7 research outputs found

    Insurance as a factor for the development of the agricultural sector in the Republic of Serbia

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    Insurance in the agricultural sector is a special sort of property insurance applied to agricultural manufacturers in the aim of preventing the loss of profit made in agricultural activities. It is not limited to crops and fruitage, rather it refers to livestock, domestic and wild animals, and it can also be applied to greenhouses, in forestry and aquaculture. This paper points out to characteristics of crop and fruitage insurance as an instrument for risk management applied in Europe and Serbia. Different insurance systems are analyzed here with an emphasis on the insurance of one type of risk, combined insurance and crop insurance. Different forms of crop and fruitage insurance are given here, with a special emphasis on the share of insured areas, share of insurance premiums in the insured sum, realized technical result expressed through a ratio of paid claims and paid insurance premiums by the insurer, as well as the number of subsidies which the state is using to partially compensate farmers for the costs of insurance premiums. Has a special social and ecological significance, wherein it is the driver of rural development at the same time

    Analysis of the attitudes of the population on the need for animal insurance

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    Agriculture in the Republic of Serbia is a sector of economy that is vital for the overall social and economic development of the country. The position of the agrarian sector in Serbia is specific, since, besides the economic importance, there is also a special social and ecological significance, and agriculture contributes to the national wealth with significant participation in the creation of GDP. Animal insurance involves a large number of risks and is classified as risk insurance. It belongs to the group of short-term insurance or insurance for up to one year, and even shorter. The subject of insurance is the animal itself, and not just certain parts of the animal's body or manufactures that can be obtained from it. The subject of this research is to examine the attitudes of the respondents regarding the necessity of animal insurance and the problems that arise in this case

    Insurance trends in Serbia from 2005 to 2015

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    The insurance market has a significant impact on the development of economy of each country and it is an important factor of the stability of the financial sector. The insurance market in Serbia is underdeveloped and according to the degree of development, it is well below the average of the European Union member states. This is reflected in the indicators of the development of the insurance market - the ratio between total premium and gross domestic product and total premium per capita. The insurance market in Serbia belongs to a group of emerging markets with significant potential, primarily in the sphere of life insurance. The growth rate of the life insurance market in Serbia was different and it used to be prone to external and internal influence of various factors. Pursuant to the Insurance Law and the Law on Amendments to the Law on the National Bank of Serbia from 2004, supervision over the performance of insurance activities was entrusted to the National Bank of Serbia. In 2004, it defined and disclosed its strategic goal in the field of insurance - creation and maintenance of a safe and stable insurance sector and provision of public confidence in the insurance sector, in order to protect the interests of policyholders and third parties. In accordance with its legal authority, the National Bank of Serbia adopts the acts defined by law, exercises supervision over the performance of insurance activities, issues and revokes licenses for performance of insurance activities, reinsurance, insurance brokerage and activities directly related to insurance activities, gives consent to acts, gives and withdraws approval for appointment of members of the management and supervisory board, grants and revokes the approval for acquiring qualified participation in the company, processes statistical and other data, keeps data registers in accordance with the Law, considers complaints of policyholders and third parties to the work of insurance companies, including conducting mediation

    Information and communication technologies and internet implementation in insurance services distribution

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    The objective of this paper is to present the importance of information and communication technologies (ICT) for the development of insurance companies business, and in particular distribution of insurance products that relies on ICT, primarily the Internet. The special place here is reserved for internet marketing, which is most commonly used in insurance companies. Mobile communications introduce the biggest changes in e-commerce. Nowadays their distribution among consumers offers great opportunities for service providers. Currently, insurance companies in our country do not offer their services through this specific communication channel. However, in the very near future changes can be expected in this sphere because preconditions for such activity already exist in Serbia today. This is supported by the information that certain insurance companies in the countries in the region have already activated their first applications for smartphones, and similar applications for banking already function in Serbia

    Insurance Sector and Climate Changes in Serbia

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    Climate changes have a strong negative impact on the insurance sector, which is reflected in the slow development of the insurance sector and in the transfer of the greater part of risk on the state and individuals. The difference between collected and paid premiums on the basis of incurred losses is rapidly decreasing, which leads to the fact that insurance market is less and less capable of absorbing the losses associated with climate changes, which then has negative repercussions on the availability of insurance services at an affordable premium. The question of establishing potential long and short-term effects of climate changes on business activities of insurance and reinsurance companies represents a priority and its ultimate objective is to find ways to minimize risks and losses. The problem of climate changes represents an important social problem in today’s civilization. At the same time, it is also an ecological problem, but also economic, political, social, cultural, health, etc. It is a global ecological problem, hence we can speak about global climate changes which affect states, nations, continents regardless of where they are and how responsible they are for creating and sustaining these changes

    Compulsory and private pension insurance: The analysis of users' attitudes

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    The aging of population and the problem of unemployment are the two main causes of difficulties for the pension systems of many countries - both the developed ones and those that have finished or are currently in the process of transition. Problems related to the operation of pension systems, including some serious crises of pension systems, call for some major reforms. In this respect, Serbia is no different from other countries. In most countries and especially in "countries in transition", the pension insurance systems are in crisis and they are trying to establish a model of sustainable functionality with reforms. In the period from 2001 to 2014, Serbia was reforming the pension system in order to deal with numerous problems such as: high deficit, debt, the employed to retired population ratio, negative demography, etc. In this paper we have presented our research results with the aim to evaluate the opinions of Serbia's citizens about the existent compulsory pensions insurance funds and the trust in private insurance funds, as well as the opinions about the need for additional reforms of the system. The "H0" Hypothesis has been proven to be correct: The citizens are not satisfied with the existing state of the pension insurance funds. They are con­cerned that the pension fund is empty and that it cannot guaranty reliable pen­sions. This means that reforms carried out until the present moment are simply not sufficient and they need to be continued

    Емпиријска студија штедње кроз животно осигурање у Републици Србији

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    Life is a natural course, full of uncertainty and temptation of every human being. In order to make our lives more peaceful and have a more peaceful future, we are trying in various ways to secure ourselves and make our lives safer. Savings through insurance is a life-saving type of savings that involves the material protection of an individual against the risk of premature death and loss or loss of ability to earn money. In conditions where the solidarity-based pension system is unsustainable, it is necessary to develop voluntary pension insurance and savings through life insurance, as sources of long-term savings and additional sources of financing. The subject of this research is to answer the question of what people think about saving through life insurance. The main objective of this research is to evaluate the attitude of the residents of the Republic of Serbia towards saving through life insurance. The survey was conducted on the territory of the entire Republic of Serbia, on a suitable sample of 500 respondents. Through this paper, the citizens' attitude towards saving through life insurance in the Republic of Serbia is analyzed in one place. By analyzing the data from the survey, we can conclude that the general hypothesis is confirmed: Residents are not satisfied with the current state of savings through life insurance in the Republic of Serbia.Живот је природан ток, пун неизвесности и искушења сваког човека. Да бисмо свој живот учинили мирнијим и имали мирнију будућност, на разне начине покушавамо да се осигурамо и учинимо свој живот сигурнијим. Штедња путем осигурања је врста штедње која спашава живот и укључује материјалну заштиту појединца од ризика од превремене смрти и губитка или губитка способности за зараду. У условима када је солидарни пензијски систем неодржив, неопходно је развити добровољно пензијско осигурање и штедњу кроз животно осигурање, као изворе дугорочне штедње и додатне изворе финансирања. Предмет овог истраживања је да одговори на питање шта људи мисле о штедњи кроз животно осигурање. Основни циљ овог истраживања је процена односа становника Републике Србије према штедњи кроз животно осигурање. Истраживање је спроведено на територији целе Републике Србије, на одговарајућем узорку од 500 испитаника. Кроз овај рад на једном месту се анализира однос грађана према штедњи кроз животно осигурање у Републици Србији. Анализом података из анкете можемо закључити да се потврђује општа хипотеза: Становници нису задовољни тренутним стањем штедње кроз животно осигурање у Републици Србији