18 research outputs found

    The correlation between vitamin D and autoimmune thyroid function – short review

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    Vitamin D is traditionally associated with the regulation of mineral metabolism and bone homeostasis, and its deficiency is the cause of diseases such as osteoporosis or osteomalacia. However, numerous studies in recent years suggest that thanks to the common expression of the vitamin D receptor (VDR) on the cells of the body and the related additional anti-inflammatory, immunomodulating, antioxidant, anti-fibrotic vitamin D effects, it may play a role in the development and progress of autoimmune diseases and tumors. The collected data suggest that low vitamin D levels correlate with the occurrence of autoimmune diseases of the thyroid gland and that there is a significant correlation between 25(OH)D and anti-TPO or anti-Tg levels. However, these data are inconclusive and further research is needed to confirm this relationship and determine whether lowered vitamin D titer is the cause or rather the consequence of autoimmune thyroid disorders, and whether vitamin D supplementation could prove to be an effective prophylaxis and treatment

    Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis - novel approach on future treatment

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    IntroductionIdiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a fatal pulmonary disease that leads to progressive fibrosis and extremely poor resaults.. Since the etiology is unknown, there are highly limited options of the IPF treatment. The researchers are trying to discover the most valuable targets, leading them to the agents registered in different conditions or not registered as any other treatment. This innovative approach can result in IPF being determined as not fatal. PurposeThe purpose of our review is to present possible future treatment of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and point out the promising targets that could lead the researchers to the development of better IPF management. Materials and methodsWe have reviewed the literature from the PubMed database searching for clinical trials, meta analysis and randomized controlled trials from the past 5 years. The keywords we agreed on offered us the most informative articles and made us hope for the further development of our article. ResultsOur review shows that there are new targets that could significantly benefit IPF treatment. However, the means we presented in our review need more research to prove its safeness, effectiveness in slowing down the decline of the FVC, improving patients’ physical efficiency, their saturation level and most importantly their ability to stop the continuous fibrosis of the lungs. ConclusionsThe only treatment registered for IPF are nintedanib and pirfenidone, but the researchers continue the exploration of new possible measures to improve the survival rate and quality of life of the patients suffering from this fatal disease

    Mental health issues during pregnancy - overview of the current knowledge

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    Depressive disorders of antenatal and postnatal period are diagnostic challenge, as well as increasingly frequent social problem. Incidence of antenatal depression varies from 10% to 16%. Around one third of all postpartum depression cases has its beginning during the antenatal period. From the beginning of 2019, Ministry of Health’s regulations specified for the first time the recommendation to perform screening of depressive symptoms - twice during the pregnancy and once during the perinatal period, defined as the first six weeks after the delivery. Therefore the review of current studies in the subject of mental health issues during pregnancy was conducted in order to establish possible risk factors

    Eating disorders in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus

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    Introduction and purpose: Eating disorders are an ever-growing problem, both in the general population and also in the population of pediatric patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus. However, for this specific group of patients, there is a twofold higher risk of developing eating disorders, the occurrence of additional distinct forms of these disorders, the so-called diabulimia - consisting of deliberate restriction of insulin delivery or skipping insulin doses, which can consequently lead to poor metabolic control of diabetes , and even threaten the lives of patients. The purpose of this work is to present the current state of knowledge on the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of eating disorders in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes. The state of knowladge: The background of the onset of eating disorders in pediatric patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus includes the lowered self-esteem accompanying early adolescence, stress, excessive focus on external appearance, as well as difficulties in accepting the diagnosis and a rather strict dietary regime. Since the treatment of eating disorders is long and difficult, the most important goal becomes effective prevention and rapid selection of patients with a predisposition to develop such disorders. The first screening tools - SEEDS, m-SCOFF and DEPS-R questionnaires - have already been developed, and the effectiveness of therapy sessions aimed at this group of patients is also being studied.  Summary: Therapy of eating disorders in patients with type 1 diabetes should be targeted at this specific patient population. It requires cooperation and communication of teams dealing separately with these diseases, education of the staff and their thorough knowledge of the background of the problem, prompt action and, above all, the development of specific guidelines for management, methods of prevention and the earliest possible start of treatment, which will also include the patient's caregivers

    The Influence of social media on developing body image dissatisfaction and eating disorders

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    INTRODUCTION Social media platforms are commonly used worldwide, affecting every-day living of billions of people. It may impacts both self-esteem and self-evaluation of its users. Formed by social influence, the ideal beauty standards lead to an unhealthy comparison, need of external validation and pursuit of ideal appearance. Induced body image dissatisfaction could be the cause of many different eating disorders or rigorous exercises. Promoted by media, ideal body-image creates unhealthy focus on BMI, weight and shape of one’s own body. PURPOSE The aim of this study is to present the current state of knowledge on the impact of social media on evolving dissatisfaction with body image, followed by eating disorders. METHODS For the purposes of writing this article, the available literature was reviewed. The database of medical publications – PubMed database and publicly available books was searched, using keywords such as social media and body image disorders, eating disorders. RESULTS According to reviewed studies, spending more time on following social media intensifies body image disorders among both young women and men, as a result of negative upward comparison of their external appearance. A problematic social media use, passive and focused on image-related platforms, heightens a risk of developing a self-dissatisfaction and body concerns. Disordered eating behaviors are significantly connected to a frequent use of an image-related social media platforms. CONCLUSIONS Maintaining a healthy relationships with peers and parents protects self-esteem of adolescents and lowers the risk of body-image and eating disorders. A greater focus should be put on educating young people about their value, self-assessment and healthy relations

    Cystic fibrosis - Ways to improve the quality of life of patients

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    Introduction  Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a serious, multi-system disease. In the Caucasian population CF is the most common autosomal recessive disease, which happens for 1 person in 3,500 births [1]. In the course of CF, there is a dysfunction of many organs, mainly the respiratory and digestive systems. Symptomatic treatment of cystic fibrosis is very important. The change in daily eating habits, the use of proper breathing techniques and psychotherapy also have an impact on improving the quality of life of patients. In the past patients died at a young age. The progress in the diagnosis and treatment of cystic fibrosis has meant that nowadays more and more people are reaching adulthood. In recent years, the median survival of patients has increased to 46.2 years. [2] Purpose The aim of this review is to present the current state of knowledge about ways to improve the quality and length of life of patients with CF. Methods The literature available in the Pubmed and Google Scholarship databases was reviewed using key phrases. Results Additional methods of treatment, such as: learning the correct breathing technique, oxygen therapy, physical exercise or proper nutrition, significantly improve the living conditions of patients

    Does excessive alcohol consumption contribute to the development of anxiety disorder?

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    Introduction Over past decades the number of patients suffering from psychiatric disorders all around the world is constantly increasing. Thank to general awareness and less stigmatization people seek for specialist’s help more willingly. Recently, one of the most common diagnoses has been anxiety disorder and many of them also tend to abuse alcohol. So far, scientists have focused mostly on alcoholism as a consequence of anxiety disorder, due to patients’ predilection to addictions. However, ethanol can also trigger anxiety itself. Aim of the study The aim of this study is to summarize the current state of knowledge on the role of alcohol in anxiety disorder development and its pathomechanisms. Material and methods This article is based on available publications in Pubmed and Google Scholar databases. Conclusions Excessive alcohol consumption may lead to the development of anxiety disorder in some patients, as well as, many other psychiatric disturbances. However, further research must be done to find out precise pathomechanism responsible for those states

    Gluten-free diet - opportunities and limitations

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    Objective  The aim of the study was to indicate the difficulties associated with gluten-free diet and the point of its use by people without medical indications. Another important aspect of the article was to analyze the impact of this diet on the course of chronic diseases.  Methods  For the purposes of writing this article, the available literature was reviewed. Using keywords such as gluten, gluten-free, or diet, the database of medical publications - PubMed was searched.  Results: The popularity of the gluten-free diet is growing. The reason for this is increased interest in health lifestyle and nutrition as well as the influence of the mass media. Because of that, the number of people on a gluten-free diet without medical indications is increasing. Following a gluten-free diet is associated with many difficulties. Gluten-free products are much more expensive and less available than their gluten-containing counterparts. It is associated with many obstacles in everyday life. An important aspect is also the imbalance of supplied nutrients and the risk of macro and micronutrient deficiencies, such as magnesium, zinc or selenium, as a result of the gluten-free diet. With the increasing popularity of the gluten-free diet, there are more and more studies on the potential benefits of its use in chronic diseases.  Conclusion: A gluten-free diet remains the only therapeutic option in the course of diseases such as celiac disease, non-celiac gluten sensitivity or wheat allergy. Due to the insufficient amount of data, its use is not recommended in the course of other chronic diseases and in the population of people without medical indications.&nbsp

    Impact Of Physical Activity And Health Education On The Development Of Depression

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    Depression is a common mental health disorder that affects the majority of the population. The exact cause of depression is not fully understood, but various factors such as genetics, environmental stressors, and psychological factors are believed to play a role. Due to the complexity of the etiopathogenesis of depression, the selection of appropriate therapeutic management is sometimes complicated. Treatment for depression typically involves a combination of medication and psychotherapy. Antidepressant medication can help alleviate symptoms by regulating neurotransmitters in the brain, while psychotherapy can help individuals understand and change negative thoughts and behaviors. Physical activity, such as sport, has been shown to have a positive impact on mental health and can help alleviate symptoms of depression. Exercise releases endorphins, reducing stress and improving mood. Health education can also play a role in preventing and managing depression by raising awareness, reducing stigma, and teaching individuals coping skills to maintain good mental health.     &nbsp

    Causes of runner’s diarrhea and dietary recommendations to avoid it - systematic review

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    Complaints of diarrhea and other gastrointestinal symptoms are common among endurance runners. These problems may interfere with athletic activities and be the main cause of underperformance during sports events. It is estimated that this difficulty affects 30 to 90 percent of long-distance runners. The most important pathophysiological factors affecting the occurrence of gastrointestinal symptoms are ischemia and mechanical damage to the intestines, as well as the secretion of neuroendocrine substances. The diet before physical exercise is also one of the most significant factors related to the appearance of gastrointestinal symptoms. Avoiding the intake of fat, caffeine, protein, fiber, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and dehydration before performance is one of the suggestions for preventing runner’s diarrhea. There are new recommendations for athletes, such as avoidance of fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols (FODMAPs) and the intake of multiple transportable carbohydrates. It seems that a short-term gluten free diet has no effect on the performance of athletes but further research is needed. Mechanisms of runner’s diarrhea are still poorly understood, so more research needs to be conducted to improve the recommendations to runners.&nbsp