18 research outputs found

    Approximation of time-uptake curve to a modified Bateman equation based on three uptake tests — potential value for dosimetry of corpuscular radiation

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    BACKGROUND: Many models of assessing radiopharmaceutical kinetics for dosimetry have been developed, starting from the formula of Marinelli. They are either inaccurate or require taking multiple patient uptake measurements. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Radiotracer behavior is approached to a modified Bateman equation (“biphasic model”). The calculated effective half time, maximum uptake and the cumulated uptake according to the biphasic model is compared to the values obtained with the most popular Marinelli’s method (“simplified model”). The calculations can be performed by free online-accessible software on the site: www.nuk.bieganski.org (“Calculator”). RESULTS: Using of the software allows a direct comparison of the obtained effective half times according to both, the simplified and the biphasic, models. Further errors can come from imprecise measure of the maximum uptake value (especially, when the time of the measurement differs from the true point of the maximum uptake) and from neglecting of the ascending branch of the time-uptake curve. It is possible to compare the cumulated uptake values according to both models (“correction factor”). The results can be combined with the widely known formula of Marinelli. The operations require only one additional uptake measurement, which could be performed shortly after the i.v. administration of the radiotracer, i.e., during the same visit of the patient. CONCLUSION: The proposed theoretic model could be verified practically for some i.v.-administered radiopharmaceuticals

    Calculations in nuclear medicine — application of free online software

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    Ocena objętości wola za pomocą badania ultrasonograficznego oraz badania scyntygraficznego (SPECT) z zastosowaniem 131I

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    Wstęp: Do metod oceniających objętość tarczycy zaliczamy między innymi badanie ultrasonograficzne (USG) oraz badania scyntygraficzne (SPECT). Dokładne obliczanie objętości gruczołu tarczowego jest niezbędne do ustalenia odpowiedniej dawki radiojodu, co niejednokrotnie decyduje o powodzeniu terapii. Celem niniejszej pracy była ocena objętości wola za pomocą ultrasonografii oraz badania SPECT z zastosowaniem 131I. Materiał i metody: Przebadano 80 osób z chorobą gruczołu tarczowego w wywiadzie. Utworzono dwie grupy: A i B. Do grupy A włączono 50 pacjentów (39 kobiet, 11 mężczyzn) z wolem, u których porównywano objętość tarczycy ocenianej w badaniu ultrasonograficznym oraz w badaniu 131I-SPECT. Grupę kontrolną B stanowiło 30 pacjentów (21 kobiet, 9 mężczyzn) z prawidłową objętością tarczycy w badaniu ultrasonograficznym oraz w badaniu 131I-SPECT. Badanie ultrasonograficzne tarczycy wykonywano aparatem ALOKA SSD 500 z głowicą liniową o częstotliwości 7,5 MHz. Badanie 131I-SPECT wykonano za pomocą gammakamery jednogłowicowej Diacam, stosując kolimator wysokoenergetyczny. Wyniki: W grupie badanej średnia objętość wola wynosiła w badaniu ultrasonograficznym 44,55 ml, a w badaniu SPECT - 49,67 ml (p < 0,001), natomiast w grupie kontrolnej objętość tarczycy wynosiła odpowiednio 13,83 ml i 16,19 ml (p < 0,001). Wnioski: Wyniki pomiarów objętości tarczycy zarówno u kobiet, jak i u mężczyzn w grupie badanej i kontrolnej zależą od zastosowanej metody badania. (Endokrynol Pol 2007; 58 (5): 403-407)Introduction: Ultrasonography (US) and scintigraphy (SPECT) are used to evaluate the volume of thyroid glands. An accurate estimation of the thyroid volume, among other factors, is necessary to calculate the suitable radioactive iodine dose, which determines the success of the therapy. The aim of the study was to estimate the volume of the goiter by means of US and 131I-SPECT. Material and methods: A group of 80 patients with a thyroid disorder in their past medical history was examined. Patients were divided into two groups. The group A contained 50 patients (39 females, 11 males) with a goiter, where the volume of the thyroid was evaluated with the use of US and 131I-SPECT. The group B contained 30 patients (21 females, 9 males) with a normal volume of the thyroid gland shown by US and 131I-SPECT. US of the thyroid gland was made by means of an ALOKA SSD 500 device, with the linear head 7.5 MHz frequency. 131I-SPECT was made by means of a one head gammacamera Diacam with a high energy collimator. Results: In the group A, the average volume of the goiter was 44.55 ml in US and 49.67 ml in SPECT (p < 0.001). In control group B the average volumes of the thyroid gland were respectively 13.83 ml vs. 16.19 ml (p < 0.001). Conclusion: The results of the thyroid volume measurement was dependant on the method used in both the investigated and control groups. (Pol J Endocrinol 2007; 58 (5): 403-407

    Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) in the diagnosis of orbital cavernous hemangioma

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    Background: Cavernous hemangiomas are among the most common benign neoplasms observed in the eye socket, making up 3-7% of all pathological orbital masses. Scintigraphy using 99mTc-labeled red blood cells is the currently approved method regarding liver hemangiomas. The aim of this study was to ascertain whether the application of single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) with 99mTc-labeled RBCs is as useful in orbital hemangioma diagnostics as in evaluating liver hemangiomas. Case Report: SPECT diagnostics of the facial skeleton using 99mTc–labeled RBCs was carried out in two patients suspected of orbital hemangiomas. The erythrocytes were labeled by an in vivo method; 20 mCi (700 MBq) of 99mTc-pertechnetate was injected 20 minutes after intravenous application of pyrophosphate. SPECT of the facial skeleton with a one-head gamma camera was initiated 10 minutes after administering the radioisotope. Conclusions: SPECT with application of 99mTc-labeled RBCs might be a useful supplementary examination to US, CT, or MRI, especially with the use of fusion techniques (SPECT/MRI, SPECT/CT) in suspected orbital hemangiomas

    Zespół Churg-Strauss

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    Zespół Churg-Strauss (CSS) charakteryzuje się astmą oskrzelową, eozynofilią i układowym zapaleniem małych i średnich naczyń. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono przypadek 27-letniej chorej z astmą oskrzelową w wywiadzie, gorączką, bólami stawów, utratą masy ciała, dusznością, kaszlem i niewielkim krwiopluciem. Stwierdzono nacieki płucne (badanie RTG klatki piersiowej), zmiany w zatokach przynosowych i niewydolność serca. Objawy wystąpiły po przerwaniu leczenia glikokortykosteroidami doustnymi i zmniejszeniu dawki glikokortykosteroidów wziewnych w czasie leczenia astmy preparatem antyleukotrienowym (montelukast). W badaniu echokardiograficznym wykazano uogólnioną hipokinezę lewej komory, obniżenie frakcji wyrzutowej (EF) do 37%, płyn w osierdziu bez cech tamponady. Obecna była eozynofilia (42%) we krwi obwodowej, zwiększone stężenie białka C-reaktywnego i IgE w surowicy krwi. Nie stwierdzono przeciwciał przeciw cytoplazmie neutrofili (ANCA). Rozpoznano CSS z zajęciem serca. Zastosowano terapię glikokortykosteroidami i lekiem immunosupresyjnym (azatiopryna). Niewydolność serca leczono inhibitorem ACE (perindopryl), diuretykami (furosemid, spironolakton) i digoksyną. Po ponad 3 latach od początku choroby pacjentkę zalicza się do II klasy według NYHA. Zaobserwowano jednak bardziej zaznaczone cechy dysfunkcji lewej komory w badaniu echokardiograficznym: EF jest obniżona i wynosi ok. 30%. (Folia Cardiol. 2005; 12: 394&#8211;402

    Zespół Churg-Strauss

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    Zespół Churg-Strauss (CSS) charakteryzuje się astmą oskrzelową, eozynofilią i układowym zapaleniem małych i średnich naczyń. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono przypadek 27-letniej chorej z astmą oskrzelową w wywiadzie, gorączką, bólami stawów, utratą masy ciała, dusznością, kaszlem i niewielkim krwiopluciem. Stwierdzono nacieki płucne (badanie RTG klatki piersiowej), zmiany w zatokach przynosowych i niewydolność serca. Objawy wystąpiły po przerwaniu leczenia glikokortykosteroidami doustnymi i zmniejszeniu dawki glikokortykosteroidów wziewnych w czasie leczenia astmy preparatem antyleukotrienowym (montelukast). W badaniu echokardiograficznym wykazano uogólnioną hipokinezę lewej komory, obniżenie frakcji wyrzutowej (EF) do 37%, płyn w osierdziu bez cech tamponady. Obecna była eozynofilia (42%) we krwi obwodowej, zwiększone stężenie białka C-reaktywnego i IgE w surowicy krwi. Nie stwierdzono przeciwciał przeciw cytoplazmie neutrofili (ANCA). Rozpoznano CSS z zajęciem serca. Zastosowano terapię glikokortykosteroidami i lekiem immunosupresyjnym (azatiopryna). Niewydolność serca leczono inhibitorem ACE (perindopryl), diuretykami (furosemid, spironolakton) i digoksyną. Po ponad 3 latach od początku choroby pacjentkę zalicza się do II klasy według NYHA. Zaobserwowano jednak bardziej zaznaczone cechy dysfunkcji lewej komory w badaniu echokardiograficznym: EF jest obniżona i wynosi ok. 30%. (Folia Cardiol. 2005; 12: 394&#8211;402

    To what extent can diverse types of liver lesions mimic hemangiomas? : a retrospective quantitative analysis of masses found to be positive in SPECT/CT with labeled blood cells : a preliminary report

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    Background: Although specificity of SPECT/CT examination using technetium-99m radiolabeled red blood cells (Tc-99m-RBC) for detection of liver hemangiomas is very high, it is still not perfect. It is possible to overlook a malignancy. Moreover, the difference in accumulation of RBCs between a hemangioma and uninvolved liver remains unknown. The aim of the study is to determine the quotients of accumulation of Tc-99m-RBC in hemangiomas and in normal liver parenchyma (HEM/liv), and to verify, whether the quotient could be potentially helpful in distinguishing hemangiomas from other RBC-accumulating liver masses. Material/Methods: 34 liver lesions larger than 1.5 cm classified scintigraphically (qualitatively) in our Department as either typical or suspicious of hemangioma 1.5-4 years earlier were enrolled in this retrospective study. Their SPECT/CT images were acquired 1 hour after in vivo labeling of RBCs with Tc-99m. In reconstructed images, ellipsoidal regions of interest (ROIs) with diameters of about 1.5 cm were created in the assessed lesions (HEM) and in the uninvolved liver parenchyma (liv). The HEM/liv quotients were calculated for each mass. The results were compared with radiological data. Results: 31 lesions were found to be clinically and radiologically typical for hemangiomas, their HEM/liv ratios were at least 1.6 (smaller masses) or 1.8 (larger masses). One lesion with HEM/liv ratio equal to 1.21 was classified as metastasis. Two lesions with HEM/liv 1.42 and 1.46 were classified as benign foci other than hemangioma. Conclusions: The quantitative analysis can be preliminarily proposed as a helpful tool in the assessment of possible liver hemangiomas

    Single photon emission computed tomography in pulmonary embolism : estimation of selected, scintigraphic regions of interests

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    Background: Pulmonary embolism is considered dangerous form of thrombo-embolic venous disease contracted by 25000 people annually with around 30% deaths. Accurate diagnosis of the disease and treatment could reduce mortality rate by several per cent. Discernment of ailment is obstructed by variety of clinical picture. Suspicion of pulmonary embolism is verified by diagnostic patterns, among which SPECT is used as well. Aim of this study was to prove perfusion scintigraphy with use of SPECT evaluated together with radiological examinations of chest could be efficient method of pulmonary embolism diagnosis. Material/Methods: SPECT of lungs was performed in 92 patients, examinations were compared to X-ray scans of chest and in 13 cases to computer tomography. Regions of interest in symmetric zones of chest were also traced in order to evaluate differences radiotracer accumulation. Results: Pulmonary embolism was diagnosed by means of SPECT in 59 patients (64.1%). Radiological examinations allowed to exclude other causes of decreased pulmonary perfusion. Conclusions: Difference over 10% in radiotracer accumulation in symmetric zones among patients with pulmonary embolism was stated in 42 patients, 5-10% - in 15,under 5% - in 2. Drawing symmetric regions of interest all over lungs indicates essential points of decreased perfusion whereas difference in radiotracer accumulation is greater than 10%

    Lymphangioleiomyomatosis in woman in menopause on estrogen replacement therapy

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    The case of limphangioleiomiomatosis (LAM) wa presented. Woman (55 years) receiving for several years estrogens with the symptoms of disease (dyspnea, nonproductive cough, chylous pleural fluid)appearedaftermenopause. Suggestive clinical symptoms and chest HRCT scan confirmed clinical diagnosis of LAM. Twoyearsafter discontinuation of estrogen medication her clinical condition and radiological picture of lungs improved