76 research outputs found

    A Computational Approach to Finding Novel Targets for Existing Drugs

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    Repositioning existing drugs for new therapeutic uses is an efficient approach to drug discovery. We have developed a computational drug repositioning pipeline to perform large-scale molecular docking of small molecule drugs against protein drug targets, in order to map the drug-target interaction space and find novel interactions. Our method emphasizes removing false positive interaction predictions using criteria from known interaction docking, consensus scoring, and specificity. In all, our database contains 252 human protein drug targets that we classify as reliable-for-docking as well as 4621 approved and experimental small molecule drugs from DrugBank. These were cross-docked, then filtered through stringent scoring criteria to select top drug-target interactions. In particular, we used MAPK14 and the kinase inhibitor BIM-8 as examples where our stringent thresholds enriched the predicted drug-target interactions with known interactions up to 20 times compared to standard score thresholds. We validated nilotinib as a potent MAPK14 inhibitor in vitro (IC50 40 nM), suggesting a potential use for this drug in treating inflammatory diseases. The published literature indicated experimental evidence for 31 of the top predicted interactions, highlighting the promising nature of our approach. Novel interactions discovered may lead to the drug being repositioned as a therapeutic treatment for its off-target's associated disease, added insight into the drug's mechanism of action, and added insight into the drug's side effects

    1α,25(OH)2-3-Epi-Vitamin D3, a Natural Physiological Metabolite of Vitamin D3: Its Synthesis, Biological Activity and Crystal Structure with Its Receptor

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    Background: The 1 alpha,25-dihydroxy-3-epi-vitamin-D(3) (1 alpha,25(OH)(2)-3-epi-D(3)), a natural metabolite of the seco-steroid vitamin D(3), exerts its biological activity through binding to its cognate vitamin D nuclear receptor (VDR), a ligand dependent transcription regulator. In vivo action of 1 alpha,25(OH)(2)-3-epi-D(3) is tissue-specific and exhibits lowest calcemic effect compared to that induced by 1 alpha,25(OH)(2)D(3). To further unveil the structural mechanism and structure-activity relationships of 1 alpha,25(OH)(2)-3-epi-D3 and its receptor complex, we characterized some of its in vitro biological properties and solved its crystal structure complexed with human VDR ligand-binding domain (LBD). Methodology/Principal Findings: In the present study, we report the more effective synthesis with fewer steps that provides higher yield of the 3-epimer of the 1 alpha,25(OH)(2)D(3). We solved the crystal structure of its complex with the human VDR-LBD and found that this natural metabolite displays specific adaptation of the ligand-binding pocket, as the 3-epimer maintains the number of hydrogen bonds by an alternative water-mediated interaction to compensate the abolished interaction with Ser278. In addition, the biological activity of the 1 alpha,25(OH)(2)-3-epi-D(3) in primary human keratinocytes and biochemical properties are comparable to 1 alpha,25(OH)(2)D(3). Conclusions/Significance: The physiological role of this pathway as the specific biological action of the 3-epimer remains unclear. However, its high metabolic stability together with its significant biologic activity makes this natural metabolite an interesting ligand for clinical applications. Our new findings contribute to a better understanding at molecular level how natural metabolites of 1 alpha,25(OH)(2)D(3) lead to significant activity in biological systems and we conclude that the C3-epimerization pathway produces an active metabolite with similar biochemical and biological properties to those of the 1 alpha,25(OH)(2)D(3)

    The Exstrophy-epispadias complex

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    Exstrophy-epispadias complex (EEC) represents a spectrum of genitourinary malformations ranging in severity from epispadias (E) to classical bladder exstrophy (CEB) and exstrophy of the cloaca (EC). Depending on severity, EEC may involve the urinary system, musculoskeletal system, pelvis, pelvic floor, abdominal wall, genitalia, and sometimes the spine and anus. Prevalence at birth for the whole spectrum is reported at 1/10,000, ranging from 1/30,000 for CEB to 1/200,000 for EC, with an overall greater proportion of affected males. EEC is characterized by a visible defect of the lower abdominal wall, either with an evaginated bladder plate (CEB), or with an open urethral plate in males or a cleft in females (E). In CE, two exstrophied hemibladders, as well as omphalocele, an imperforate anus and spinal defects, can be seen after birth. EEC results from mechanical disruption or enlargement of the cloacal membrane; the timing of the rupture determines the severity of the malformation. The underlying cause remains unknown: both genetic and environmental factors are likely to play a role in the etiology of EEC. Diagnosis at birth is made on the basis of the clinical presentation but EEC may be detected prenatally by ultrasound from repeated non-visualization of a normally filled fetal bladder. Counseling should be provided to parents but, due to a favorable outcome, termination of the pregnancy is no longer recommended. Management is primarily surgical, with the main aims of obtaining secure abdominal wall closure, achieving urinary continence with preservation of renal function, and, finally, adequate cosmetic and functional genital reconstruction. Several methods for bladder reconstruction with creation of an outlet resistance during the newborn period are favored worldwide. Removal of the bladder template with complete urinary diversion to a rectal reservoir can be an alternative. After reconstructive surgery of the bladder, continence rates of about 80% are expected during childhood. Additional surgery might be needed to optimize bladder storage and emptying function. In cases of final reconstruction failure, urinary diversion should be undertaken. In puberty, genital and reproductive function are important issues. Psychosocial and psychosexual outcome depend on long-term multidisciplinary care to facilitate an adequate quality of life

    Getting More Out of Less - A Quantitative Serological Screening Tool for Simultaneous Detection of Multiple Influenza A Hemagglutinin-Types in Chickens

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    Current avian influenza surveillance in poultry primarily targets subtypes of interest for the veterinary sector (H5, H7). However, as virological and serological evidence suggest, surveillance of additional subtypes is important for public health as well as for the poultry industry. Therefore, we developed a protein microarray enabling simultaneous identification of antibodies directed against different HA-types of influenza A viruses in chickens. The assay successfully discriminated negative from experimentally and naturally infected, seropositive chickens. Sensitivity and specificity depended on the cut-off level used but ranged from 84.4% to 100% and 100%, respectively, for a cut off level of =1:40, showing minimal cross reactivity. As this testing platform is also validated for the use in humans, it constitutes a surveillance tool that can be applied in human-animal interface studies

    Disorders of sex development: effect of molecular diagnostics

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    Disorders of sex development (DSDs) are a diverse group of conditions that can be challenging to diagnose accurately using standard phenotypic and biochemical approaches. Obtaining a specific diagnosis can be important for identifying potentially life-threatening associated disorders, as well as providing information to guide parents in deciding on the most appropriate management for their child. Within the past 5 years, advances in molecular methodologies have helped to identify several novel causes of DSDs; molecular tests to aid diagnosis and genetic counselling have now been adopted into clinical practice. Occasionally, genetic profiling of embryos prior to implantation as an adjunct to assisted reproduction, prenatal diagnosis of at-risk pregnancies and confirmatory testing of positive results found during newborn biochemical screening are performed. Of the available genetic tests, the candidate gene approach is the most popular. New high-throughput DNA analysis could enable a genetic diagnosis to be made when the aetiology is unknown or many differential diagnoses are possible. Nonetheless, concerns exist about the use of genetic tests. For instance, a diagnosis is not always possible even using new molecular approaches (which can be worrying for the parents) and incidental information obtained during the test might cause anxiety. Careful selection of the genetic test indicated for each condition remains important for good clinical practice. The purpose of this Review is to describe advances in molecular biological techniques for diagnosing DSDs

    Treatment of Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine whether therapeutic amniocentesis may improve outcomes in patients with twin-twin transfusion syndrome. METHODS: Thirteen patients with possible twin-twin transfusion syndrome were evaluated for treatment. Therapeutic amniocenteses were performed on nine, and four patients were managed conservatively depending on the clinical severity of the twin-twin transfusion syndrome. RESULTS: Therapeutic amniocenteses resolved the syndrome in three of nine cases, with an overall neonatal survival rate of 83.3% (15 of 18) and neonatal morbidity of 53.3% (eight of 15) among the survivors. The survival rate in patients with expectant management was 75% (six of eight), with a neonatal morbidity of 33.3% (two of six). An association between amniotic fluid status and fetal outcomes was observed. Patients with normalization of polyhydramniosoligohydramnios had the best outcomes. CONCLUSION: Early, aggressive amniocentesis may be an effective therapy for twin-twin transfusion syndrome. Therapeutic amniocentesis may have the capability to alter inter-fetal blood flow, possibly as a result of changes in intravascular pressure, which are related to changes in intra-amniotic pressure

    Fetal Atrial Septal Aneurysm. Prenatal Diagnosis by Ultrasonography

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess prenatal diagnosis by ultrasonography in five cases of fetal atrial septal aneurysm. STUDY DESIGN: Five cases of fetal atrial septal aneurysm were diagnosed prenatally by ultrasound. Postpartum fetal cardiac echocardiography was performed in three of five infants from the first to the fourth day of life. The medical records of the five cases were reviewed and analyzed after delivery. RESULTS: Echocardiograms confirmed atrial septal aneurysm in two of the three neonates. One of the two infants was also found to have a patent foramen ovale, and the other infant had patent duct arteriosis in addition to a patent foramen ovale. Two had fetal cardiac arrythmias that resolved after birth. CONCLUSION: Atrial septal aneurysm in fetuses may be a natural transition in spontaneous closure of the associated patent foramen ovale or septal defect. The same phenomenon has been found in children and infants. Due to the uniqueness of the fetal circulation, atrial septal aneurysm may predispose to fetal arrythmias

    Prenatal Diagnosis of Fetal Bladder and Cloacal Exstrophy by Ultrasound. A report of three cases

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    BACKGROUND: Bladder and cloacal exstrophy can be diagnosed with prenatal ultrasound. CASES: Three cases of bladder and cloacal exstrophy were diagnosed prenatally by ultrasound and confirmed at birth. The ultrasound findings were a soft tissue mass in the lower abdominal wall (which appeared larger and more heterogeneous in cloacal exstrophy than in bladder exstrophy), absent bladder, malformation of the external genitalia and normal kidneys along with normal amniotic fluid volume. CONCLUSION: Prenatal diagnosis of these defects will allow appropriate referrals prior to birth
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