727 research outputs found

    Erfolge mittels Rudererergometer und anaerobe leistungsmöglichkeit bei den Ruderern-studenten

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    The aim of the study presented was to assess the relationships between the 6-minute "all-out" rowing ergometer test with physical performance indices in college rowers. Ten male rowers (21.60+4.20 yrs; 186,90+5.64 cm; 84.10+6.59 kg; %body fat: 9.62+2.81%) performed a 6-minute "all-out" rowing ergometer test on a rowing ergometer (Concept II, USA) at the first measurement session. In addition, a graded exercise test at the intensities of 150, 200 and 250 W (6-minutes each) and a maximal 5x1 minute interval test were performed at separate measurement sessions. The heart rate (HR) was recorded at the end of each load during a graded exercise test. The individual physical working capacity (PWC) of the rowers was calculated at the maximum of HR recorded during a 6-minute "all-out" test. Blood samples for lactate (LA) determination were obtained from the fingertip before and immediately after each bout of exercise. The anaerobic threshold (AT) indices were determined by interpolation from the relationships between the LA concentration and the respective variable at a LA concentration of 4.0 mmol/l. The LA concentration in the blood was also determined before, immediately after and after 3 minutes and 5 minutes of recovery of the maximal 5 x 1 minute interval test. Significant correlations (p<0.05) were observed between the AT (W) and power (r=0.56) and the covered distance (r=0.55) of a 6-minute "all-out" test. In addition, the power and distance covered of the 6-minute "all-out" test were significantly related to the covered distance and power of all five trials of the maximum interval test (r=0.64-0.77). The stepwise multiple interval test indicated that the power of a 6-minute "all-out" test was explained by the mean power of a maximal 5 x 1 minute interval test at 82.75% (R2). In conclusion, the results of our study suggest that our proposed interval test has a high diagnostic value in the assessment of the anaerobic work capacity of rowers.Das Ziel dieser Untersuchung war, die Zusammenhange zwischen 6-Minuten Leistungstest mittels eines Rudererergometers und Indexen der körperlichen Leistungsmöglichkeit von Ruderern-Studenten zu erstellen. Zehn mĂ€nnliche Ruderer (21.60+/-4.20 Jahre; 186,90+/-5,64cm; 84,10+/-6,59kg; 9,62+/-2,81% Fettgewebe) wurden dem 6-Minuten Leistungstest am Rudererergometer (Concept II, USA) in der ersten Messung unterzogen. ZusĂ€tzlich wurden der progressive Belastungstest mit den Werten 150, 200 und 250 W (je 6 Minuten) und der Intervall-Leistungstest in der Zeitspanne von 5x1 Minute in abgesonderten Messungen durchgefĂŒhrt. Die Herzfrequenz (Heart Rate - HR) wurde in der Endphase jeder Belastung des Stufentestes gemessen. Persönliche körperliche Arbeitsleistung (PWC - engl. physical working capacity) der Ruderer wurde nach maximal gemessener Herzfrequenz in der Zeitspanne des 6-Minuten Leistungtestes errechnet. Aus der Fingerkuppe wurden vor und nach jeder Leistung die Blutproben zur Feststellung des MilchsĂ€urespiegels (LA) entnommen. Die Indexe der anaeroben Schwelle (anaerobic threshold - AT) wurden nach der vorgenommenen Interpolation der Wechselbeziehung zwischen dem LA-Spiegel und der entsprechenden Variable mit der Konzentration von 4,0 mmol/ festgestellt. Der LA-Spiegel wurde im Blut vorher, anschließend, 3 wie auch 5 Minuten nach dem Intervall-Leistungstest 5x1 gemessen. Es wurde eine bedeutende Wechselbeziehung (p<0,05) zwischen der anaeroben Schwelle (W) und dem Kraftaufwand (r=0,56) einerseits und der zurĂŒckgelegten Entfernung (r=0,55) in den Zeitspannen des Leistungtestes festgestellt. Der Kraftaufwand und die zurĂŒckgelegten Entfernung im Laufe des Leistungtestes hingen auch bedeutend von der zurĂŒckgelegten Entfernung und dem Kraftaufwandin allen fĂŒnf Zeitspannen des Intervall- Leistungtestes (r=0,64-0,77) ab, Der wicderholende Intervall-Test mit progressiver Belastung ‘beweist, dass sich der 82,75% (R2) Kraftaufwand, gemessen in 6-Minuten Leistungtest, ĂŒber arithmetisches Mittel vom Kraftaufwand, gemessen im Leistungtest mit Intervallen von 5x1 Minute erklĂ€ren lasst. Wir schlussfolgern, dass die Ergebnisse unserer Untersuchung darauf hinweisen, wie hoch der diagnostische Wert des vorgeschlagenen Intervall-Leistungtests bei der EinschĂ€tzung von Arbeitsleistung der Ruderer ist

    “In Women’s Hands”

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    Eugenics had popular appeal and expressions in early 20th-century Denmark. This article tells two stories of what eugenics looked like ‘in the hands’ of bourgeois Danish women as they promoted ‘racial hygiene’ through cultural production. The first story highlights the eugenic feminism of nationally acclaimed women’s rights advocate Thit Jensen through a reading of her play The Stork (1929). The second tells of the Copenhagen Housewife Association’s engagement with new media technology and race science through their eugenics radio Listener Group (1934). Read through a lens that pays especially close attention to race and class, I argue that this work identifies them as significant proponents of eugenic ideology and as contributors to the targeting of the poor and working class in the name of ‘racial hygiene’ – a decidedly racist project

    Dolls Who Speak: Sex Robots, Cyborgs and the Image of Woman

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    This thesis examines the emerging phenomenon of sex robots from a feminist materialist perspective. I explore the current scholarly and popular debates on sex robots, and suggest a reading of sex robots in their machinic, literary and cinematic expressions to move beyond the moral-ethical impasse that seems to dominate sex robot discussions. Employing Donna Haraway’s “Cyborg Myth” on a methodological and theoretical level, I argue for an interdisciplinary approach to studying sex robots, which proceeds carefully so as to avoid contributing to sex panic, and which thinks critically about what it might mean to assess sex robots from a feminist point of view that does not resort to gender-essentialism, nor the protection of heterosexuality. First, I argue for thinking about sex robots as an “always already new,” medium and proceed by situating sex robots historically. Second, I identify tropes in the configuration of sex robots, juxtapose them with the image of woman as painted by Walter Benjamin in the Arcades Project, and suggest that these sex dolls/bots embody, in an ideal fashion, the characteristics that have been assigned to and made synonymous with heterosexual femininity for centuries: artificiality, availability, variability, animatability, passivity, and submission. Third, I analyze a community of sex doll users, because these users are often left out of the scholarly literature on sex dolls and bots. Then, through a reading of HBO’s TV-series Westworld (2016), I propose a framework for thinking about sex robots that is rooted in the understanding of sexuality as a program, which I develop from Sara Ahmed’s notion of “compulsory heterosexuality as intentional functionality.” Finally, I argue that sex robots in their representation as an ideal woman companion points towards, and is a product of heteronormativity. Eluding this leads to an incomplete analysis of sex robots, and including it might lead to pleasurable deviant surprises
