320 research outputs found

    Comparison of genotype- and haplotype-based approaches for fine-mapping of alcohol dependence using COGA data

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    It is generally assumed that the detection of disease susceptibility genes via fine-mapping association study is facilitated by consideration of marker haplotypes. In this study, we compared the performance of genotype-based and haplotype-based association studies using the Collaborative Study of Genetics of Alcoholism dataset, on several chromosomal regions showing evidence for linkage with ALDX1. After correction for multiple testing, the most significant results were observed with the genotype-based analyses on two regions of chromosomes 2 and 7. Interestingly, the analyses results from this dataset showed that there was no advantage of the haplotype-based analyses over genotype-based (single-locus) analyses. However, caution should be taken when generalizing these results to other chromosomal regions or to other populations

    Image-Guided Hypofractionated Radiosurgery of Large and Complex Brain Lesions

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    Hypofractionated radiosurgery either through frame or image guidance has emerged as the most important area of research and development for intracranial and extracranial radiosurgery. In this chapter, we focused on discussions of three state-of-the-art platforms: Frame- and Image-Guided Gamma Knife, Robotic X-Band Cykerknife, and Flattening-Filter-Free intensity-modulated S-band medical linear accelerators. Practical principles with detailed workflow and clinical implementations are presented in a systematic approach. With rapid evolvement of both hardware and software in the realm of delivering hypofractionated radiosurgery, this chapter aims to offer a reader physical clarity on judging and balancing of achieving high-precision and high-quality treatments with practical examples and guidelines on intracranial applications

    Genome-wide linkage analysis of systolic blood pressure slope using the Genetic Analysis Workshop 13 data sets

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    Systolic blood pressure (SBP) is an age-dependent complex trait for which both environmental and genetic factors may play a role in explaining variability among individuals. We performed a genome-wide scan of the rate of change in SBP over time on the Framingham Heart Study data and one randomly selected replicate of the simulated data from the Genetic Analysis Workshop 13. We used a variance-component model to carry out linkage analysis and a Markov chain Monte Carlo-based multiple imputation approach to recover missing information. Furthermore, we adopted two selection strategies along with the multiple imputation to deal with subjects taking antihypertensive treatment. The simulated data were used to compare these two strategies, to explore the effectiveness of the multiple imputation in recovering varying degrees of missing information, and its impact on linkage analysis results. For the Framingham data, the marker with the highest LOD score for SBP slope was found on chromosome 7. Interestingly, we found that SBP slopes were not heritable in males but were for females; the marker with the highest LOD score was found on chromosome 18. Using the simulated data, we found that handling treated subjects using the multiple imputation improved the linkage results. We conclude that multiple imputation is a promising approach in recovering missing information in longitudinal genetic studies and hence in improving subsequent linkage analyses

    Application of bivariate mixed counting process models to genetic analysis of rheumatoid arthritis severity

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    We sought to i) identify putative genetic determinants of the severity of rheumatoid arthritis in the NARAC (North American Rheumatoid Arthritis Consortium) data, ii) assess whether known candidate genes for disease status are also associated with disease severity in those affected, and iii) determine whether heterogeneity among the severity phenotypes can be explained by genetic and/or host factors. These questions are addressed by developing bivariate mixed-counting process models for numbers of tender and swollen joints to evaluate genetic association of candidate polymorphisms, such as DRB1, and selected single-nucleotide polymorphisms in known candidate genes/regions for rheumatoid arthritis, including PTPN22, and those in the regions identified by a genome-wide linkage scan of disease severity using the dense Illumina single-nucleotide polymorphism panel. The counting process framework provides a flexible approach to account for the duration of rheumatoid arthritis, an attractive feature when modeling severity of a disease. Moreover, we found a gain in efficiency when using a bivariate compared to a univariate counting process model

    Respiration-Induced Intraorgan Deformation of the Liver: Implications for Treatment Planning in Patients Treated With Fiducial Tracking.

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    Stereotactic body radiation therapy is a well-tolerated modality for the treatment of primary and metastatic liver lesions, and fiducials are often used as surrogates for tumor tracking during treatment. We evaluated respiratory-induced liver deformation by measuring the rigidity of the fiducial configuration during the breathing cycle. Seventeen patients, with 18 distinct treatment courses, were treated with stereotactic body radiosurgery using multiple fiducials. Liver deformation was empirically quantified by measuring the intrafiducial distances at different phases of respiration. Data points were collected at the 0%, 50%, and 100% inspiration points, and the distance between each pair of fiducials was measured at the 3 phases. The rigid body error was calculated as the maximum difference in the intrafiducial distances. Liver disease was calculated with Child-Pugh score using laboratory values within 3 months of initiation of treatment. A peripheral fiducial was defined as within 1.5 cm of the liver edge, and all other fiducials were classified as central. For 5 patients with only peripheral fiducials, the fiducial configuration had more deformation (average maximum rigid body error 7.11 mm, range: 1.89-11.35 mm) when compared to patients with both central and peripheral and central fiducials only (average maximum rigid body error 3.36 mm, range: 0.5-9.09 mm, P = .037). The largest rigid body errors (11.3 and 10.6 mm) were in 2 patients with Child-Pugh class A liver disease and multiple peripheral fiducials. The liver experiences internal deformation, and the fiducial configuration should not be assumed to act as a static structure. We observed greater deformation at the periphery than at the center of the liver. In our small data set, we were not able to identify cirrhosis, which is associated with greater rigidity of the liver, as predictive for deformation. Treatment planning based only on fiducial localization must take potential intraorgan deformation into account

    Improving plan quality and consistency by standardization of dose constraints in prostate cancer patients treated with CyberKnife.

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    Treatment plans for prostate cancer patients undergoing stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) are often challenging due to the proximity of organs at risk. Today, there are no objective criteria to determine whether an optimal treatment plan has been achieved, and physicians rely on their personal experience to evaluate the plan's quality. In this study, we propose a method for determining rectal and bladder dose constraints achievable for a given patient's anatomy. We expect that this method will improve the overall plan quality and consistency, and facilitate comparison of clinical outcomes across different institutions. The 3D proximity of the organs at risk to the target is quantified by means of the expansion-intersection volume (EIV), which is defined as the intersection volume between the target and the organ at risk expanded by 5 mm. We determine a relationship between EIV and relevant dosimetric parameters, such as the volume of bladder and rectum receiving 75% of the prescription dose (V75%). This relationship can be used to establish institution-specific criteria to guide the treatment planning and evaluation process. A database of 25 prostate patients treated with CyberKnife SBRT is used to validate this approach. There is a linear correlation between EIV and V75% of bladder and rectum, confirming that the dose delivered to rectum and bladder increases with increasing extension and proximity of these organs to the target. This information can be used during the planning stage to facilitate the plan optimization process, and to standardize plan quality and consistency. We have developed a method for determining customized dose constraints for prostate patients treated with robotic SBRT. Although the results are technology specific and based on the experience of a single institution, we expect that the application of this method by other institutions will result in improved standardization of clinical practice

    Genome-wide association analyses of North American Rheumatoid Arthritis Consortium and Framingham Heart Study data utilizing genome-wide linkage results

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    The power of genome-wide association studies can be improved by incorporating information from previous study findings, for example, results of genome-wide linkage analyses. Weighted false-discovery rate (FDR) control can incorporate genome-wide linkage scan results into the analysis of genome-wide association data by assigning single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) specific weights. Stratified FDR control can also be applied by stratifying the SNPs into high and low linkage strata. We applied these two FDR control methods to the data of North American Rheumatoid Arthritis Consortium (NARAC) study and the Framingham Heart Study (FHS), combining both association and linkage analysis results. For the NARAC study, we used linkage results from a previous genome scan of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) phenotype. For the FHS study, we obtained genome-wide linkage scores from the same 550 k SNP data used for the association analyses of three lipids phenotypes (HDL, LDL, TG). We confirmed some genes previously reported for association with RA and lipid phenotypes. Stratified and weighted FDR methods appear to give improved ranks to some of the replicated SNPs for the RA data, suggesting linkage scan results could provide useful information to improve genome-wide association studies
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