7 research outputs found

    Vieras- ja tulokaslajit lukion oppikirjoissa ja lukiolaisten vieraslajitietämys

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    Vieraslajien leviäminen uusille elinalueille on maailmanlaajuinen ongelma, jonka torjumiseen tarvitaan niin yhteiskunnallisia toimia kuin kansalaisten osallistamistakin. Selvitin tässä pro gradu -tutkielmassa, mitä ja miten vieras- ja tulokaslajeista kirjoitetaan lukion biologian oppikirjoissa sekä mitkä tekijät voivat vaikuttaa lukiolaisten vieraslajitietämyksen tasoon. Oppikirjat ovat tärkeä tietolähde niin opettajille kuin opiskelijoillekin. Lukion biologian oppikirjojen sisältämän vieras- ja tulokaslajitiedon määrää tai ulottuvuuksia ei ole aiemmin tutkittu. Tutkimuksen aineistona oli kaksi lukion valtakunnallisen opetussuunnitelman 2003 sekä kaksi lukion valtakunnallisen opetussuunnitelman 2015 mukaista painettua oppikirjasarjaa. Oppikirjasarjoista tutkittiin laadullisen sisällönanalyysin avulla vieras- ja tulokaslajitiedon määrää, niiden sisältämiä lajiesimerkkejä ja erilaisten näkökulmien monipuolisuutta. Tulosten perusteella vieras- ja tulokaslajitiedon määrä on hieman vähentynyt opetussuunnitelman vaihtuessa, mutta samalla hieman monipuolistunut. Vieras- ja tulokaslajeista esitetyt näkökulmat painottuivat kaikissa tutkituissa kirjasarjoissa niiden aiheuttamien ekologisten haittojen esittelyyn, kun taas sosiaalisista, terveydellisistä ja taloudellisista haitoista oli huomattavasti vähemmän mainintoja. Analyysi oppikirjojen vieraslajeihin liittyvistä tehtävistä osoitti, että oppikirjatehtävät eivät tue tai edistä opiskelijoiden kansalaistaitojen kehitystä. Lukiolaisten vieraslajitietämystä tutkittiin Turun opettajankoulutuslaitoksen Science Learning for Future Environment -projektin puitteissa 2014–2016 kerätyn aineiston avulla. Aineisto koostui lukion biologian ja kemian valinnaiskurssille osallistuneiden opiskelijoiden (n=174) taustatiedoista sekä heidän vastauksistaan esitestin yksittäiseen tehtävään alakohtineen. Alakohdista kaksi mittasi taitoa tulkita vieraslajeihin liittyvää kuvaajaa ja toiset kaksi taas tarkemmin opiskelijoiden tietoa vieraslajien leviämistavoista ja niiden vaikutuksista ekosysteemeihin. Opiskelijoiden vastaukset pisteytettiin, jonka jälkeen pisteiden ja taustamuuttujien yhteyttä tutkittiin tilastollisin menetelmin SAS Enterprise Guide 7.1. -ohjelmistolla. Tilastollisten testien tulosten perusteella opiskelijan suorittamien biologian ja kemian kurssien määrällä on tilastollisesti merkitsevä yhteys opiskelijan vieraslajitietämykseen. Muilla taustamuuttujilla ei sen sijaan havaittu tilastollisesti merkitsevää yhteyttä opiskelijoiden vieraslajitietämykseen

    Teaching and Learning Methods in Geography Promoting Sustainability

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    Understanding and learning geographic knowledge and applying it to sustainable development (SD) depends not only on the knowledge itself, but also on how it is taught and studied. The teaching and learning methods for promoting sustainability in geography have not been thoroughly studied. This qualitative study examined articles on geography teaching and SD. The material was selected using keywords related to geography education. The study describes 17 articles published in peer-reviewed scientific journals from 2008 to 2018. The focus group varied from primary to higher education. The proportion of teaching and learning methods were determined. The data were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. The foci of the analyses were the teaching and learning methods, topics, goals, and levels of thinking skills. Additionally, features of the teaching methods used in geography education, including outdoor education, to achieve the sustainable development goals (SDGs) were investigated. Different teaching methods used together and interactive learning were the most often preferred. Group work and teachers’ presentations were mentioned in 12 articles, and inquiry-based learning and argumentation in half of the articles. The most often written expressions promoting SD in geography education concerned environmental sustainability (42%), followed by social (25%), economic (19%), and cultural sustainability (14%). The most emphasized features of the current teaching methods were active participation, thinking skills, animation, evaluation, dialog, demonstrations, and information and communication technology skills. The whole school approach and forward-looking perspective in geography should be implemented in school education to reach the SDGs and to support SD.</div

    Teaching Methods in Biology Promoting Biodiversity Education

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    The aim of this qualitative survey was to investigate what kind of teaching methods have been used in biology to promote biodiversity education (BDE) and how the methods support biodiversity (BD) learning. We found, in total, 317 international scientific articles published since 2000 which described the teaching methods regarding BDE and the teaching, and/or the learning. From these ones 12 articles specifically addressed the teaching methods of BD. The content of these articles was analysed in detail. The detailed analysis was based on (a) the categories of the teaching methods used, (b) the conception of learning in the Finnish National Core Curricula for Secondary schools and (c) the revised Bloom’s taxonomy and Stanny’s verbs concerning the levels of taxonomy. The most used teaching methods were hands-on instruction, experiential learning, and teacher presentation. The least used ones were games, roleplay, debates, service learning, study trips, and visits. In all the articles, various teaching methods used during the lessons were described. The items concerning the teaching methods, which supported students learning were active participation and interaction—mentioned in all the articles—followed by observation, experimental work, experiential learning, and techniques for increasing environmental awareness. The understanding of the different perspectives of BD and the development of self-evaluation were addressed in only four and two of the articles, respectively. The four types of knowledge were supported by the used teaching methods in nine articles jointly. The lower levels of thinking skills were well-supported by the used teaching methods. The highest level of thinking skills, such as synthesis and evaluation, received the least amount of attention.</p

    Teaching and Learning Methods in Geography Promoting Sustainability

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    Understanding and learning geographic knowledge and applying it to sustainable development (SD) depends not only on the knowledge itself, but also on how it is taught and studied. The teaching and learning methods for promoting sustainability in geography have not been thoroughly studied. This qualitative study examined articles on geography teaching and SD. The material was selected using keywords related to geography education. The study describes 17 articles published in peer-reviewed scientific journals from 2008 to 2018. The focus group varied from primary to higher education. The proportion of teaching and learning methods were determined. The data were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. The foci of the analyses were the teaching and learning methods, topics, goals, and levels of thinking skills. Additionally, features of the teaching methods used in geography education, including outdoor education, to achieve the sustainable development goals (SDGs) were investigated. Different teaching methods used together and interactive learning were the most often preferred. Group work and teachers&rsquo; presentations were mentioned in 12 articles, and inquiry-based learning and argumentation in half of the articles. The most often written expressions promoting SD in geography education concerned environmental sustainability (42%), followed by social (25%), economic (19%), and cultural sustainability (14%). The most emphasized features of the current teaching methods were active participation, thinking skills, animation, evaluation, dialog, demonstrations, and information and communication technology skills. The whole school approach and forward-looking perspective in geography should be implemented in school education to reach the SDGs and to support SD

    Teaching and Learning Methods in Geography Promoting Sustainability

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    Understanding and learning geographic knowledge and applying it to sustainable development (SD) depends not only on the knowledge itself, but also on how it is taught and studied. The teaching and learning methods for promoting sustainability in geography have not been thoroughly studied. This qualitative study examined articles on geography teaching and SD. The material was selected using keywords related to geography education. The study describes 17 articles published in peer-reviewed scientific journals from 2008 to 2018. The focus group varied from primary to higher education. The proportion of teaching and learning methods were determined. The data were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. The foci of the analyses were the teaching and learning methods, topics, goals, and levels of thinking skills. Additionally, features of the teaching methods used in geography education, including outdoor education, to achieve the sustainable development goals (SDGs) were investigated. Different teaching methods used together and interactive learning were the most often preferred. Group work and teachers’ presentations were mentioned in 12 articles, and inquiry-based learning and argumentation in half of the articles. The most often written expressions promoting SD in geography education concerned environmental sustainability (42%), followed by social (25%), economic (19%), and cultural sustainability (14%). The most emphasized features of the current teaching methods were active participation, thinking skills, animation, evaluation, dialog, demonstrations, and information and communication technology skills. The whole school approach and forward-looking perspective in geography should be implemented in school education to reach the SDGs and to support SD

    Teaching and learning methods in geography promoting sustainability

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    Abstract Understanding and learning geographic knowledge and applying it to sustainable development (SD) depends not only on the knowledge itself, but also on how it is taught and studied. The teaching and learning methods for promoting sustainability in geography have not been thoroughly studied. This qualitative study examined articles on geography teaching and SD. The material was selected using keywords related to geography education. The study describes 17 articles published in peer-reviewed scientific journals from 2008 to 2018. The focus group varied from primary to higher education. The proportion of teaching and learning methods were determined. The data were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. The foci of the analyses were the teaching and learning methods, topics, goals, and levels of thinking skills. Additionally, features of the teaching methods used in geography education, including outdoor education, to achieve the sustainable development goals (SDGs) were investigated. Different teaching methods used together and interactive learning were the most often preferred. Group work and teachers’ presentations were mentioned in 12 articles, and inquiry-based learning and argumentation in half of the articles. The most often written expressions promoting SD in geography education concerned environmental sustainability (42%), followed by social (25%), economic (19%), and cultural sustainability (14%). The most emphasized features of the current teaching methods were active participation, thinking skills, animation, evaluation, dialog, demonstrations, and information and communication technology skills. The whole school approach and forward-looking perspective in geography should be implemented in school education to reach the SDGs and to support SD

    Teaching methods in biology promoting biodiversity education

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    Abstract The aim of this qualitative survey was to investigate what kind of teaching methods have been used in biology to promote biodiversity education (BDE) and how the methods support biodiversity (BD) learning. We found, in total, 317 international scientific articles published since 2000 which described the teaching methods regarding BDE and the teaching, and/or the learning. From these ones 12 articles specifically addressed the teaching methods of BD. The content of these articles was analysed in detail. The detailed analysis was based on (a) the categories of the teaching methods used, (b) the conception of learning in the Finnish National Core Curricula for Secondary schools and (c) the revised Bloom’s taxonomy and Stanny’s verbs concerning the levels of taxonomy. The most used teaching methods were hands-on instruction, experiential learning, and teacher presentation. The least used ones were games, roleplay, debates, service learning, study trips, and visits. In all the articles, various teaching methods used during the lessons were described. The items concerning the teaching methods, which supported students learning were active participation and interaction—mentioned in all the articles—followed by observation, experimental work, experiential learning, and techniques for increasing environmental awareness. The understanding of the different perspectives of BD and the development of self-evaluation were addressed in only four and two of the articles, respectively. The four types of knowledge were supported by the used teaching methods in nine articles jointly. The lower levels of thinking skills were well-supported by the used teaching methods. The highest level of thinking skills, such as synthesis and evaluation, received the least amount of attention