3 research outputs found

    Physical activity, grape juice, red wine and resveratrol effects in cardiac remodeling of Wistar rats submitted to a high fat diet

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    Background: The association between regular physical activity and the polyphenol-rich drinks in models with a high fat diet, has not been sufficiently elucidated. Objective: The objective was to study the effects of the association among regular physical activity and polyphenol-rich drinks consumption in lipid profile and cardiac remodeling of Wistar rats submitted to the high fat diet. Methods: Rats Wistar, 90 days, 05 groups (n=10/group): Control Group (CG); High Fat Group (HG); Resveratrol Group (RG); Grape Juice Group (JG); Red Wine Group (WG); HG, RG, JG and WG received a high fat diet (20%). The animals performed a treadmill running protocol for 60 days. After, blood was collected for biochemical evaluation and heart was removed for histological analysis. Variables were expressed as mean ± standard deviation. ANOVA one way and Bonferroni or Tuckey`s as post-test, when appropriate, p < 0.05. Results: JG show higher total cholesterol (72.0 ±8.9 p<0.05) and HDL (28.0 ± 2.0 p<0.05) in relation to CG (total cholesterol = 57.8 ± 8.1, HDL = 24.4 ± 2.9). Collagen concentration: HG (9.65%, p<0.05) presented higher concentration in relation to the CG (3.68%), RG (4.73%), JG (3.57%) and WG (6.59%). Conclusions: It is concluded that the association between physical activity and drinks rich in polyphenols was able to protect the heart tissue from damage caused by the high fat diet

    Efeitos de uma dieta hiperlipídica e consumo de bebidas ricas em polifenóis nos parâmetros bioquímicos, histologia renal e pressão arterial de ratas wistar não sedentárias. / Effects of hyperlipidic diet and consumption of drinks containing polyphenol on renal biochemical parameters, renal histology and blood pressure of non-sedentary wistar rats

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    Introdução: O consumo elevado de gordura saturada e sedentarismo estão diretamente relacionados com a obesidade, podendo afetar os rins e alterar a pressão arterial. Objetivo: Analisar os efeitos da dieta hiperlipídica e bebidas ricas em polifenóis nos marcadores bioquímicos e histológicos renais e pressão arterial. Metodologia: Ratas Wistar, 90 dias de idade, recebendo água e ração ad libitum, divididas em 5 grupos: a) Grupo Controle (GC); b) Grupo Hiperlipídico (GH); c) Grupo Suco de uva integral (GS) (15mL/dia); d) Grupo Vinho tinto (GV) (10mL/dia) e e) Grupo Resveratrol (GR) (15mL/dia). Animais executaram protocolo de treinamento físico, 5dias/semana. Após 60 dias, os animais foram anestesiados e o sangue foi coletado para análises bioquímicas renais. Os rins foram retirados, medidos, pesados e processados para confecção de lâmina histológica. A pressão arterial foi aferida mediante pletismografia da cauda. Resultados representados como média±DP, ANOVA one way e Tukey ou Kruskal-Wallis e Dunn’s, considerados significativos quando p<0,05.  Resultados: os valores de ureia diminuíram no GS, GV e GR comparando com GH (p<0,0001); valores de ácido úrico menores no GS comparando com GH (p=0,01). GH, GS, GV e GR apresentaram diminuição do volume da área medular (p<0,003); densidade volumétrica do GS maior em comparação com o GH (p=0,003). A pressão arterial média (PAM) e pressão arterial sistólica (PAS) aumentaram significativamente no GH (p<0,0001 para ambos). Conclusão: Observou-se que o consumo das bebidas junto ao exercício físico foi capaz de reduzir os níveis de ureia e ácido úrico, assim como aumentar a densidade volumétrica renal diante de uma dieta hiperlipídica

    Effects of resveratrol, grape juice or red wine consumption Irisin levels and fibronectin type III domain containing protein 5 and uncoupoling protein gene expression modulation in rats

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    Objectives: The aim was investigate resveratrol, grape juice, or red wine effects on FNDC5 and UCP2 gene expression on muscle and adipose tissue of Wistar rats receiving a high-fat diet. Methods: Five groups of female Wistar rats formed with five animals in each (Control Group-CG, High-Fat Group-HFG-20%, Grape Juice Group-GJG; Red Wine Group-RWG and Resveratrol Group-RG) were treated for 2 months. At the end, adipose and muscle tissues were collected, FNDC5 and UCP2 mRNA expressions were obtained by using real-time polymerase chain reaction. Irisin levels were assessed through ELISA. For comparison: two way ANOVA, using Duncan as post-test. Results: FNDC5 mRNA expression was increased in RG and GJG muscle (p < 0.001) and reduced in adipose tissue of all experimental groups (p < 0.001). The UCP2 mRNA expression was increased in muscle of HFG, RG and RWG (p < 0.01), compared with CG. Furthermore, increased expression of UCP2 mRNA in GJG adipose tissue (p < 0.05) was also observed when compared with the control group (CG). No significant differences were found concerning plasma irisin level in all animal groups. Conclusion: Resveratrol and grape juice were able to increase muscle tissue FNDC5 gene expression, and high-fat diet, red wine and resveratrol, increased UCP2 gene expression in this tissue. Grape juice was capable of increasing adipose tissue UCP2 gene expression. High-fat diet, isolated or associated to beverages rich in polyphenols, have decreased FNDC5 gene expression in adipose tissue. Nevertheless, the interventions did not affect irisin levels