3,793 research outputs found

    Tuna fisheries of India

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    Tunas constitute 3.7% of the total commercial pelagic Jin fish production of the country (Av. 1992-96: 1,14.1067 t). The dominant species which support tuna fishery in the small scale sector in India are Euthynnus afflnls. Auxis thazard, A. rochel, Thunnus tonggol, Katsuwonus pelamis, Thunnus albacares and Sarda orlentalls. Of the total tuna catch (Av. 1992-96: 41,978 t). 77.6% has been landed from, the west coast, 16.8% from the east coast 5% from the Lakshadweep and 0.5% from the Andaman & Nicobar islands. The status of production of different tuna species in India and their environmental preference are summarised. Biological features such as food and feeding habits, age and growth, size at first maturity, spawning and fecundity are briefly discussed. Trends in the production of tunas along the mainland coast of India and Lakshadweep, population parameters and the results of stock assessment are presented briefly. Suggestions for future research and options for tuna fishery development in India are also discussed. The present communication is a review of the works done during the past fifty years and discusses the present status and future strategy of tuna fisheries research and development in India

    Pelagic fisheries resources of India- An overview

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    The annual pelagic fish production increased from 0.30 million t during 1950 to 1.2 million t during 1996 along the Indian coast. The four fold increase in production was due to mechanisation, motorisation of the country crafts, introduction of larger mechanised boats etc. Kerala ranked first among the maritime states of India, contributing 31% of the total pelagic fish followed by Gujarat (13.7%)and Tamil Nadu (13.0%). Out of the 250 species that contribute to the pelagic fisheries, only about 60 species belonging to 7 groups form fisheries of substantial magnitude. The groups which exceed one lakh t in production per year were mackerel, oil sardine, anchovies, carangids and Bombay duck. The fluctuations in the landings of oil sardine and Indian mackerel and the gear-wise production of pelagics are discussed in the paper. Suitable management measures and suggestions for future research priorities for sustaining the pelagic fisheries have suggested in this overview

    Evolution of Social Security in the Lap of Public Action: Recounting the Experience of Kerala

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    This paper is part of a large study on the Social Protection in Rural India and China. In this paper, we attempt at a critical appraisal of the historical development and experience of social security initiatives in Kerala, India. We situate the development experience of Kerala in a conceptual framework of participatory development, which we interpret in a broad context of organization and mobilization of people at specific junctures of historical progress of a society. Thus participatory development, in our view is participation in the progressive process of realization of human rights and thus in development; that is, public action, with an effective public demand and a wiling public supply, conditioned by the legitimate function of the state. It is also attempted to categorize the on-going social security schemes according to the definitional framework of our study, that is, in terms of the definitional division of social security into basic and contingent social security.Social security; Kerala; development; contingency

    In the Vacuum of Public Action Social Security in Orissa: A Long Way to Go

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    This paper is part of a large study on the Social Protection in Rural India and China. In this paper, we attempt at a critical appraisal of the historical development and experience of social security initiatives in Orissa, India. Unlike in the context of Kerala, an unfavourable dynamics of historical conjunction of ecological, economic, social, and institutional conditions in Orissa has worked itself out to contribute to the high level of insecurity there. We argue that the failure of Orissa was in its inability to develop the forces of organization and mobilization into its logical end of participatory development process for a secured life on account of some unfavourable historical conjunction. It is also attempted in this paper to categorize the on-going social security schemes according to the definitional framework of our study, that is, in terms of the definitional division of social security into basic and contingent social security.Social security; Orissa; Development; Contingency

    Social Security in India: The Long Lane Treaded and the Longer Road Ahead Towards Universalization

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    This paper is part of a large study on the Social Protection in Rural India and China. In this paper, we attempt at a critical appraisal of the historical development and experience of social security initiatives at the all India level. Based on the findings of the review, we visualize a road map to a more comprehensive and participatory initiatives in provision of social security by the state, while stressing the role of the civil society, non-governmental organizations and mass organizations. It is also attempted to categorize the on-going social security schemes according to the definitional framework of our study, that is, in terms of the definitional division of social security into basic and contingent social security.Social security; India; poverty; development; contingency

    Status report on the tuna fishery in India, with particular reference to longtail tuna, Thunnus tonggol

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    The status of the tuna fishery in India and the structure of the stock in inshore waters of the Indian EEZ have received attention in the recent past (James and Pillai, 1990; James, 1991; Pillai, 1991; Pillai, 1993; James et al., 1993a, b; James and Pillai, 1993a, b). This paper provides a brief up-date of the current status of the tuna fishery in India, with particular reference to longtail tuna (Thunnus tonggol)

    Digestive Enzymes Complement of Freshwater Prawn Macrobrachium idella (Heller)

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    The prawn Macrobrachium idella (Heller) is a candidate species for aquaculture. Analysis of digestive enzymes serves as an efficient tool in the assessment of digestive ability and design of optimal diet for aquacultural practices

    On the occurrence of red-baits in the indigenous boat seine fishery off Madras*

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    The red-baits Dipterygonotus leucogrammicus Bleeker of the family Emmelichthyidae is one of the important live baits used in the pole and line tuna fishery in Lakshadweep during January to April. No reports are available on the abundant occurrence of these fishes either in the mechanised trawler or indigenous fishing units. The present report deals with an unusual landing of the red baits in the indigenous boat seine fishery at Kottivakkamkuppam landing centre near Madras. Length measurements of a sample taken indicated the length range of 55-86 mm in the landings with the predominance of 71-75 mm size group. Since no ready market was available for red-baits in fresh condition, the entire catch was put to sundrying on the beach