21 research outputs found

    Violence and Conflict Resolution in Hartmann von Aue's Erec and Iwein, Wirnt von Grafenberg's Wigalois, and Wolfram von Eschenbach's Parzival

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    This dissertation advances research by George Fenwick Jones, Richard Kaeuper, Warren Brown, and Gerd Althoff, analyzing violence and conflict resolution in four Arthurian romances that emerged from a culture that viewed (justified) violence as a legitimate means of attaining and maintaining honor. Using Kaeuper's analysis of the spiritual valorization of knighthood in Holy Warriors: the Religious Ideology of Chivalry (2009) and Jones's analysis of honor in Honor in German Literature, I show functions of spirituality and the pursuit of honor in literary conflicts, discussing how virtues such as mĂąze and ĂȘre served as catalysts for violence as an expectation of the unwritten code of knightly virtues. Fictional violence falls into two major categories: chivalric and non-chivalric. Chivalric violence includes all forms of battle within the vocation of knighthood, such as jousting. Catalysts for chivalric violence include Ăąventiure, minnedienst, vassal obligation, independent fighting, etc., and may involve both intended and unintended violence. Chivalric violence includes violence against, and perpetrated by, other knights, and violence against non-human creatures. Non-chivalric violence includes those categories of violence not within the knightly vocation, such as direct and indirect violence of knights against women, the violence of women toward others, violence against the self, and the wrath of God. Similar, but not identical, to the categories chivalric/non-chivalric are the categories justified/unjustified. I consider these aspects of violence in four courtly works: 1) Erec (circa 1190) and 2) Iwein (circa 1203), by Hartmann von Aue, 3) Wigalois (circa 1210), by Wirnt von Grafenberg, and 4). Parzival (circa 1210), by Wolfram von Eschenbach, analyzing manifestations of violence according to the aforementioned categories, suggesting motivations with consideration to courtly virtue(s) that may have demanded violence, as in the defense of honor or the lack of virtue. This dissertation confirms that the spiritual validity of knightly violence, the preferred form of conflict resolution, is assumed in Arthurian romance; alternative means of resolution invite accusations of cowardice. The concept of ĂȘre, so pivotal to the “code” of knightly virtues in the Middle Ages, was intimately and unequivocally linked to violence; this study even contends that it was predicated upon it

    A gamma- and X-ray detector for cryogenic, high magnetic field applications

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    As part of an experiment to measure the spectrum of photons emitted in beta-decay of the free neutron, we developed and operated a detector consisting of 12 bismuth germanate (BGO) crystals coupled to avalanche photodiodes (APDs). The detector was operated near liquid nitrogen temperature in the bore of a superconducting magnet and registered photons with energies from 5 keV to 1000 keV. To enlarge the detection range, we also directly detected soft X-rays with energies between 0.2 keV and 20 keV with three large area APDs. The construction and operation of the detector is presented, as well as information on operation of APDs at cryogenic temperatures

    Observation of the radiative decay mode of the free neutron

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    The theory of quantum electrodynamics (QED) predicts that beta decay of the neutron into a proton, electron and antineutrino should be accompanied by a continuous spectrum of soft photons. While this inner bremsstrahlung branch has been previously measured in nuclear beta and electron capture decay, it has never been observed in free neutron decay. Recently, the photon energy spectrum and branching ratio for neutron radiative decay have been calculated using two approaches: a standard QED framework(1-3) and heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory(4) (an effective theory of hadrons based on the symmetries of quantum chromodynamics). The QED calculation treats the nucleons as point-like, whereas the latter approach includes the effect of nucleon structure in a systematic way. Here we observe the radiative decay mode of free neutrons, measuring photons in coincidence with both the emitted electron and proton. We determined a branching ratio of (3.13 +/- 0.34) x 10(-3) (68 per cent level of confidence) in the energy region between 15 and 340 keV, where the uncertainty is dominated by systematic effects. The value is consistent with the predictions of both theoretical approaches; the characteristic energy spectrum of the radiated photons, which differs from the uncorrelated background spectrum, is also consistent with the calculated spectrum. This result may provide opportunities for more detailed investigations of the weak interaction processes involved in neutron beta decay.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/62639/1/nature05390.pd

    1965 UND Football Team: Robert Toftey, David Wright, John McNally

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    An action photograph of David (Stan) Wright, #21, John McNally, #45, and Robert (Bob) Toftey, #22, in the NDSU vs. UND football game on October 16, 1965. NDSU defeated UND 6-3, giving the 1965 UND Football team their only loss. Under Coach Marvin Whitey Helling, UND had a record of 9-1-0, in 1965. UND played in the Mineral Water Bowl in Excelsior Springs, Missouri. UND defeated Northern Illinois 37-20. David (Stan) Wright lettered each year from 1963-1965. Wright was captain of the 1965 UND Football Team. John McNally lettered each year from 1964-1966. Robert (Bob) Toftey, lettered in football each year from 1965-1967. Toftey was the captain of the 1967 UND Football Team.https://commons.und.edu/und-athletics/1093/thumbnail.jp

    Feida fait? : en analyse av Norsk sprÄkrÄds norvagiseringspraksis med utgangspunkt i vedtaket fra 1996

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    Var 1996-vedtaket som SprÄkrÄdet gjorde vellykka? I vedtaket ble det bestemt at drÞyt 50 anglisismer skulle staves pÄ norvagisert mÄte. Det blir da interessant Ä diskutere hva som skal til for at sprÄkbrukerne skal begynne Ä stave et ord pÄ ny mÄte. SkriftsprÄket er i mange sammenhenger mer konservativt enn talesprÄket. Ikke mange Är er gÄtt siden vedtaket ble gjort. Jeg mener likevel at det er plausibelt Ä evaluere det, fordi det er vanskelig Ä tenke seg hva som mÄ til for Ä endre stavemÄten nÄ, fem Är senere. Det ble mye debatt rundt vedtaket i 1996, noe som var med pÄ Ä markedsfÞre de vedtatte endringene. Hvis dette ikke er tilstrekkelig, kan man spÞrre seg hva som mÄ til. Kapittel 1 inneholder generell bakgrunn for problemstillinga. Det at nye ord tas i bruk i skriftsprÄket vÄrt, henger sammen med sprÄkutvikling i vid betydning. Orda vil stort sett tas i bruk i tale fÞr de kommer inn i skrift. Derfor har jeg ogsÄ diskutert sprÄkendring generelt. Dessuten presenterer jeg ulike syn pÄ hva sprÄk er, og hvordan de fungerer. Dette er interessant fordi sprÄksyn er avgjÞrende for om det er mulig Ä drive med sprÄkplanlegging og hvordan denne sprÄkplanleggingen kan drives. I kapittel 2 presenteres mer spesifikt det teoretiske grunnlaget for sprÄkplanlegginga. Haugen sin teori for sprÄkplanlegging er blitt modifisert og har fÄtt endel kritikk, men den er likevel den mest brukte teorien pÄ omrÄdet. I kapitlet presenteres ogsÄ empiriske undersÞkelser som er blitt gjort om tilpassing av lÄnord. Jeg redegjÞr videre for hvordan jeg forholder meg til de sentrale begrepene i undersÞkelsen. I kapittel 3 presenterer jeg det konkrete problemet, nemlig orda som SprÄkrÄdet vedtok norvagisert stavemÄte av i 1996. Jeg sÞkte pÄ orda i Bergenskorpuset for Ä kartlegge aktuell bruk. Korpuset omfatter tekster som Ätte store dagsaviser og ODIN (offentlig informasjon) har lagt ut pÄ nettet i drÞyt to Är. Dermed er korpuset det stÞrste vi har i norsk sammenheng. Det var interessant Ä undersÞke om orda var i bruk i norvagisert form, eller om det var den engelske varianten av ordet som ble brukt. SÞka viste noe varierende resultater, men for majoriteten av orda var engelsk form mest frekvent brukt. I kapittel 4 diskuteres sannsynlige Ärsaker til at de forskjellige orda fikk den praktiske bruken som de gjorde. Argumentene kan deles i tre grupper: forklaringer som har med ordets lingvistiske form Ä gjÞre, forklaringer som er knytta til ordets begrepsinnhold og forklaringer som henger sammen med selve iverksettelsen av vedtaket. Kapittel 5 er oppgavas avslutning. Der skisseres ogsÄ tilgrensende problemomrÄder