7 research outputs found
Wpływ ukierunkowanej fi zjoterapii na jakość życia pacjentów z padaczką o nieustalonej etiologii – badanie pilotażowe
Introduction: Epilepsy is one of the most common diseases of the central nervous system. According to the World Health Organization, it accounts for 1% of the global burden of disease worldwide. Pharmacotherapy remains the primary therapeutic tool in this disease. However, more and more emphasis is placed on approaching this group of patients in an interdisciplinary manner, taking their various needs into account: social, professional, economic or psychological. Attention is also paid to the positive impact of physical activity on the quality of life of patients with epilepsy. The patients with diagnosed epilepsy often complain of a feeling of instability not reflected in standard neurological examination. Early detection of postural control disorders is possible using an objective research tool which is the modified CTSIB test (Clinical Test of Sensory Interaction and Balance). Aim of the study: The aim of the study was to assess the influence of targeted physical therapy on the quality of life among patients with diagnosed epilepsy of unknown etiology using the SF-36 quality of life questionnaire. Materials and methods: The study included 11 professionally active adults with diagnosed generalized epilepsy of unknown etiology, treated at the Department or Outpatient Clinic of Neurology at John Paul II Specialist Hospital in Kraków. Finally, out of the 11 recruited patients (5 women and 6 men), 1 patient was excluded from the study due to a history of craniocerebral trauma. Patients were examined 3 times every month using EEG and the SF-36 quality of life questionnaire. Additionally, between the 2nd and the 3rd month of the pilot study, the study group underwent physical therapy focused on balance disorders using the Biodex SD stabilometric platform. Results: Overall, the quality of life index measured using the SF-36 quality of life questionnaire in the study group improved after the completion of targeted physical therapy. Conclusions: 1. Generalized epilepsy of unknown etiology results in a significant deterioration in the quality of life of patients, which may also be accompanied by disorders of postural control. 2 A targeted program of physiotherapy in the treatment of patients with generalized epilepsy of unknown etiology may has a positive effect on their quality of life. nullWstęp: Padaczka jest jedną z najczęstszych chorób ośrodkowego układu nerwowego (OUN). Według Światowej Organizacji Zdrowia (ang. World Health Organization) stanowi ona 1% globalnego obciążenia chorobami na świecie. Farmakoterapia pozostaje nadal podstawowym narzędziem leczniczym w tej chorobie. Coraz większy nacisk kładzie się jednak na podejście do tej grupy chorych w sposób interdyscyplinarny z uwzględnieniem ich potrzeb: społecznych, zawodowych, ekonomicznych czy psychologicznych. Zwraca się także uwagę na pozytywny wpływ aktywności fizycznej na jakość życia pacjentów z padaczką. Pacjenci z rozpoznaną padaczką dodatkowo nierzadko skarżą się na uczucie niestabilności, które w standardowym badaniu neurologicznym nie znajduje odzwierciedlenia. Wczesne wykrycie zaburzeń kontroli posturalnej jest możliwe przy użyciu obiektywnego narzędzia badawczego jakim jest zmodyfikowany test CTSIB (Integracji sensorycznej równowagi, ang. Clinical
test of Sensory Interaction and Balance).
Cel pracy: Celem badania była ocena wpływu ukierunkowanej fizjoterapii na jakość życia pacjentów z rozpoznaną padaczką o nieustalonej etiologii za pomocą kwestionariusza jakości życia SF-36.
Materiał i metody: Do badania włączono 11 aktywnych zawodowo dorosłych chorych z rozpoznaną padaczką uogólnioną o nieustalonej etiologii, leczonych w Oddziale lub Poradni Neurologii Szpitala Specjalistycznego im. Jana Pawła II w Krakowie. Ostatecznie spośród 11 zrekrutowanych pacjentów (5 kobiet i 6 mężczyzn), jeden chory został wyłączony z badania z uwagi na przebyty w przeszłości uraz czaszkowo-mózgowy. Pacjenci byli badani trzykrotnie co miesiąc za pomocą badania EEG, kwestionariusza jakości życia SF-36. Grupa badana dodatkowo pomiędzy drugim a trzecim miesiącem badania pilotażowego została poddana fizjoterapii ukierunkowanej na zaburzenia równowagi z wykorzystaniem platformy stabilometrycznej Biodex SD.
Wyniki: Ogólnie indeks jakości życia mierzony za pomocą kwestionariusza jakości życia SF-36 u pacjentów z grupy badanej po zakończeniu ukierunkowanej fizjoterapii uległ poprawie.
Wnioski: 1. Uogólniona padaczka o nieustalonej etiologii skutkuje zdecydowanym pogorszeniem jakości życia chorych, czemu mogą towarzyszyć także zaburzenia kontroli posturalnej. 2. Ukierunkowany program fizjoterapii w leczeniu chorych z uogólnioną padaczką o nieustalonej etiologii być może wpływa pozytywnie na jakość ich życia
Post-Infection Oscillometry and Pulmonary Metrics in SARS-CoV-2 Patients: A 40-Day Follow-Up Study
The COVID-19 pandemic, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, has had significant impacts on pulmonary function. This study aimed to comprehensively evaluate pulmonary function and structure in patients 40 days post-SARS-CoV-2 infection, employing an array of testing methodologies including spirometry, plethysmography, forced oscillometry, and CT scanning. It also sought to establish potential correlations between these metrics and evaluate if forced oscillometry could provide additional value in post-infective lung function assessment. A 40-day post-infection follow-up observational study was conducted involving 66 patients with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection. The results revealed decreases in FVC and FEF25–75 with the increasing severity of COVID-19. Specifically, patients with severe symptoms exhibited statistically significant decreases in FVC (mean = 86.8) compared with those with mild symptoms (mean = 106.0; p = 0.018). The FEF25–75 showed a similar trend, with severe patients exhibiting a mean of 77.7 compared with 82.9 in the mild group (p = 0.017). Furthermore, resonant frequency (RF) increased with disease severity, with the severe group exhibiting a statistically significant increase (mean = 17.4) compared with the mild group (mean = 14.3; p = 0.042). CT scans showed an increase in ground-glass opacities with disease severity, with 81.8% of severe patients demonstrating this finding (p = 0.037). Multiple regression analysis revealed that Reactance at 4 Hz (X4), Forced Expiratory Flow 25–75% (FEF25–75), and Resonant Frequency (RF) were significantly related to COVID-19 severity. Specifically, for each unit increase in these factors, the risk of the event was estimated to increase by a factor of 3.16, 2.09, and 1.90, respectively. Conversely, Resistance at 4 Hz (R4) and Airway Resistance (RAW) were found to significantly decrease the event hazard, highlighting their potential protective role. Spirometry, plethysmography, and forced oscillometry are effective in assessing these changes. Forced oscillometry may be particularly beneficial in identifying subtle changes in lung function post-COVID-19. Further studies are warranted to validate these findings and develop strategies to manage post-infective pulmonary changes in SARS-CoV-2 patients
The Impact of Multiplex PCR in Diagnosing and Managing Bacterial Infections in COVID-19 Patients Self-Medicated with Antibiotics
The multiplex PCR is a powerful and efficient tool that was widely used during the COVID-19 pandemic to diagnose SARS-CoV-2 infections and that has applications for bacterial identification, as well as determining bacterial resistance to antibiotics. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the usability of multiplex PCR, especially in patients self-medicated with antibiotics, where bacterial cultures often give false-negative results. A cross-sectional study was developed in two COVID-19 units, where 489 eligible patients were included as antibiotic takers and non-antibiotic takers. Antibiotic takers used mostly over-the-counter medication; they suffered significantly more chronic respiratory conditions and were self-medicated most often with cephalosporins (41.4%), macrolide (23.2%), and penicillin (19.7%). The disease severity in these patients was significantly higher than in non-antibiotic takers, and bacterial superinfections were the most common finding in the same group (63.6%). Antibiotic takers had longer hospital and ICU admissions, although the mortality rate was not significantly higher than in non-antibiotic takers. The most common bacteria involved in secondary infections were Staphylococcus aureus (22.2%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (27.8%), and Klebsiellaspp (25.0%). Patients self-medicating with antibiotics had significantly higher rates of multidrug resistance. The multiplex PCR test was more accurate in identifying multidrug resistance and resulted in a quicker initiation of therapeutic antibiotics compared with instances where a bacterial culture was initially performed, with an average of 26.8 h vs. 40.4 h, respectively. The hospital stay was also significantly shorter by an average of 2.5 days when PCR was used as an initial assessment tool for secondary bacterial infections. When adjusted for age, COVID-19 severity, and pulmonary disease, over-the-counter use of antibiotics represented a significant independent risk factor for a prolonged hospitalization (AOR = 1.21). Similar findings were observed for smoking status (AOR = 1.44), bacterial superinfection (AOR = 1.52), performing only a conventional bacterial culture (AOR = 1.17), and a duration of more than 48 h for bacterial sampling from the time of hospital admission (AOR = 1.36). Multiplex PCR may be a very effective method for diagnosing secondary bacterial infections in COVID-19 individuals self-medicating with antibiotics. Utilizing this strategy as an initial screen in COVID-19 patients who exhibit signs of sepsis and clinical deterioration will result in a faster recovery time and a shorter period of hospitalization
Comparative Evaluation of the Potential Antitumor of Helleborus purpurascens in Skin and Breast Cancer
In the field of oncology, the plant kingdom has an inexhaustible supply of bioactive compounds. Phytochemical compounds isolated from Helleborus species have been found to be useful in various chronic diseases. This has brought Helleborus to the attention of medical researchers. H. purpurascens is a plant characteristic of the Carpathian area, known since ancient times for its beneficial effects. The aim of the study was to evaluate the flavonoids composition of a hydroalcoholic extract of H. purpurascens, as well as to assess its antioxidant activity and antitumor potential at the level of two healthy cell lines and four tumor cell lines. In addition, the expression of the genes involved in the apoptotic process (Bcl-2, Bad, and Bax) were evaluated. The results indicated that the extract has a high concentration of flavonoids, such as epicatechin, quercetin, and kaempferol. The extract has an increased antioxidant activity, very similar to that of the standard, ascorbic acid and cytotoxic effects predominantly in the breast cancer cell line, being free of cytotoxic effects in healthy cell lines. Underlying the cytotoxic effect is the induction of the process of apoptosis, which in the present study was highlighted by decreasing the expression of anti-apoptotic genes (Bcl-2) and increasing the expression of pro-apoptotic genes (Bad and Bax). In conclusion, the hydroalcoholic extract of H. purpurascens can be considered an important source for future medical applications in cancer therapy
The Impact of Multiplex PCR in Diagnosing and Managing Bacterial Infections in COVID-19 Patients Self-Medicated with Antibiotics
The multiplex PCR is a powerful and efficient tool that was widely used during the COVID-19 pandemic to diagnose SARS-CoV-2 infections and that has applications for bacterial identification, as well as determining bacterial resistance to antibiotics. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the usability of multiplex PCR, especially in patients self-medicated with antibiotics, where bacterial cultures often give false-negative results. A cross-sectional study was developed in two COVID-19 units, where 489 eligible patients were included as antibiotic takers and non-antibiotic takers. Antibiotic takers used mostly over-the-counter medication; they suffered significantly more chronic respiratory conditions and were self-medicated most often with cephalosporins (41.4%), macrolide (23.2%), and penicillin (19.7%). The disease severity in these patients was significantly higher than in non-antibiotic takers, and bacterial superinfections were the most common finding in the same group (63.6%). Antibiotic takers had longer hospital and ICU admissions, although the mortality rate was not significantly higher than in non-antibiotic takers. The most common bacteria involved in secondary infections were Staphylococcus aureus (22.2%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (27.8%), and Klebsiellaspp (25.0%). Patients self-medicating with antibiotics had significantly higher rates of multidrug resistance. The multiplex PCR test was more accurate in identifying multidrug resistance and resulted in a quicker initiation of therapeutic antibiotics compared with instances where a bacterial culture was initially performed, with an average of 26.8 h vs. 40.4 h, respectively. The hospital stay was also significantly shorter by an average of 2.5 days when PCR was used as an initial assessment tool for secondary bacterial infections. When adjusted for age, COVID-19 severity, and pulmonary disease, over-the-counter use of antibiotics represented a significant independent risk factor for a prolonged hospitalization (AOR = 1.21). Similar findings were observed for smoking status (AOR = 1.44), bacterial superinfection (AOR = 1.52), performing only a conventional bacterial culture (AOR = 1.17), and a duration of more than 48 h for bacterial sampling from the time of hospital admission (AOR = 1.36). Multiplex PCR may be a very effective method for diagnosing secondary bacterial infections in COVID-19 individuals self-medicating with antibiotics. Utilizing this strategy as an initial screen in COVID-19 patients who exhibit signs of sepsis and clinical deterioration will result in a faster recovery time and a shorter period of hospitalization
Avoiding the Removal of Syndesmotic Screws after Distal Tibiofibular Diastasis Repair: A Benefit or a Drawback?
There is still no general agreement about the most effective form of syndesmosis fixation with syndesmotic screws for patients affected by ankle fractures that are accompanied by syndesmotic injuries. In the same manner, no consensus has been reached yet on whether or not the tibiofibular syndesmotic screw is more beneficial if removed or not, as well as the exact timing of removal if this proves superiority. The purpose of this research was to verify whether or not removing syndesmotic screws reduces the risk of developing a diastasis and compare outcomes in patients whose syndesmotic screw was or was not removed at all. A retrospective observational study was carried out to cover a period of five years and a computed sample size of almost 300 cases. Patients were included in the current study if their history was positive for ankle fracture with distal tibiofibular diastasis repair with syndesmotic screws. Loss of reduction was more frequent after screw removal (8.5% vs. 2.1%), although the quality of reduction was generally excellent in both groups. The mean AOFAS score was significantly better in patients who had their tibiofibular screw removed (92.6 vs. 88.4), but the tibiofibular clear space and incisura fibularis depth widened more following the second intervention (3.8 mm vs. 3.6 mm, and, respectively, 4.3 vs. 4.1). Lastly, the same patients with tibiofibular screw removal had a significantly higher cost of total interventions and more days of medical leave (21 vs. 15 days on average). It seems that a strong conclusion in favor of removing or not removing syndesmotic screws after distal tibiofibular diastasis repair cannot be given. However, several radiographic findings lean toward the benefit of those patients whose tibiofibular screws were not removed, although mobility was notably better after the screw was removed. Furthermore, treatment expenses are greatly lowered if a subsequent operation for screw removal is avoided, as well as if individuals who have a single surgery take a shorter medical leave