28 research outputs found

    Characterization of miniature fiber-optic Fabry-Perot interferometric sensors based on hollow silica tube

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    Sejatinya, Islam Nusantara bukanlah sesuatu yang baru. Penebalan kata “Nusantara” yang dikawinkan dengan “Islam” bukan hanya menegaskan nama, melainkan juga karakter untuk menunjukkan corak atau warna dari sebuah entitas yang heterogen. Keragaman sebagai salah satu tipologi Islam Nusantara adalah buah dari pergumulan panjang antara agama dan budaya; antara teks dengan konteks yang saling melengkapi satu sama lain sehingga menelurkan Islam yang ramah, inklusif dan fleksibel. Berangkat dari pijakan epistemologis dan historis, artikel ini coba menyuguhkan diskursus lama yang kembali mencuat di seputaran pertengahan tahun 2015 seiring dengan dihelatnya Muktamar dua ormas besar: NU dan Muhammadiyah. Hadirnya artikel ini sebetulnya juga ingin menjawab kasak-kusuk yang menuding bahwa Islam Nusantara hanya identik dengan kaum Nahdliyin. Sehingga term Islam Nusantara tidak lain dianggap sebagai nama baru dariIslam tradisionalis.Essentially, Islam Nusantara isn’t a new phenomenon. Bolding of both “Nusantara” with “Islam” not only affirmation about name but also character to show type or colour from the heterogenous entity. Diversity as one of Islam Nusantara typology is the result of a long struggle between religionand culture; between text and context that complement each other so that Islam spawned a friendly, inclusive and flexible. Start from the historical and epistemological approach, this article try to presents a classical discourse the back sticking around mid-2015 in line with the holding of the congress two major organizations: NU and Muhammadiyah. Actually, the presence o fthis article is also want to answer the rumors that accuse Islam Nusantara only synonymous with the Nahdliyin. Thus, Islam Nusantara considered as the new name of traditionalism Islam.</p

    An LC Wireless Passive Pressure Sensor Based on Single-Crystal MgO MEMS Processing Technique for High Temperature Applications

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    An LC wireless passive pressure sensor based on a single-crystalline magnesium oxide (MgO) MEMS processing technique is proposed and experimentally demonstrated for applications in environmental conditions of 900 °C. Compared to other high-temperature resistant materials, MgO was selected as the sensor substrate material for the first time in the field of wireless passive sensing because of its ultra-high melting point (2800 °C) and excellent mechanical properties at elevated temperatures. The sensor mainly consists of inductance coils and an embedded sealed cavity. The cavity length decreases with the applied pressure, leading to a monotonic variation in the resonant frequency of the sensor, which can be retrieved wirelessly via a readout antenna. The capacitor cavity was fabricated using a MgO MEMS technique. This MEMS processing technique, including the wet chemical etching and direct bonding process, can improve the operating temperature of the sensor. The experimental results indicate that the proposed sensor can stably operate at an ambient environment of 22–900 °C and 0–700 kPa, and the pressure sensitivity of this sensor at room temperature is 14.52 kHz/kPa. In addition, the sensor with a simple fabrication process shows high potential for practical engineering applications in harsh environments

    An In-Line Fiber Optic Fabry–Perot Sensor for High-Temperature Vibration Measurement

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    An in-line fiber optic Fabry–Perot (FP) sensor for high-temperature vibration measurement is proposed and experimentally demonstrated in this paper. We constructed an FP cavity and a mass on single-mode fibers (SMFs) by fusion, and together they were inserted into a hollow silica glass tube (HST) to form a vibration sensor. The radial dimension of the sensor was less than 500 μm. With its all-silica structure, the sensor has the prospect of measuring vibration in high-temperature environments. In our test, the sensor had a resonance frequency of 165 Hz. The voltage sensitivity of the sensor system was about 11.57 mV/g and the nonlinearity was about 2.06%. The sensor could work normally when the temperature was below 500 °C, and the drift of the phase offset point with temperature was 0.84 pm/°C

    An arc tangent function demodulation method of fiber-optic Fabry-Perot high-temperature pressure sensor

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    Abstract A new demodulation algorithm of the fiber-optic Fabry-Perot cavity length based on the phase generated carrier (PGC) is proposed in this paper, which can be applied in the high-temperature pressure sensor. This new algorithm based on arc tangent function outputs two orthogonal signals by utilizing an optical system, which is designed based on the field-programmable gate array (FPGA) to overcome the range limit of the original PGC arc tangent function demodulation algorithm. The simulation and analysis are also carried on. According to the analysis of demodulation speed and precision, the simulation of different numbers of sampling points, and measurement results of the pressure sensor, the arc tangent function demodulation method has good demodulation results: 1 MHz processing speed of single data and less than 1% error showing practical feasibility in the fiber-optic Fabry-Perot cavity length demodulation of the Fabry-Perot high-temperature pressure sensor

    An Accelerometer Based on All Silica In-Line Fiber Fabry-Perot Etalon for High Temperature up to 800 °C

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    High-temperature accelerometers have been widely used in aerospace, nuclear reactors, automobile technologies, etc. In this paper, a fiber-optic Fabry–Perot accelerometer (FOFPA) with a cantilever beam for high temperature is designed and experimentally demonstrated. The FOFPA is formed by bonding an all-silica in-line fiber Fabry–Perot etalon (ILFFPE) to one surface of the uniform cantilever beam with the lumped mass at the free end for acceleration measurement. The all silica in-line fiber FP etalon is made by welding two gold-coat single-mode fiber (GSMF) and a hollow silica glass tube (HST). The research results indicate that the sensitivity of the FOFPA is 0.02328rad/g, and the resonance frequency is 1146.6 Hz in the range of 1 g ~ 10 g. The high-temperature performance of the FOFPA was also evaluated. From 20 °C to 800 °C, the temperature drift is about 0.3178 nm/°C. The FOFPA has the potential of being applicable in higher temperatures compared to conventional accelerometers

    Diaphragm-Free Fiber-Optic Fabry-Perot Interferometric Gas Pressure Sensor for High Temperature Application

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    A diaphragm-free fiber-optic Fabry-Perot (FP) interferometric gas pressure sensor is designed and experimentally verified in this paper. The FP cavity was fabricated by inserting a well-cut fiber Bragg grating (FBG) and hollow silica tube (HST) from both sides into a silica casing. The FP cavity length between the ends of the SMF and HST changes with the gas density. Using temperature decoupling method to improve the accuracy of the pressure sensor in high temperature environments. An experimental system for measuring the pressure under different temperatures was established to verify the performance of the sensor. The pressure sensitivity of the FP gas pressure sensor is 4.28 nm/MPa with a high linear pressure response over the range of 0.1–0.7 MPa, and the temperature sensitivity is 14.8 pm/°C under the range of 20–800 °C. The sensor has less than 1.5% non-linearity at different temperatures by using temperature decoupling method. The simple fabrication and low-cost will help sensor to maintain the excellent features required by pressure measurement in high temperature applications

    A Wide-Range Displacement Sensor Based on Plastic Fiber Macro-Bend Coupling

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    This paper proposes the strategy of fabricating an all fiber wide-range displacement sensor based on the macro-bend coupling effect which causes power transmission between two twisted bending plastic optical fibers (POF), where the coupling power changes with the bending radius of the fibers. For the sensor, a structure of two twisted plastic fibers is designed with the experimental platform that we constructed. The influence of external temperature and displacement speed shifts are reported. The displacement sensor performance is the sensor test at different temperatures and speeds. The sensor was found to be satisfactory at both room temperature and 70 °C when the displacement is up to 140 mm. The output power is approximately linear to a displacement of 110 mm–140 mm under room temperature and 2 mm/s speed at 19.805 nW/mm sensitivity and 0.12 mm resolution. The simple structure of the sensor makes it reliable for other applications and further utilizations, promising a bright future

    Recent Progress of Nanodiamond Film in Controllable Fabrication and Field Emission Properties

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    The interest in the field electron emission cathode nanomaterials is on the rise due to the wide applications, such as electron sources, miniature X-ray devices, display materials, etc. In particular, nanodiamond (ND) film is regarded as an ideal next-generation cathode emitter in the field emission devices, due to the low or negative electron affinity, small grain size, high mechanical hardness, low work function, and high reliability. Increasing efforts are conducted on the investigation of the emission structures, manufacturing cost, and field emission properties improvement of the ND films. This review aims to summarize the recent research, highlight the new findings, and provide a roadmap for future developments in the area of ND film electron field emitter. Specially, the optimizing methods of large-scale, high-quality, and cost-effective synthesis of ND films are discussed to achieve more stable surface structure and optimal physical properties. Additionally, the mainstream strategies applied to produce high field emission performance of ND films are analyzed in detail, including regulating the grain size/boundary, hybrid phase carbon content, and doping element/type of ND films; meanwhile, the problems existing in the related research and the outlook in this area are also discussed

    A MEMS-Based High-Fineness Fiber-Optic Fabry&ndash;Perot Pressure Sensor for High-Temperature Application

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    In this paper, a high-fineness fiber-optic Fabry&ndash;Perot high-temperature pressure sensor, based on MEMS technology, is proposed and experimentally verified. The Faber&ndash;Perot cavity of the pressure sensor is formed by the anodic bonding of a sensitive silicon diaphragm and a Pyrex glass; a high-fineness interference signal is obtained by coating the interface surface with a high-reflection film, so as to simplify the signal demodulation system. The experimental results show that the pressure sensitivity of this sensor is 55.468 nm/MPa, and the temperature coefficient is 0.01859 nm/&deg;C at 25~300 &deg;C. The fiber-optic pressure sensor has the following advantages: high fineness, high temperature tolerance, high consistency and simple demodulation, resulting in a wide application prospect in the field of high-temperature pressure testing

    Miniature All-Silica Microbubble-Based Fiber Optic Fabry-Perot Pressure Sensor with Pressure Leading-In Tube

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    A novel all-silica fiber optic Fabry-Perot (FP) pressure sensor with pressure leading-in tube based on microbubble structure is developed and experimentally demonstrated. The FP cavity is formed by fixing the end face of the single-mode fiber (SMF) parallel to the outer surface of the microbubble, in which the microbubble with a diameter of about 318 μm is constructed at the end of silica hollow tube. When external pressure is transmitted on the inner surface of the microbubble by the pressure leading-in tube, the FP cavity length changes with the diameter of microbubble. Experimental results show that such a sensor has a linear sensitivity of approximately 4.84 nm/MPa at room temperature over the pressure range of 1.1 MPa; the sensor has a very low temperature coefficient of approximately 2 pm/°C from room temperature to 600°C. The sensor has advantages of extremely low temperature coefficient, compact structure, and small size, which has potential applications for measuring pressure in high-temperature environment