organizations – El Corte Ingles Case Study

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    The main purpose of this study is to acknowledge how can recruitment process & selection be used as a strategic partner in the management of current organizations. Having as a reference an international prestigious organization recognized, El Corte Ingles, this case study will go from an analysis of the state of the art of this topic, trying to understand how to find different and innovative ways to use, whether recruitment or selection techniques, to leverage the management of intangible assets and get competitive advantage towards the various players in the market, moving on for a qualitative analysis of the case in study and the ways in which this organization uses the process of recruitment and selection, continuously, as an essential tool to achieve the organizational goals.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Employer Branding Applied to SMEs: A Pioneering Model Proposal for Attracting and Retaining Talent

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    Most business enterprises are small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and many of them are without a human resource and recruitment department. Thus, one of the challenges that organizations currently face is to find a strategy to retain and attract talent. To overcome this difficulty, enterprises must invest in employer branding policies and be aware of the factors that differentiate them from others when attracting employees. This study aims to develop an employer branding model applicable to SMEs, to increase and enhance the attraction and retention of talents. An exploratory approach based on a quantitative perspective was adopted to develop an employer branding model applied to SMEs, with two major reference employer branding models and frameworks used as the main support. The model of employer branding was applied to SMEs regarding four dimensions, whereby essential questions are asked, namely (1) organizational culture (e.g., do employees have a job description aligned with the corporate culture?), (2) company strategy (e.g., what is the strategy if business volume decreases?), (3) company reputation (e.g., how do you perceive and treat negative feedback?), and (4) reward systems (e.g., do you feel that your employees are motivated intrinsically or extrinsically or both?), ordered by layers based on a logical sequence. The new proposed model is expected to serve as a useful strategic tool and as a basis for attracting, retaining and managing talent, specifically in the SMEs context. This new model provides a set of strategic and competitiveness benefits for SMEs, while contributing to making enterprises more profitable. The model also contributes to SMEs having a better image and reputation, enabling them to stand out from others in the war for talent.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Com este trabalho pretende-se fazer uma reflexão acerca do desafio que a gestão de recursos humanos enfrenta atualmente perante a realidade organizacional de uma constante necessidade de inovação e criatividade. Podendo ser o capital humano das organizações uma das principais fontes de inovação é cada vez mais importante encontrar práticas de recursos humanos que facilitem a criatividade e o surgimento de novas ideias. Através de uma análise à moldura teórica existente, sobre práticas de recursos humanos potenciadoras da criatividade interna nas organizações e a Gamification e o seu impacto quando aplicada em contextos organizacionais verifica-se que, para além da tremenda atualidade do tema, estamos perante uma ferramenta – a Gamification - que poderá ser uma aliada poderosa da gestão de recursos humanos ao nível da motivação individual e do estabelecimento de uma cultura para a criatividade e inovação. Como corolário deste trabalho surge o CLEVER um sistema de gestão de conhecimento criado de acordo com os princípios da Gamification utilizado em contexto organizacional que nos permitiu ilustrar como, na prática, os princípios acerca dos quais refletimos ao longo do trabalho se tocam, na realidade, e como os próprios recursos humanos da empresa se sentem ao utilizarem o jogo em contexto de trabalho e de que forma essa utilização influencia o seu relacionamento com os colegas e com a própria organização. Este trabalho contribuiu para aprofundar o conhecimento acerca das práticas estratégicas de gestão de recursos humanos para a criatividade e inovação e também para um melhor entendimento do que é a Gamification e do papel que esta pode assumir nas empresas enquanto plataforma facilitadora de práticas organizacionais.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Goal – This study aims to investigate the influence of rewards on work motivation in Portuguese mercies. Method - To achieve our goal a quantitative descriptive study was carried out based on an online survey. A convenience sample of 132 collaborators of the Portuguese mercies was used. Results - The results show that intrinsic task and knowledge rewards as well as extrinsic social rewards have a positive impact on autonomous motivation. Discussion - There was no significant evidence regarding the impact of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards on controlled motivation. Having found that perceptions of intrinsic rewards are more positive than those of extrinsic rewards; and, that employees have higher levels of autonomous motivation than controlled motivation. Conclusion - The present study allowed us to assess which rewards had the greatest impact on mercies employees’ motivation, contributing to the understanding of the most appropriate instruments for an effective management of human resources motivation in these institutions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ethics and Sustainability in Hospitality Employer Branding

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    Tourism is currently one of the main sectors of profit for the worldwide economy. This study aims to explore ethics and sustainability in employer branding applied in the hotel industry, which is intended to correlate these very current and little-explored themes. This study aims to explore the investigation of these concepts that have grown, especially in the area of tourism and hospitality, as a way to better understand how the hotel sector can improve and develop strategic tools to achieve organisational success and capture the best talent. Methodologically, a Delphi method (three rounds) was performed through 26 participants recognised as experts of three major associations within the hotel industry in Portugal. As the main outcome, this research validated the Ethics and Sustainability in Hospitality Employer Branding Model, comprising three dimensions (HRM and EB Practices; Factors of business ethics and environmental sustainability; and Advantages of UH in implementing the EB strategy and RS communication) and underlying categories. Findings and practical implications to management are presented.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Goal – This study aims to investigate the influence of rewards on work motivation in Portuguese mercies. Method - To achieve our goal a quantitative descriptive study was carried out based on an online survey. A convenience sample of 132 collaborators of the Portuguese mercies was used. Results - The results show that intrinsic task and knowledge rewards as well as extrinsic social rewards have a positive impact on autonomous motivation. Discussion - There was no significant evidence regarding the impact of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards on controlled motivation. Having found that perceptions of intrinsic rewards are more positive than those of extrinsic rewards; and, that employees have higher levels of autonomous motivation than controlled motivation. Conclusion - The present study allowed us to assess which rewards had the greatest impact on mercies employees’ motivation, contributing to the understanding of the most appropriate instruments for an effective management of human resources motivation in these institutions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Strategic Talent Management: The Impact of Employer Branding on the Affective Commitment of Employees

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    In a globalization context, underlined by the speed of technological transformation and increasingly competitive markets, the perspective of human capital, as an asset of strategic importance, stands out in differentiating human resource practices. Under this reality, the employer branding (EB) concept gains more and more importance as a strategic tool to attract, retain, and involve human capital, given that this has become a source of competitive advantage to companies. Within this context, this study aimed to evaluate the relationship between employer branding strategies implemented by organizations, as well as their impact on the employee’s affective commitment, evident in certain organizational cultures, which are sustained over time. The methodological framework applied to this study is quantitative, and the data collection was carried out with the application of an employer branding and an affective commitment questionnaire. To achieve a good representation of the active population, the sample of the quantitative study was composed of 172 individuals, working in the public and private sectors in Portugal, exercising different positions in the different sectors of activity. Results obtained with these techniques indicate a high level of affective organizational commitment (AOC) of employees in the organizations surveyed, suggesting that affective commitment develops when the individual becomes involved and identifies with the organization.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Em plena Era do Conhecimento, o conhecimento e a capacidade de o criar e utilizar é uma das mais importantes fontes de vantagem competitiva para as organizações, nesse sentido, pareceunos importante compreender o que é o conhecimento, de que forma este se pode gerir e como é que as organizações aprendem, analisando ainda de que forma a gestão do conhecimento pode potenciar a estratégia da organização com vista à criação de vantagem competitiva sustentada.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    This study performs a literature review into employer branding, from a traditional perspective to a current digital approach. As we are now living in a Digital Age, and the new work generations are already born digital it is crucial to find ways to communicate with them. Employer Branding concept, although it has been around for a few years, it is still a concept with a lot to explore, in the sense of strengthening the relationship between the departments that deal with it and, above all, the search for tools needed to disseminate it. This study intends to facilitate that path, by presenting an exhaustive literature review of both, concept and models of Employer Branding, as a way to promote the research in the area.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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