9 research outputs found

    Inflorescence production of plants.

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    <p>The number of inflorescences of infected (E+), manipulatively infected (ME+), endophyte-free (E-) and manipulatively endophyte-free (ME-) <i>Festuca rubra</i> plants (F<sub>1</sub> generation) originating from meadow and river bank habitats (parental generation) growing in a common garden between 2004–2008 (yearly means ± S.E.).</p

    Loss of infection in sexually produced seedlings.

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    <p>Proportional (%) loss of endophyte infection in <i>Festuca rubra</i> seedlings (F<sub>2</sub> generation). Of the 47 endophyte-infected (E+) mother plants (F<sub>1</sub> generation), 14 produced offspring of exclusively endophyte-infected seedlings (total = 20), 13 produced offspring of exclusively endophyte-free seedlings (total = 19), while 20 mother plants produced progenies consisting of both E+ and E- seedlings (44 and 37, respectively) in the F<sub>2</sub> generation. Similarly, three and four out of 12 manipulatively endophyte-infected (ME+) mother plants produced offspring of exclusively endophyte-infected (total = 3) or –free (total = 4) seedlings, and five of the mother plants produced progenies consisting of both E+ and E- seedlings (10 and 13, respectively) in the F<sub>2</sub> generation. In total, E+ mother plants produced 63 and 57, and ME+ mother plants, 21 and 16 established E+ and E- seedlings, respectively.</p

    Repeated measures analysis for inflorescence production of <i>Festuca rubra</i> grasses in a common garden.

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    <p>Repeated measures analysis for inflorescence production of <i>Festuca rubra</i> grasses in a common garden.</p

    Host fitness and context dependency in defensive symbiosis.

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    <p>Average host fitness with or without a protective symbiont in relation to risk of attack. Defensive mutualism assumes that the symbiont improves host fitness in the presence of the enemy (h = 1), however the symbiont itself may (A) or may not (B) incur a fitness cost for the host in the absence of the enemy (h = 0).</p

    Overall reaction of sheep to ergoty feed.

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    <p>A decision tree representing the average probabilities of rams' (n = 6) approaches and decisions between ergoty and control forage in a food choice test. The final choice signifies the alternative eventually chosen for eating.</p

    Effect of ergot on host fitness.

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    <p>Parameter space where ergot infection has a positive (below the lines) or negative (above the lines) net effect on host fitness. β = relative loss of seeds due to ergot infection, d = protective effect of ergot infection, hα = cost of herbivory.</p

    Individual sheep reactions to ergoty feed.

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    <p>Single rams' (A–F) actions relating to ergot-containing feed on different rounds of a food choice test. The column colours indicate the proportion of actions within trials: white, ergoty feed not approached; grey, ergoty feed rejected; black, ergoty feed chosen.</p