721 research outputs found

    Legiones y Falanges: prensa populista y literatura

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    Addressing people in order to enforce their power is a common feature of different political parties and governments, regardless of whether they are right wing or left wing, and, in this process, the press plays a crucial role. In this context, the bilingual publication Legioni e Falangi. Rivista d’Italia e di Spagna/Legiones y Falanges. Revista mensual de Italia y de España (1940–43) is a paradigmatic example. Some of the most important intellectuals of the time, including Azorín, Manuel Machado and Gerardo Diego, wrote in this magazine, facing historical reality of Fascism and Francoism and generating unexpected results.Apelar al pueblo para establecer su propio poder es un rasgo común de partidos y gobiernos de diverso signo ideológico, sin distinción de derecha o izquierda, y, en este proceso, el papel desempeñado por la prensa es decisivo. Dentro de este marco, un ejemplo paradigmático está representado por la publicación bilingüe Legioni e Falangi. Rivista d’Italia e di Spagna/Legiones y Falanges. Revista mensual de Italia y de España (1940–43), en la cual algunos de los intelectuales mayores de la época – entre los cuales destacan Azorín, Manuel Machado y Gerardo Diego –se enfrentan a la realidad histórica de los autoritarismos fascista y franquistadando vida a resultados imprevistos.Libro publicado gracias al apoyo de la Facultad de Filología de la Universidad de Łódź, del Instituto de Estudios Románicos y de Stowarzyszenie Nauczycieli Akademickich na Rzecz Krzewienia Kultury Języków Europejskic

    Tides of Public Archaeology: Reseeding the Banke, 1985–2006

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    In the late 20th century, archaeological botanical and ethnobotanical studies supported Strawbery Banke Museum’s interpretations of reconstructed landscapes. Curatorial and archaeological research expanded the comparative study collections of ceramics, glass, and personal-adornment artifacts, and encouraged decorative- arts scholars and archaeologists to use the collections for their research, publication, and programming. Field schools, study groups, and rotating archaeological exhibits were created annually to communicate current research. Internships, summer camps, and school programs introduced the public to archaeology and the diverse history of members of the waterfront community. With the commitment of the curators and the museum director, the program was staffed with archaeologists, interns, and community volunteers. The program adapted to its current role as a 21st-century historic-sites museum as institutional goals change

    Multi Layer Analysis

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    This thesis presents a new methodology to analyze one-dimensional signals trough a new approach called Multi Layer Analysis, for short MLA. It also provides some new insights on the relationship between one-dimensional signals processed by MLA and tree kernels, test of randomness and signal processing techniques. The MLA approach has a wide range of application to the fields of pattern discovery and matching, computational biology and many other areas of computer science and signal processing. This thesis includes also some applications of this approach to real problems in biology and seismology

    Sport participation for people with disabilities: Examining perceived constraints to participation in sport

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    The aim of this paper is to investigate the constraints, or barriers, that people with disabilities (PwDs) perceive as factors related to their participation in sport and recreation activities. An electronic questionnaire was administered through email via a regional disability advocacy and programming organization and was completed by PwDs with varying levels and types of disability. The questionnaire included questions related to three different dimensions of constraint: intrapersonal, interpersonal, and structural, as well as subdimensions within the structural constraint. From the data analysis, five different conclusions were drawn: 1) The interpersonal constraint was the most commonly cited constraint. 2) The community/organization subdimension of structural constraints is the most commonly experienced. 3) There is a positive correlation between the presence of all three dimensions of constraints. 4) There are negative correlations between satisfaction levels and equipment availability and between the desire to participate and the presence of structural constraints. 5) Researchers were unable to identify a statistical gender significance in relation to barriers; however, there were differences in how each gender ranked different types of constraints. These findings are relevant to industry professionals with regard to identifying programming that may help to negotiate through these constraints, as well as to future researchers with regard to further exploring these constraints through qualitative research Future research should consider the limitations of the study, which include the use of a relatively old model of constraints, the low response rate through electronic delivery, and the lack of controls for other factors relating to constraints, especially socioeconomic status

    An Open Letter to the Political Science Community

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    In 2003, the American Political Science Association (APSA) selected New Orleans as the site for its 2012 annual meeting. In 2004, 78 percent of Louisiana voters (including 54 percent in Orleans Parish) passed the following amendment to their state constitution: Marriage in the state of Louisiana shall consist only of the union of one man and one woman. No official or court of the state of Louisiana shall construe this constitution or any state law to require that marriage or the legal incidents thereof be conferred upon any member of a union other than the union of one man and one woman. A legal status identical or substantially similar to that of marriage for unmarried individuals shall not be valid or recognized. No official or court of the state of Louisiana shall recognize any marriage contracted in any other jurisdiction which is not the union of one man and one woman

    Costruire e rappresentare le identità. La linguistica come mediatrice fra politiche identitarie e identità del parlante

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    Lo scopo del contributo è riflettere sul ruolo di mediazione che la linguistica può avere nel complesso rapporto fra le politiche linguistiche e le concrete pratiche discorsive dei parlanti. Il lavoro è diviso in due parti. Nella prima ci si concentrerà sul modo in cui il concetto di «identità» è stato affrontato nella ricerca linguistica nel corso del xx secolo. Nella seconda alcuni possibili modelli di rappresentazione delle complesse costruzioni identitarie emerse nel corso delle inchieste della sezione sociovariazionale dell’Atlante Linguistico della Sicilia (ALS), con particolare riferimento alle domande che indagano sulla percezione dei confini linguistici.Our paper aims at reflecting upon the mediation role that linguistics could play concerning the relationship between language policies and concrete speakers’ discourse practices. The paper is divided into two parts. The first one focuses on the concept of «identity» within Linguistics throughout 20th century. The second part deals with some possible models which may be employed in order to represent the construction of speakers’ identity as it may be observed within the interviews of the Linguistic Atlas of Sicily (ALS)

    Methemoglobinemia Associated with Late-Onset Neonatal Sepsis: A Single-Center Experience

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    Objective â Methemoglobinemia (MetHb) is a rare congenital or acquired cause of infantile cyanosis. We examined the role of MetHb in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Study Design â A retrospective observational study was conducted reviewing blood gas analyses of hospitalized newborns over a 2-year period. MetHb-positive patients (MetHb >1.8%) were matched with a control group for gestational age, weight, disease, and illness severity at admission. Maternal, neonatal, clinical, and laboratory parameters were collected and analyzed in both groups. Results â MetHb incidence was 6%. The mean MetHb in the case group was 7.2%, and the first positive samples were observed at a mean of 22 days of life, 6 days prior to clinical or culture-proven sepsis. We identified low maternal age (31 vs. 34 years; p = 0.038), sepsis (90 vs. 45%; p = 0.022), and protracted parenteral nutrition (46 vs. 23 days; p = 0.013) as risk factors for MetHb, and early minimal enteral feeding as protective factor (12th vs. 9th day; p = 0.038). Conclusion â MetHb has a high occurrence in NICU and can be a helpful prognostic indicator of an infectious process. Understanding and prompt identification of MetHb can allow pediatricians to implement a life-saving therapy

    Rappresentare le spazialità complesse. L’esperienza dell’ALS (Atlante linguistico della Sicilia)

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    Dans cet article, nous nous occuperons des données quantitatives et qualitatives recueillies durant les vingt-cinq dernières années en Sicile. Ces données ont été collectées dans le cadre d’une enquête sur le terrain de grande ampleur qui a intéressé la Sicile entière dans le contexte des activités de l’Atlas linguistique de la Sicile (ALS). En particulier, nous observerons les données sur la perception et sur la représentation des différences linguistiques recueillies à travers trois questions du questionnaire ALS. Nous présenterons aussi une proposition de cartographie pluridimensionnelle de ces données. Pour l’analyse, l’interprétation et la cartographie des données nous avons élaboré un modèle analytique qui permet, à la fois, d’intégrer la micro et la macro-analyse et de considérer les aspects qualitatifs et quantitatifs des phénomènes linguistiques. L’article est centré sur le phénomène particulier des dichotomies oppositionnelles linguistico-pragmatiques relevées dans le corpus ALS. Il s’agit de processus de représentation à travers lesquels les locuteurs opposent les niveaux d’espace/territoire, langue et idéologie, dans le moment où ils identifient le pôle de la différence linguistique. Au cœur de ce nouveau modèle il y a l’idée d’espace vécu qui est le résultat des expériences linguistiques des locuteurs par rapport à l’extension unidimensionnelle de l’espace physique. Le modèle cartographique de cette complexe série de données vise à obtenir des informations spécifiques dans la dimension linguistique et dans la dimension de l’espace vécu cognitif.In this paper, we will deal with quantitative and qualitative data collected throughout the last quarter of the 20th century in Sicily. We will focus on the mapping of the latest sociolinguistic results obtained by means of an ample investigation, and then included in the Linguistic Atlas of Sicily (ALS). In ALS, we have the chance to observe data on the perception and representation of linguistic differences collected through three questions contained in ALS questionnaire. In order to fulfill this task, the researchers worked on the theorization of new analytical models, able to integrate micro and macro analysis and considering at the same time both the qualitative and the quantitative aspects of the linguistic phenomena. In the article the particular phenomenon of “dichotomies opposing linguistic and pragmatic” collected in ALS corpus is kept under observation. It is a representation of the processes speakers use to put in opposition the levels of space/territory, language, ideology as they identify a linguistic difference. At the core of the new model lies the idea of a lived space, i.e. the result of the native speaker linguistic biographical experiences compared with the unidimensional extension of the physical space. Lived space could be described in terms of social salience, which has its mutually related in the linguistic salience. By means of mapping, the aim is to obtain specific information on the linguistic dimension, physical—and cognitive—spaces. The accurate information is certainly included in the mapping process and it also represents a fundamental element of it

    Il modello della competenza variazionale nell’Italiano L2. Un case study all’Università di Palermo con studenti sinofoni

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    L’articolo è aperto da una sezione teorica nella quale si presenta il modello didattico della Scuola di Lingua italiana per stranieri (ItaStra) dell’Università di Palermo, o «macro-modello variazionale». Nella successiva ed ultima sezione, dedicata all’indagine, l’efficacia del modello viene messa alla prova attraverso l’analisi comparativa di testi scritti di studenti sinofoni di Italiano prodotti in contesto prima LS poi L2. Più nello specifico, con la prima parte si definisce e si motiva l’impostazione variazionale e connessionista-simulativa del macro-modello. Esso nasce dal connubio epistemico tra scienze cognitive da un lato e sociolinguistica e linguistica variazionale dall’altro. Competenza (neo)variazionale, attenzione al contesto, sensibilità al pluri-/multilinguismo, ne sono i caposaldi. In tale quadro, la lingua di arrivo è concepita come universo funzionalmente correlato alle variabili sociali, declinato nella dimensione virtuale o cognitiva della grammatica e in quella degli usi nella comunità di pratica. L’obiettivo primario del macro-modello è dunque la capacità di sapere utilizzare, e negli stadi più avanzati anche analizzare, l’universale linguistico agendo sugli interlocutori (compe tenza pragmatica) e adeguando gli usi al contesto (appropriatezza comunicativa). Nella seconda sezione viene condotta una analisi comparativa di due corpora di testi scritti di un campione composto da tre studenti sinofoni di italiano di diversi livelli di competenza del QCER. Sono universitari della Sichuan International Studies University (SISU) di Chongqing in residenza di studio di un anno. I testi sono stati prodotti in contesto LS nella parte finale del semestre accademico in Cina, e in contesto L2 a conclusione della residenza a Palermo. L’analisi comparativa nei livelli linguistici e nelle dimensioni della testualità ha consentito di verificare il gap in termini di migliore performance tra i due corpora e ha fornito indicazioni sull’efficacia del modello che paiono parecchio significative


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    Il presente studio prende le mosse dalla considerazione preliminare secondo la quale mediante l’analisi dei modelli culturali ideologicamente orientati di una determinata epoca è possibile promuovere un processo di autocritica e, conseguentemente, di riappropriazione e ricodifica di un patrimonio collettivo in grado di favorire una più consapevole produzione e una più partecipativa ricezione dei discorsi fondamentali nell’era della cosiddetta post-truth. Oggetto della ricerca è la scrittura letteraria nella rivista bilingue Legioni e Falangi. Rivista d’Italia e di Spagna/Legiones y Falanges. Revista mensual de Italia y de España, che si pubblica parallelamente, in Italia e in Spagna, tra il 1940 e il 1943 e rappresenta un esempio paradigmatico del ruolo svolto dalla stampa come arma di lotta a servizio della manipolazione ideologica. Infatti, con l’esplicito intento di divulgare e sostenere la dottrina politica comune ai due Paesi, plasmandone i paradigmi culturali, la rivista ingloba, al suo interno, un gran numero di articoli che si discostano dai contenuti politici e cronachistici, focalizzandosi su teatro, cinema, arte e, soprattutto, letteratura. L’ampia sezione letteraria, concepita, in primo luogo, come veicolo propagandistico, si arricchisce di contributi creativi che, in una costante ibridazione di generi e tendenze, si fanno espressione latente di possibili spazi di dissidente conflittualità. Focalizzandosi sui contributi letterari, pertanto, si mette pienamente a fuoco il processo di assimilazione che il sistema egemonico tenta costantemente di realizzare per aggiudicarsi, tramite l’adesione – reale o apparente, cosciente o incosciente – degli intellettuali tradizionalmente non omologati ad alcuna una lettura politica, il consenso del pubblico di lettori e della massa nel suo complesso. Per interpretare la realtà poliedrica della scrittura letteraria all’interno della rivista, l’analisi dei testi è svolta adottando un approccio metodologico olistico e trasversale, in grado di coniugare parametri teorici provenienti dalla narratologia, dai Media Studies e dagli Studi Culturali. In definitiva, prendendo le distanze dalle letture critiche tradizionali, il presente lavoro si prefigge di offrire un’interpretazione alternativa della produzione letteraria spagnola presente sulla stampa di regime degli anni Quaranta, svelandone i dissidi irrisolti non solo sul piano individuale, bensì in relazione al meccanismo pervasivo di controllo della cultura svolto dal sistema dominante