2 research outputs found

    Determinaci?n del modelo de gesti?n del proceso de administraci?n estrat?gica en las peque?as y medinas empresas de la ciudad de Ibagu?

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    201 p. Recurso Electr?nicoCon el nuevo contexto econ?mico, las pymes tienen el reto de la constante actualizaci?n de su tecnolog?a, la formaci?n de su talento humano, la b?squeda de v?nculos con sus nichos de mercado a trav?s de alianzas estrat?gicas y el de sostenerse en un entorno altamente competitivo (Anzola, 2002). Aunque la planeaci?n estrat?gica no es la soluci?n a todos los problemas por los que atraviesan las empresas en especial las PYMES, si es la herramienta conveniente y necesaria que brinda m?ltiples beneficios utiliz?ndola en el momento y en la forma requerida, determinando las acciones que se deben llevar a cabo con el fin de lograr el objetivo o la meta de la organizaci?n, es decir, la ruta a seguir para la realizaci?n de sus actividades. Por lo tanto, es importante que los directivos de las PYMES de la ciudad de Ibagu?, dediquen tiempo para analizar, la situaci?n actual de su empresa, hacia d?nde quieren llegar y qu? es lo que necesita hacer para lograr esa meta. La gesti?n de los empresarios tiene consecuencias en los resultados de la empresa, seg?n las caracter?sticas que asuman sus procesos de planeaci?n y las estrategias que formulen (S?nchez, 2003); lo cual va a asegurar que se establezcan los objetivos estrat?gicos y los planes a largo plazo y que exista la estructura de direcci?n adecuada para lograr dichos objetivos, y garantizar que la estructura funcione para mantener la integridad, la reputaci?n y la responsabilidad de la empresa hacia los diversos grupos que la integran (David, 2003).With the new open and comprehensive economic context is seen every day, the pymes have before them the challenge of constantly updating their technology, training of human talent, finding links to their niches through and strategic alliances to sustain in a highly competitive environment (Anzola, 2002). These strategies determine the actions that people perform in order to achieve the objective or goal of the organization, ie given a route to follow to carry out their activities. When one has determined a strategy, corporate behavior becomes inconsistent and sometimes even chaotic, since they have defined what direction to go or what you want to accomplish. The value of a competition strategy from the development of the capacity to intervene in a complex system with only certain limited information and thus produce a predictable and desirable change in the balance of system (Kenneth, 1984). It is necessary to clarify that strategic planning is not the solution to all problems that cut across companies especially SMEs, however, it is desirable and necessary tool that provides multiple benefits using it at the time and as required. Therefore, it is important that managers of small and medium enterprises in the city of Ibague, take time to analyze what is the current status of your business, where you want to go and what you need to do to achieve that goal. The management of the business has an impact on business results, according to the characteristics assume their planning processes and formulate strategies (S?nchez, 2003), which will ensure that strategic objectives are established and plans long term and that there is appropriate management structure to achieve these objectives, while ensuring that the structure functions to maintain the integrity, reputation and responsibility of the company to the various groups within (David, 2003)

    New Insights Into Mutual Funds: Performance and Family Strategies

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