62 research outputs found

    Kepentingan Brazil Menjadi Tuan Rumah Piala Dunia Fifa 2014

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    This research describes about the interests of Brazil in 2014 FIFA World Cup event. World Cup is one of the sporting events that is highly anticipated by many people because football itself is a very popular sport. 2014 FIFA World Cup hosted by Brazil raised many pros and cons about the ability of Brazil to host the mega sport event. Many Brazilians even protest against the world cup because they think that is just waste of money.The research was conducted using library research methods where the data and information obtained from sources which are relevant to the problem of this research. The study would be analyzed with mercantilism perspective, rational choice theory by Stephen M. Walt and the concept of national interest by Donald E. Nuechterlein.The result of the research shows that Brazil have national interest to achieve by hosting 2014 FIFA world cup. Economically, the government of Brazil hopes Brasil will get great income from tourist visits during the world cup and make Brasil become a tourist destination country. Politically, the government want to increase the prestige of the country by organizing the event successfully. This chance is also used by President of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff to win the presidential election in Brazil.Keywords : National Interest, World Cup, FIF

    Persepsi Terhadap Perilaku Senior Selama Kaderisasi Dan Kohesivitas Kelompok Mahasiswa Tahun Pertama

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara persepsi terhadap perilaku senior selama kaderisasi dengan kohesivitas kelompok mahasiswa tahun pertama. Kohesivitas kelompok adalah daya tarik emosional yang dirasakan oleh individu terhadap mahasiswa jurusan X. Persepsi terhadap perilaku senior selama kaderisasi adalah penilaian mahasiswa tahun pertama terhadap perilaku senior selama proses proses persiapan calon pemimpin mahasiswa jurusan X. Populasi penelitian yaitu seluruh mahasiswa tahun pertama jurusan X sebanyak 185 mahasiswa. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 119 mahasiswa dengan menggunakan teknik simple random sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan dua buah skala psikologi yaitu skala persepsi terhadap perilaku senior selama kaderisasi (37 aitem; α = 0,97) dan skala kohesivitas kelompok (21 aitem; α = 0,83). Metode analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ialah analisis regresi sederhana. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan terdapat hubungan positif yang signifikan antara persepsi terhadap perilaku senior selama kaderisasi dengan kohesivitas kelompok (rxy = 0,62; p < 0,001). Semakin positif persepsi terhadap perilaku senior selama kaderisasi, maka semakin tinggi kohesivitas kelompok, dan sebaliknya

    Dynamic Analysis on the Safety Criteria of the Conceptual Core Design in MTR-type Research Reactor

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    One of thehigh-priority research activities in BATAN is designing a new MTR-type research reactor with a new fuel. The core follows a compact core model that consists of 16 fuels and 4 control rods. The increasing heat flux at the fuel will cause the temperature of the fuel and cladding to increase so that the coolant flow rate needs tobe increased. However, the coolant flow rate in the fuel element is limited by the thermal-hydraulic stability in the core. Therefore, dynamic analysis is important in evaluating the design and operation of nuclear reactor safety. The objective of this research work is to carry out a dynamic analysis for a conceptual MTR research reactor core fuelled with the low-enrichment U9Mo-Al dispersion. The calculations were performed using WIMSD-5B, Batan-2DIFF, Batan-3DIFF, POKDYN, and MTRDYN codes. Steady-state thermal-hydraulic parameters and dynamic analysis were determined using the MTRDYN code. The calculation results show that the maximum temperatures of the coolant, cladding, and fuel meat with the uranium density of 3.96 g cm-3 are 76.01 °C, 192.02 °C, and 196.24 °C, respectively. The maximum value of fuel meat temperature for safety limit is 210 °C, which means that the maximum temperatures fulfill the design limit, and therefore the reactor operates safely at the nominal power. The dynamic analysis shows that inherent safety can protect the reactor operation when insertion of reactivity occurs in the core

    The Influence of Product Innovation and Enterprise Risk Management to Increase Firm Value with Culture as a Moderation Variable

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    The goal of this research paper is looking for advantage of product innovation, application of enterprise risk management and culture in supporting the sustainability of the company to increase fair value. Methodology The paper provides based on seconder data, the data were collected from annual report company, which listed in idx.com. This method was proposed how to use descriptive statistic linear regression and measure the correlation among product innovation, enterprise risk management, culture and firm value. Findings Data analysis revealed that if product innovation and enterprise risk management have significant influent to fair value. Culture has in grey area influent to increase firm value of the company. Keywords Product Innovation, Enterprise Risk Management, Culture, Fair Value. DOI: 10.7176/JESD/10-14-14 Publication date:July 31st 201

    Safety Analysis of the TRIGA 2000 U3Si2-Al Fuel Core Under Reactivity Insertion Accidents

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    TheTRIGA 2000 reactor in Bandung is planned to change its fuel type from the TRIGA fuel rod type to the U3Si2-Al plate type of low enriched uranium of 19.75 % with uranium density of 2.96 gU/cc. A study on the neutronic parameters from the equilibrium core has been done. To ensure safe operation of the new fuel,  thermodynamic evaluation of the core needs to be done. The purpose of this study is to conduct a reactor safety analysis of reactivity insertion during withdrawal of the control rod and to study the effect of this reactivity insertion on the power and the maximum temperature of the fuel and the cladding. Reactivity insertion accident is the main factor of the design basis accidents in nuclear reactor design. A simulation of transient for reactivity insertion has been carried out using a coupled neutronic and thermal-hydraulic MTR-DYN code. The code was developed based on three-dimensional multigroup neutron diffusion theory. The coupled space and time-dependent problem were solved by adiabatic model. Transient analysis was performed for a reactivity insertion of 32.33 pcm/s with the assumption that all of the control rods were rapidly withdrawn. For the insertion at a low power of 100 W, the maximum power achieved was 2.74 MW while a maximum power of 2.3 MW was achieved for the power transient of 1 MW. The maximum temperature of the coolant, the cladding, and the fuel for TRIGA 2000 core does not exceed the allowable safety limit for reactivity insertions

    Neutronic and Thermal-Hydraulic Safety Analysis for the Optimization of the Uranium Foil Target in the RSG-GAS Reactor

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    The G. A. Siwabessy Multipurpose Reactor (Reaktor Serba Guna G.A. Siwabessy, RSG-GAS) has an average thermal neutron flux of 2×1014 neutron/(cm2 sec) at the nominal power of 30 MW. With such a high thermal neutron flux, the reactor is suitable for the production of Mo-99 which is widely used as a medical diagnostic radioisotope. This paper describes a safety analysis to determine the optimum LEU foil target by using a coupled neutronic and thermal-hydraulic code, MTR-DYN. The code has been developed based on the three-dimensional multigroup neutron diffusion theory. The best estimated results can be achieved by using a coupled neutronic and thermal-hydraulic code. The calculation results show that the optimum LEU foil target is 54 g corresponding to the reactivity change of less than the limit value of 500 pcm. From the safety analysis for the case when the primary flow rate decreased by 15% from its nominal value, it was found that the peak temperatures of the coolant and cladding are 69.5°C and 127.9°C, respectively. It can be concluded that the optimum LEU foil target can be irradiated safely without exceeding the limit value.Received: 10 December 2015; Revised: 2 August 2016; Accepted: 4 August 201

    Validasi Paket Program Nodal3 Untuk Kasus Statis Benchmark Teras Reaktor Pwr

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    VALIDASI PAKET PROGRAM NODAL3 UNTUK KASUS STATIS TERAS BENCHMARK REAKTOR PWR. Persamaan difusi neutron dengan metode nodal telah menjadi metode standar dalam perhitungan parameter neutronik teras reaktor daya air ringan, seperti reaktor air bertekanan (PWR) atau air mendidih (BWR), karena waktu komputasi yang cepat dan hasilnya akurat. Paket program NODAL3 telah dikembangkan untuk menyelesaikan persamaan difusi neutron dengan metode nodal polinom (PNM) dalam geometri 3-dimensi (3-D). Validasi hasil perhitungan NODAL3 untuk kasus statis teras benchmark reaktor PWR (Pressurized Water Reactor), seperti IAEA-2D, BIBLIS, KOEBERG dan IAEA-3D, disajikan dalam penelitian ini. Teras benchmark yang dipilih mewakili kasus 2-D dan 3-D dan mempunyai karaktristik yang berbeda, sehingga dapat menentukan keakuratan NODAL3 dari aspek neutronik yang luas. Parameter neutronik statis yang dihitung adalah faktor perlipatan efektif, keff, faktor puncak daya (FPD) dan profil distribusi FPD ke arah aksial. Dibandingkan dengan acuan, hasil perhitungan NODAL3 menunjukkan bahwa untuk nilai keff terdapat perbedaan maksimum sebesar 0,006% (Δk). Sedangkan untuk FPD radial dan FPD aksial maksimum, selisih maksimum dengan acuan masing-masing sebesar -0,006 dan 0,051. Untuk kasus 3-D, hasil perhitungan NODAL3 konsisten dengan hasil perhitungan paket program nodal tervalidasi PARCS dan NESTLE. Riset ini menunjukkan bahwa akurasi paket program NODAL3 dalam menghitung parameter neutronik teras benchmark reaktor PWR, baik kasus 2-D dan 3-D, menunjukkan hasil yang sangat memuaskan. Oleh karena itu, paket program NODAL3 siap untuk diaplikasikan dalam analisis neutronik reaktor PWR yang riil

    Pengaruh Kombinasi Proses Pretreatment (Koagulasi-Flokulasi) dan Membran Reverse Osmosis untuk Pengolahan Air Payau

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    In general, Riau coastal communities difficult to get clean water because the water resources in the coastal areas of brackish water is not to be used for everyday life. Therefore, the necessary technology for processing brackish water into clean water. This research aims to determine the performance of the process of coagulation-flocculation and reverse osmosis membrane on processing brackish water into clean water. Reverse osmosis membrane used is a type of spiral wound measuring 0,0001 μm and coagulant used PAC coagulant. In this study, the variable used is the concentration of PAC coagulant and reverse osmosis membrane operating pressure. Experiment result obtained the optimum condition of PAC coagulant concentration is 150 mg/L, which PAC can be designated turbidity up to 88.46% and 91.84% hardness. At a pressure of 8 bar, permeate flux preceded by coagulation-flocculation of 25.81 L/m2.jam. Rejection coefficient at a pressure of 8 bar brackish water after coagulation-flocculation had 98.72% of TDS; 96.99% of turbidity; 97.62% of organic substances; 96.37% of hardness and 92.4% chloride

    Uji Antagonisme Beberapa Jamur Saprofit Dan Endofit Dari Tanaman Pisang Terhadap Fusarium Oxysporum F.sp. Cubens Di Laboratorium

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    This research aims to know antagonism of saprophytic and endophytic fungi against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubens in Laboratory. The research was conducted at Plant Disease Laboratory, Agroecotechnology Program Study, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sumatera Utara Medan from May to September 2014. It was done by using Completely Randomized Design (CRD) non factorial with seventeen treatments and three replications. The results showed all the saprophytic fungi (Gliocladium sp. and Acrostalagmus sp.) and endophytic fungi (Cephalosporium sp,. Pullularia sp., Aspergillus sp., Penicilium sp., Trichoderma sp. and Hormiscium sp.) potential as biological agents to control F. oxysporum f. sp. cubens in vitro. The best results obtained on Pullularia sp. with the ability to inhibit 60.577%. Interactions between saprophytic and endophytic fungi against F. oxysporum f. sp. cubens causing the hyphae of F. oxysporum f. sp. cubens malformations and lysis
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