47 research outputs found

    Substantial Dysregulation of miRNA Passenger Strands Underlies the Vascular Response to Injury

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    Vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) dedifferentiation is a common feature of vascular disorders leading to pro-migratory and proliferative phenotypes, a process induced through growth factor and cytokine signaling cascades. Recently, many studies have demonstrated that small non-coding RNAs (miRNAs) can induce phenotypic effects on VSMCs in response to vessel injury. However, most studies have focused on the contribution of individual miRNAs. Our study aimed to conduct a detailed and unbiased analysis of both guide and passenger miRNA expression in vascular cells in vitro and disease models in vivo. We analyzed 100 miRNA stem loops by TaqMan Low Density Array (TLDA) from primary VSMCs in vitro. Intriguingly, we found that a larger proportion of the passenger strands was significantly dysregulated compared to the guide strands after exposure to pathological stimuli, such as platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) and IL-1α. Similar findings were observed in response to injury in porcine vein grafts and stent models in vivo. In these studies, we reveal that the miRNA passenger strands are predominantly dysregulated in response to vascular injury

    Regulation and function of miR-214 in pulmonary arterial hypertension

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    Dysregulation of miRNAs can contribute to the aetiology of diseases including pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). Here we investigated a potential role for the miR-214 stem loop miRNA and the closely linked miR-199a miRNAs in PAH. All 4 miRNAs were upregulated in the lung and right ventricle in mice and rats exposed to the SU 5416 hypoxia model of PAH. Further, expression of the miRNAs was increased in PASMCs exposed to TGF-β1 but not BMP4. We then examined miR-214-/- mice exposed to the SU 5416 hypoxia model of PAH or normoxic conditions and littermate controls. There were no changes in systolic right ventricular pressure or remodelling observed between the miR-214-/- and WT hypoxic groups. However, we observed a significant increase in right ventricular hypertrophy in hypoxic miR-214-/- male mice compared to controls. Further, we identified that the validated miR-214 target phosphatase and tensin homolog was upregulated in miR-214-/- mice. Thus, miR-214 stem loop loss leads to elevated right ventricular hypertrophy and may contribute to the heart failure associated with PAH

    The Human-Specific and Smooth Muscle Cell-Enriched LncRNA SMILR Promotes Proliferation by Regulating Mitotic CENPF mRNA and Drives Cell-Cycle Progression Which Can Be Targeted to Limit Vascular Remodeling.

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    RATIONALE: In response to blood vessel wall injury, aberrant proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells (SMCs) causes pathological remodeling. However, the controlling mechanisms are not completely understood. OBJECTIVE: We recently showed that the human long noncoding RNA, SMILR, promotes vascular SMCs proliferation by a hitherto unknown mechanism. Here, we assess the therapeutic potential of SMILR inhibition and detail the molecular mechanism of action. METHODS AND RESULTS: We used deep RNA-sequencing of human saphenous vein SMCs stimulated with IL (interleukin)-1α and PDGF (platelet-derived growth factor)-BB with SMILR knockdown (siRNA) or overexpression (lentivirus), to identify SMILR-regulated genes. This revealed a SMILR-dependent network essential for cell cycle progression. In particular, we found using the fluorescent ubiquitination-based cell cycle indicator viral system that SMILR regulates the late mitotic phase of the cell cycle and cytokinesis with SMILR knockdown resulting in ≈10% increase in binucleated cells. SMILR pulldowns further revealed its potential molecular mechanism, which involves an interaction with the mRNA of the late mitotic protein CENPF (centromere protein F) and the regulatory Staufen1 RNA-binding protein. SMILR and this downstream axis were also found to be activated in the human ex vivo vein graft pathological model and in primary human coronary artery SMCs and atherosclerotic plaques obtained at carotid endarterectomy. Finally, to assess the therapeutic potential of SMILR, we used a novel siRNA approach in the ex vivo vein graft model (within the 30 minutes clinical time frame that would occur between harvest and implant) to assess the reduction of proliferation by EdU incorporation. SMILR knockdown led to a marked decrease in proliferation from ≈29% in controls to ≈5% with SMILR depletion. CONCLUSIONS: Collectively, we demonstrate that SMILR is a critical mediator of vascular SMC proliferation via direct regulation of mitotic progression. Our data further reveal a potential SMILR-targeting intervention to limit atherogenesis and adverse vascular remodeling

    Smooth muscle enriched long non-coding RNA (SMILR) regulates cell proliferation

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    Background—Phenotypic switching of vascular smooth muscle cells from a contractile to a synthetic state is implicated in diverse vascular pathologies, including atherogenesis, plaque stabilization, and neointimal hyperplasia. However, very little is known about the role of long noncoding RNA (lncRNA) during this process. Here, we investigated a role for lncRNAs in vascular smooth muscle cell biology and pathology. Methods and Results—Using RNA sequencing, we identified >300 lncRNAs whose expression was altered in human saphenous vein vascular smooth muscle cells following stimulation with interleukin-1α and platelet-derived growth factor. We focused on a novel lncRNA (Ensembl: RP11-94A24.1), which we termed smooth muscle–induced lncRNA enhances replication (SMILR). Following stimulation, SMILR expression was increased in both the nucleus and cytoplasm, and was detected in conditioned media. Furthermore, knockdown of SMILR markedly reduced cell proliferation. Mechanistically, we noted that expression of genes proximal to SMILR was also altered by interleukin-1α/platelet-derived growth factor treatment, and HAS2 expression was reduced by SMILR knockdown. In human samples, we observed increased expression of SMILR in unstable atherosclerotic plaques and detected increased levels in plasma from patients with high plasma C-reactive protein. Conclusions—These results identify SMILR as a driver of vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation and suggest that modulation of SMILR may be a novel therapeutic strategy to reduce vascular pathologies

    In vivo imaging of gene silencing control and the RNA electroporation

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    Ces travaux de thèse d’imagerie moléculaire et translationnelle proposent, sur des modèles murins, deux approches innovantes pour les thérapies géniques. La plupart des cancers sont associés à des dérégulations de l’expression génique et certains gènes sont surexprimés. L’utilisation de microARN (miARN) permet d’envisager une réduction de l’expression d’un gène spécifique mais il est nécessaire de limiter cette inhibition au tissu pathologique. L’utilisation des promoteurs thermo-inductibles couplés à un dépôt local de chaleur autorise un contrôle spatial et temporel de l’expression génique in vivo. Notre projet a été de coupler le contrôle spatio-temporel et l’inhibition d’un gène cible. A cette fin, un miARN synthétique a été placé sous contrôle du promoteur thermo-inductible Hsp70B pour induire l’inhibition d’un gène d’imagerie (luciférase firefly) surexprimé dans une tumeur. L’étude a été menée in vitro sur des lignées cellulaires génétiquement modifiées puis in vivo sur un modèle de xénogreffes chez la souris grâce au suivi en imagerie optique de bioluminescence (BLI). Nos résultats montrent la faisabilité d’induire transitoirement l’inhibition génique au sein d’une tumeur. L’induction est modulable par la température. Cette stratégie peut être couplée à des méthodes couramment utilisées en clinique et ouvre des perspectives thérapeutiques intéressantes. Notre travail de thèse s’intéresse également à l’utilisation d’ARN comme molécule thérapeutique pour la thérapie génique. L’électroporation intra-dermique d’ARN codant pour la luciférase permet de suivre et de quantifier in vivo par BLI l’expression génique. Plusieurs types d’ARN ont été utilisés pour comparer les efficacités respectives des différentes voies traductionnelles. Notre travail démontre que les ARN permettent l’expression transitoire, sans risque d’insertion génomique, d’un gène in vivo. Nous montrons ainsi tout le potentiel de l’utilisation des ARN en thérapie génique.The present thesis work in molecular and translational imaging establishes two innovative approaches for gene therapy in mouse models. Abnormal regulation of gene expression is the hallmark of cancer, and some of them are overexpressed. MicroRNA (miRNA) can be used as tools to reduce specific gene expression but requires inhibition to be limited to the pathological tissue. Thermo-inducibles promoters associated with local hyperthermia allow for spatial and temporal control of gene expression in vivo. The goal of the present study was to achieve gene inhibition with spatio-temporal control of miRNA expression to inhibit a target gene. In our strategy, a synthetic miRNA was placed under transcriptional control of the heat-inducible promoter Hsp70B to induce inhibition of the imaging reporter gene firefly luciferase overexpressed in a tumor. The study was conducted both in vitro using genetically modified cells lines and in vivo using a xenograft model in mice monitored by optical bioluminescence imaging (BLI). Our data show the feasibility of transient induction and heat-modulation of gene inhibition within a tumor. This strategy can be performed with currently clinically available methods and thus, offers interesting therapeutics prospects. Our work also includes a study on RNA as therapeutic vector for gene therapy. The intradermic electroporation of RNA encoding the imaging reporter gene firefly luciferase allows to monitor and quantify gene expression by BLI in vivo. Several types of RNA have been used to investigate efficiency of the different translational mechanisms. Our data clearly demonstrate that RNA allows for transient gene expression in vivo without any risk of insertion into the target cell’s genome. Altogether, our data highlight the potential use of RNA in gene therapy

    Pratiques plastiques contemporaines dans l'espace public urbain : pour quelles publicités ?

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    http://disciplines.ac-montpellier.fr/arts-plastiques/pratiques-plastiques-contemporaines-dans-l-espace-public-urbain-pour-quelles-publicitesNational audienceQuelles relations les œuvres entretiennent-elles avec l’espace de la cité ? Servent-elles des intérêts et lesquels ? A travers l’analyse contextuelle et plastique de « Women are heroes » de JR, « Art less pollution » d’Alexandre Orion et d’un des spectacles lumières des Anooki de Moetu Battle et David Passegand, il est question de s’interroger sur ce que publient ces œuvres dans la ville et sur les enjeux d’un tel processus

    Couleurs actuelles : manifestations colorées et poïétique de l’œuvre.

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    National audienceCette étude considère la couleur dans l’œuvre du point de vue du créateur dont le parti pris artistique est de rendre visible l’œuvre selon une esthétique de la manifestation de la couleur. Comment intègre-t-il la manifestation colorée comme matériau et sujet de l’œuvre ? Quelle poïétique ? Quelle logique ? L’artiste expérimente la matière. Il agit sur elle pour induire des réponses plastiques ; il observe et répertorie les manifestations colorées en fonction des actes induits. Le principe est de mettre en corrélation les phénomènes colorés avec des actions sur la matière pour planifier des pratiques d’éduction

    Street art in situ: Dispositifs plastiques, narration et valeurs, pour quelle contre-culture ?

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    Programme du colloque en ligne : https://art-contre-cult.sciencesconf.org/data/pages/contre_culture.pdfInternational audienceDans un questionnement sur la contre-culture Il s’agit de s’interroger sur la possibilité d’une culture contre la culture dominante, de repérer en quoi elle s’exprime et comment. Si la contre-culture est un phénomène identifié au sein des sociétés capitalistes dès les années soixante, la contre-culture actuelle est-elle de même nature? Comment se distingue-t-elle aujourd’hui ? Le parti a été pris d’analyser une œuvre de street art en vue d’interroger la capacité de résistance de certaines réalisations à être « encontre » et à fomenter une lutte de l’intérieur. L’œuvre d’Alexandre Orion « Art less pollution », si elle n’a pas échappé à la récupération, a été pensée dans le système dominant tout en étant en lutte vis-à-vis de celui-ci. Il s’agira d’identifier la nature, la signification et l’enjeu des signes qu’elle porte

    Renoncement à l'art comme fin ou politisation de l'art: Les clefs de la contre-culture ?

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    National audienceQuelle possibilité pour l’œuvre d’art in situ dans l’espace public d’être contre-culturelle ? La question est de savoir si elle peut permettre la discussion pour le renversement des lois en cours en vue de la production d’autres lois et, en ce sens, être progressiste. L’analyse de l’œuvre de Ernest Pignon Ernest « Jumelage Nice/Le Cap » soutiendra la réflexion