2,029 research outputs found

    Long-Ranged Orientational Order in Dipolar Fluids

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    Recently Groh and Dietrich claimed the thermodynamic state of a dipolar fluid depends on the shape of the fluid's container. For example, a homogeneous fluid in a short fat container would phase separate when transferred to a tall skinny container of identical volume and temperature. Their calculation thus lacks a thermodynamic limit. We show that removal of demagnetizing fields restores the true, shape independent, thermodynamic limit. As a consequence, spontaneously magnetized liquids display inhomogeneous magnetization textures.Comment: 3 pages, LaTex, no figures. Submitted as comment to PRL, May 199

    Analysis of electroencephalograms in Alzheimer's disease patients with multiscale entropy

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    The aim of this study was to analyse the electroencephalogram (EEG) background activity of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients using the Multiscale Entropy (MSE). The MSE is a recently developed method that quantifies the regularity of a signal on different time scales. These time scales are inspected by means of several coarse-grained sequences formed from the analysed signals. We recorded the EEGs from 19 scalp electrodes in 11 AD patients and 11 age-matched controls and estimated the MSE profile for each epoch of the EEG recordings. The shape of the MSE profiles reveals the EEG complexity, and it suggests that the EEG contains information in deeper scales than the smallest one. Moreover, the results showed that the EEG background activity is less complex in AD patients than control subjects. We found significant difference

    Technical Advice and Support for the Joint Integrated Non-Intrusive Inspection (JINII) Program Task 2.2 Transmission Digital Radiography (DR)

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    The Cargo Advanced Automated Radiography System (CAARS) program aims to utilize advanced radiographic systems to detect radiological and nuclear threats. Validation of initial design and testing concepts is a precondition for prototype system development and large-scale deployment. As expected, Depleted Uranium (DU) is a valid surrogate for Special Nuclear Materials (SNM) in CAARS Advanced Technology Demonstration (ATD) performance field-tests of transmission radiography systems. Dual-energy transmission measurements of DU are nearly identical to SNM, and are distinct from lower Z materials, provided the samples are matched to equal areal density. Results from an alternative method, using samples of equal thickness, showed sample discrimination by material density, rather than by atomic number (Z). The transmission measurements of DU and SNM were made with equipment that is nearly identical to current field systems. X-ray source beams at endpoint energies of 5.4 MeV and 9.6 MeV were used to measure transmission through the selected sample materials. The ratio of the x-ray linear attenuation coefficient times length ({micro}L) at 5.4 MeV, to {micro}L at 9.6 MeV is a metric for atomic number based discrimination of materials. The measured ratios were compared with computed values based on LLNL photon cross section data and LLNL developed models of x-ray detector characteristics. Measured ratios for DU differed from HEU by an average of 0.25%, and from WGPu by 0.08%, which is within the noise level of 0.4 to 0.5%. For comparison, measured ratios for Sn differed from HEU by 3.2%, and from WGPu by 3.6%, well beyond the measurement noise. Measured ratios for W differed from HEU by 0.01%, and from WGPu by 0.32%. The measured ratio values presented in Table 1 demonstrate the feasibility of using a threshold ratio to discriminate low-Z (Z < 72) from high-Z (Z {ge} 72) materials (as defined by CAARS specification). In the case of our test system, a threshold ratio of 1.08 would be suitable based on the measured results

    Universal reduction of pressure between charged surfaces by long-wavelength surface charge modulation

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    We predict theoretically that long-wavelength surface charge modulations universally reduce the pressure between the charged surfaces with counterions compared with the case of uniformly charged surfaces with the same average surface charge density. The physical origin of this effect is the fact that surface charge modulations always lead to enhanced counterion localization near the surfaces, and hence, fewer charges at the midplane. We confirm the last prediction with Monte Carlo simulations.Comment: 8 pages 1 figure, Europhys. Lett., in pres

    Charge-Fluctuation-Induced Non-analytic Bending Rigidity

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    In this Letter, we consider a neutral system of mobile positive and negative charges confined on the surface of curved films. This may be an appropriate model for: i) a highly charged membrane whose counterions are confined to a sheath near its surface; ii) a membrane composed of an equimolar mixture of anionic and cationic surfactants in aqueous solution. We find that the charge fluctuations contribute a non-analytic term to the bending rigidity that varies logarithmically with the radius of curvature. This may lead to spontaneous vesicle formation, which is indeed observed in similar systems.Comment: Revtex, 9 pages, no figures, submitted to PR

    Prognostic factors for chronic headache: A systematic review

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    OBJECTIVE: To identify predictors of prognosis and trial outcomes in prospective studies of people with chronic headache. METHODS: This was a systematic review of published literature in peer-reviewed journals. We included (1) randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of interventions for chronic headache that reported subgroup analyses and (2) prospective cohort studies, published in English, since 1980. Participants included adults with chronic headache (including chronic headache, chronic migraine, and chronic tension-type headache with or without medication overuse headache). We searched key databases using free text and MeSH terms. Two reviewers independently extracted data and assessed the methodologic quality of studies and overall quality of evidence identified using appropriate published checklists. RESULTS: We identified 16,556 titles, removed 663 duplicates, and reviewed 199 articles, of which 27 were included in the review-17 prospective cohorts and 10 RCTs with subgroup analyses reported. There was moderate-quality evidence indicating that depression, anxiety, poor sleep and stress, medication overuse, and poor self-efficacy for managing headaches are potential prognostic factors for poor prognosis and unfavorable outcomes from preventive treatment in chronic headache. There was inconclusive evidence about treatment expectations, age, age at onset, body mass index, employment, and several headache features. CONCLUSIONS: This review identified several potential predictors of poor prognosis and worse outcome postinterventions in people with chronic headache. The majority of these are modifiable. The findings also highlight the need for more longitudinal high-quality research of prognostic factors in chronic headache

    Scaling Behaviour and Complexity of the Portevin-Le Chatelier Effect

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    The plastic deformation of dilute alloys is often accompanied by plastic instabilities due to dynamic strain aging and dislocation interaction. The repeated breakaway of dislocations from and their recapture by solute atoms leads to stress serrations and localized strain in the strain controlled tensile tests, known as the Portevin-Le Chatelier (PLC) effect. In this present work, we analyse the stress time series data of the observed PLC effect in the constant strain rate tensile tests on Al-2.5%Mg alloy for a wide range of strain rates at room temperature. The scaling behaviour of the PLC effect was studied using two complementary scaling analysis methods: the finite variance scaling method and the diffusion entropy analysis. From these analyses we could establish that in the entire span of strain rates, PLC effect showed Levy walk property. Moreover, the multiscale entropy analysis is carried out on the stress time series data observed during the PLC effect to quantify the complexity of the distinct spatiotemporal dynamical regimes. It is shown that for the static type C band, the entropy is very low for all the scales compared to the hopping type B and the propagating type A bands. The results are interpreted considering the time and length scales relevant to the effect.Comment: 35 pages, 6 figure

    Screening by symmetry of long-range hydrodynamic interactions of polymers confined in sheets

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    Hydrodynamic forces may significantly affect the motion of polymers. In sheet-like cavities, such as the cell's cytoplasm and microfluidic channels, the hydrodynamic forces are long-range. It is therefore expected that that hydrodynamic interactions will dominate the motion of polymers in sheets and will be manifested by Zimm-like scaling. Quite the opposite, we note here that although the hydrodynamic forces are long-range their overall effect on the motion of polymers vanishes due to the symmetry of the two-dimensional flow. As a result, the predicted scaling of experimental observables such as the diffusion coefficient or the rotational diffusion time is Rouse-like, in accord with recent experiments. The effective screening validates the use of the non-interacting blobs picture for polymers confined in a sheet.Comment: http://www.weizmann.ac.il/complex/tlusty/papers/Macromolecules2006.pdf http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/ma060251

    On the signature of tensile blobs in the scattering function of a stretched polymer

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    We present Monte Carlo data for a linear chain with excluded volume subjected to a uniform stretching. Simulation of long chains (up to 6000 beads) at high stretching allows us to observe the signature of tensile blobs as a crossover in the scaling behavior of the chain scattering function for wave vectors perpendicular to stretching. These results and corresponding ones in the stretching direction allow us to verify for the first time Pincus prediction on scaling inside blobs. Outside blobs, the scattering function is well described by the Debye function for a stretched ideal chain.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Physical Review Letter

    The field theoretic derivation of the contact value theorem in planar geometries and its modification by the Casimir effect

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    The contact value theorem for Coulomb gases in planar or film-like geometries is derived using a Hamiltonian field theoretic representation of the system. The case where the film is enclosed by a material of different dielectric constant to that of the film is shown to contain an additional Casimir-like term which is generated by fluctuations of the electric potential about its mean-field value.Comment: Link between Sine-Gordon and Coulomb gas pressures via subtraction of self interaction terms included. Discussion of results within Debye-Huckel approximation included. Added reference