208 research outputs found

    Understanding the experience of psychopathology after intimate partner violence: The role of personality

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    Objectives: To fully understand the dynamics of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) it is necessary to understand the role of personality. The current understanding of which personality characteristics are associated with IPV victimization is, however, far from comprehensive. Given this gap in the literature, our objective was to examine the associations between the dimensions of the psychobiological model of personality and psychopathological symptoms in women who had experienced IPV. Methods: Using a case-control design, a group of women who had experienced IPV and who were living in shelters ( Results: Victims of IPV showed significantly higher levels of Harm Avoidance and Self-Transcendence, and lower levels of Reward Dependence and Self-Directedness, than the non-IPV control group. Victims of IPV also reported elevated levels of psychopathological symptoms. Personality dimensions showed a broadly consistent pattern of associations across different psychopathological symptoms. A regression analysis indicated that Novelty Seeking was negatively associated with psychopathological symptoms in victims of IPV, but not significantly associated in non-victims. Conclusions: The study highlights the important role of Harm Avoidance and Self-Directedness for understanding psychopathological symptoms. Novelty Seeking appears to play an important role in the expression of individuals\u27 experiences of IPV. These results have important implications for research and practice, particularly the development and implementation of interventions

    Descrição da biodiversidade terrestre dos Açores

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    Os Açores constituem um arquipélago de nove ilhas oceânicas isoladas, onde os organismos terrestres chegaram através do vento, do mar, noutros animais e, nos tempos históricos, com a ajuda humana. Este capítulo analisa de forma detalhada aquilo que se conhece sobre a biodiversidade terrestre dos Açores. Para tal analisámos os quatro grandes grupos de organismos listados no capítulo 4: Bryophyta (musgos, antocerotas e hepáticas), Pteridophyta e Spermatophyta (fetos e fanerogâmicas), Mollusca (lesmas e caracóis) e Arthropoda (centopeias, diplópodes, crustáceos, aranhas, ácaros, insectos, etc.). O número total de espécies e/ou subespécies dos Açores pertencentes aos quatro grupos de organismos acima referidos é de cerca de 3705 (3666 espécies e 224 subespécies). No entanto, adicionando outros grupos como os vertebrados (Chordata, Vertebrata), anelídeos (Annelida), nemátodos (Nematoda) e líquenes, aquele número sobe para 4487 espécies e/ou subspecies (4443 espécies e 232 subespécies). O número total de espécies e/ou subespécies endémicas dos Açores pertencentes aos Bryophyta, Pteridophyta, Spermatophyta, Mollusca e Arthropoda totaliza as 393 (384 espécies e 44 subespécies). Os filos animais são os mais diversos em taxa endémicos (Mollusca = 49; Arthropoda = 267), com cerca de 80 % dos endemismos dos Açores. Deve ser ainda de assinalar a elevada percentagem de endemismo nos caracóis e lesmas (Mollusca) terrestres dos Açores, com cerca de 44% de endemismo. As plantas vasculares possuem 68 endemismos e os briófitos 9. Usando um estimador não paramétrico, a estimativa conservadora da riqueza de taxa endémicos terrestres de briófitos, plantas vasculares, moluscos e artrópodes rondará 530 taxa, pelo que apenas 77% dos endemismos dos Açores serão conhecidos. Em apenas alguns géneros se verificou uma taxa de especiação elevada, na sua maior parte pertencentes aos filos Mollusca e Arthropoda. A maior parte das espécies de artrópodes e moluscos endémicos são conhecidas apenas de uma ilha, enquanto que, nas plantas, uma grande fracção das espécies ocorre na maioria das ilhas. A análise das proporções das várias categorias de colonização mostra que uma grande proporção da phanerofauna de artrópodes e da flora de plantas vasculares do arquipélago é constituída por espécies introduzidas. Deste modo, as invasões por espécies exóticas constituem um problema actual e terão impactos futuros na biodiversidade dos Açores, criando um padrão de uniformização da fauna e flora. Os Açores constituem o arquipélago da Macaronésia geologicamente mais recente, estando situado mais a norte. As suas nove ilhas isoladas no meio do oceano Atlântico possuem uma grande diversidade de histórias geológicas e constituem laboratórios ecológicos e evolutivos extraordinários. Torna-se cada vez mais importante um esforço adicional nos estudos de taxonomia e ecologia de comunidades que envolvam o estudo de grupos taxonómicos mal conhecidos (fungos, líquenes, muitos grupos de artrópodes) mas também a revisão taxonómica de muitas espécies de briófitos e plantas vasculares.ABSTRACT: The Azores is a remote oceanic archipelago of nine islands where the terrestrial organisms arrived by wind, on the sea, on other animals and on historical times by human assistance. This chapter highlights what we know about Azorean terrestrial biodiversity. Four important terrestrial taxonomic groups listed in Chapter 4 are analysed in detail: Bryophyta (mosses, liverworts), Pteridophyta and Spermatophyta (ferns and phanerogamics), Mollusca (slugs and snails) and Arthropoda (millipedes, centipedes, mites, spiders, insects, etc.). Currently the total number of terrestrial species and/or subspecies of the above mentioned organisms in the Azores is estimated of about 3705 (3666 species and 224 subspecies). However, if we add other groups like vertebrates (Chordata, Vertebrata), annelids (Annelida), nematodes (Nematoda) and lichens, this number reaches 4487 species and/or subspecies (4443 species and 232 subspecies). The total number of endemic species and/or subspecies from the Azores belonging to Bryophyta, Pteridophyta, Spermatophyta, Mollusca and Arthropod is about 393 (384 species and 44 subspecies). The animals Phyla are the most diverse in endemic taxa (Mollusca = 49; Arthropoda = 267), comprising about 80% of the Azorean endemics. The percentage of endemismo within Mollusca (44%) is remarkable. Vascular plants have 68 endemic species while bryophytes have 9 endemics. Using a non-parametric estimator we obtained a conservative estimate for endemic Azorean terrestrial vascular plants, bryophytes, molluscs and arthropods around 530 taxa, which mean that only about 77% have already been described. In only some genera there was a substantial inter and intra-island speciation, most cases occurring in Mollusca and Arthropoda. Most of the endemic arthropods and molluscs are known in only one island, whereas in plants a large proportion of species occur in most islands. Na analysis of the proportions of the colonization categories in arthropods and vascular plants shows that a major proportion of the species are introduced. Therefore, invasions of alien organisms are an actual and future environmental threat in the Azores, creating a pattern of biotic homogenization that is of great contemporary concern. The Azores is the northernmost and the most recent Macaronesian archipelago. The nine islands, isolated in the middle of the Atlantic, with different geological histories, are wonderful ecological and evolutionary laboratories. An additional effort on taxonomic and community-level research implies the detailed examination of poorly studied groups (fungi, lichens, many arthropod groups), but a revision of the taxonomic status of many bryophyte and vascular plants is also deeply needed

    Genomic variation in baboons from central Mozambique unveils complex evolutionary relationships with other Papio species

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    Background: Gorongosa National Park in Mozambique hosts a large population of baboons, numbering over 200 troops. Gorongosa baboons have been tentatively identified as part of Papio ursinus on the basis of previous limited morphological analysis and a handful of mitochondrial DNA sequences. However, a recent morphological and morphometric analysis of Gorongosa baboons pinpointed the occurrence of several traits intermediate between P. ursinus and P. cynocephalus, leaving open the possibility of past and/or ongoing gene flow in the baboon population of Gorongosa National Park. In order to investigate the evolutionary history of baboons in Gorongosa, we generated high and low coverage whole genome sequence data of Gorongosa baboons and compared it to available Papio genomes. Results: We confirmed that P. ursinus is the species closest to Gorongosa baboons. However, the Gorongosa baboon genomes share more derived alleles with P. cynocephalus than P. ursinus does, but no recent gene flow between P. ursinus and P. cynocephalus was detected when available Papio genomes were analyzed. Our results, based on the analysis of autosomal, mitochondrial and Y chromosome data, suggest complex, possibly male-biased, gene flow between Gorongosa baboons and P. cynocephalus, hinting to direct or indirect contributions from baboons belonging to the “northern” Papio clade, and signal the presence of population structure within P. ursinus. Conclusions: The analysis of genome data generated from baboon samples collected in central Mozambique highlighted a complex set of evolutionary relationships with other baboons. Our results provided new insights in the population dynamics that have shaped baboon diversity

    Effects of PI and PIII Snake Venom Haemorrhagic Metalloproteinases on the Microvasculature: A Confocal Microscopy Study on the Mouse Cremaster Muscle

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    The precise mechanisms by which Snake Venom Metalloproteinases (SVMPs) disrupt the microvasculature and cause haemorrhage have not been completely elucidated, and novel in vivo models are needed. In the present study, we compared the effects induced by BaP1, a PI SVMP isolated from Bothrops asper venom, and CsH1, a PIII SVMP from Crotalus simus venom, on cremaster muscle microvasculature by topical application of the toxins on isolated tissue (i.e., ex vivo model), and by intra-scrotal administration of the toxins (i.e., in vivo model). The whole tissue was fixed and immunostained to visualize the three components of blood vessels by confocal microscopy. In the ex vivo model, BaP1 was able to degrade type IV collagen and laminin from the BM of microvessels. Moreover, both SVMPs degraded type IV collagen from the BM in capillaries to a higher extent than in PCV and arterioles. CsH1 had a stronger effect on type IV collagen than BaP1. In the in vivo model, the effect of BaP1 on type IV collagen was widespread to the BM of arterioles and PCV. On the other hand, BaP1 was able to disrupt the endothelial barrier in PCV and to increase vascular permeability. Moreover, this toxin increased the size of gaps between pericytes in PCV and created new gaps between smooth muscle cells in arterioles in ex vivo conditions. These effects were not observed in the case of CsH1. In conclusion, our findings demonstrate that both SVMPs degrade type IV collagen from the BM in capillaries in vivo. Moreover, while the action of CsH1 is more directed to the BM of microvessels, the effects of BaP1 are widespread to other microvascular components. This study provides new insights in the mechanism of haemorrhage and other pathological effects induced by these toxins

    Facial-aging mobile apps for smoking prevention in secondary schools in Brazil : appearance-focused interventional study.

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    Background: Most smokers start smoking during their early adolescence, often with the idea that smoking is glamorous. Interventions that harness the broad availability of mobile phones as well as adolescents' interest in their appearance may be a novel way to improve school-based prevention. A recent study conducted in Germany showed promising results. However, the transfer to other cultural contexts, effects on different genders, and implementability remains unknown. Objective: In this observational study, we aimed to test the perception and implementability of facial-aging apps to prevent smoking in secondary schools in Brazil in accordance with the theory of planned behavior and with respect to different genders. Methods: We used a free facial-aging mobile phone app (?Smokerface?) in three Brazilian secondary schools via a novel method called mirroring. The students? altered three-dimensional selfies on mobile phones or tablets and images were ?mirrored? via a projector in front of their whole grade. Using an anonymous questionnaire, we then measured on a 5-point Likert scale the perceptions of the intervention among 306 Brazilian secondary school students of both genders in the seventh grade (average age 12.97 years). A second questionnaire captured perceptions of medical students who conducted the intervention and its conduction per protocol. Results: The majority of students perceived the intervention as fun (304/306, 99.3%), claimed the intervention motivated them not to smoke (289/306, 94.4%), and stated that they learned new benefits of not smoking (300/306, 98.0%). Only a minority of students disagreed or fully disagreed that they learned new benefits of nonsmoking (4/306, 1.3%) or that they themselves were motivated not to smoke (5/306, 1.6%). All of the protocol was delivered by volunteer medical students. Conclusions: Our data indicate the potential for facial-aging interventions to reduce smoking prevalence in Brazilian secondary schools in accordance with the theory of planned behavior. Volunteer medical students enjoyed the intervention and are capable of complete implementation per protocol