42 research outputs found


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    Le slogan fĂ©ministe des annĂ©es 1970 « Un enfant quand je veux, si je veux » rĂ©sonne encore aujourd’hui. Il pose la question de la libertĂ© de choix dans l’espacement des naissances, dans la dĂ©cision des femmes d’ĂȘtre mĂšre. Il interroge peu le choix de ne pas ĂȘtre mĂšre. Pourtant, elles sont nombreuses Ă  avoir fait le choix d’une vie sans enfant. Face Ă  « l’évidence du naturel », devant l’injonction moderne au dĂ©sir d’enfant, ces femmes sont souvent qualifiĂ©es de dĂ©viantes, d’anormales, d’égoĂŻstes.Ce numĂ©ro de Sextant interroge ces mouvements et ces dĂ©bats autour de la non-maternitĂ©, en dĂ©finit les contours et interroge le passĂ© afin de mieux cerner les questionnements actuels. Que signifie ne pas ĂȘtre mĂšre aujourd’hui ? Quels jalons et Ă©vĂ©nĂ©ments ont rendu ce choix possible dans la sociĂ©tĂ© d’aujourd’hui ?The feminist slogan of the 1970s “A child when I want, if I want” still resonates today. It raises the question of freedom of choice in the spacing of births, in women’s decision to be mothers. But it hardly touches on the choice not to be a mother. Yet many women have chosen a life without children. Faced with the 'evidence of nature’ and the modern injunction to want children, these women are often described as deviant, abnormal, or selfish.This issue of Sextant looks at the movements and debates around non-motherhood, defining its contours, and examining the past in order to gain a better understanding of present-day issues. What does it mean not to be a mother today? What milestones and events have made this choice possible in today’s society

    Calibration Uncertainty of Non-Catching Precipitation Gauges

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    Precipitation is among the most important meteorological variables for, e.g., meteorological, hydrological, water management and climate studies. In recent years, non-catching precipitation gauges are increasingly adopted in meteorological networks. Despite such growing diffusion, calibration procedures and associated uncertainty budget are not yet standardized or prescribed in best practice documents and standards. This paper reports a metrological study aimed at proposing calibration procedures and completing the uncertainty budgets, to make non-catching precipitation gauge measurements traceable to primary standards. The study is based on the preliminary characterization of different rain drop generators, specifically developed for the investigation. Characterization of different models of non-catching rain gauges is also included

    Quality of life of long-term childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia survivors:Comparison with healthy controls

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    peer reviewed[en] OBJECTIVE: Improved treatment landscape has led to better outcomes for paediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) survivors. As the number of survivors increase, we need to elucidate the long-term quality of life (QoL) and domains of complaints in these patients. Furthermore, the main priorities of these patients need to be clarified. We assessed long-term QoL outcomes of survivors of childhood ALL compared to matched population controls. METHODS: QoL data were collected from survivors recruited in France and Belgium between 2012 and 2017, including the Short Form Health Survey (SF-12) and the Quality of Life Systemic Inventory (QLSI). The Wilcoxon test was used to compare SF-12 scale scores between survivors and matched population controls. For the QLSI, comparisons were mainly descriptive. RESULTS: One hundred and eighty-six survivors (mean age: 27.6 years; range: 18.1-52.8) at follow-up completed QoL measures, amongst whom 180 were matched to controls. Overall, survivors had higher QoL on all SF12 scale scores, indicating that they had better functioning compared to controls. Statistically significant differences on the SF12 were observed for Vitality, Social Functioning, Role Limitations due to Emotional Problems and Mental Health scales. QLSI outcomes suggested that survivors were happier than controls with Couple and Social Relations. Controls were unhappiest compared to survivors with Money, Love life, Self-esteem, Nutrition and Paid Work. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that survivors of childhood ALL have better QoL outcomes on some domains compared to the general population, specifically around social and emotional functioning, and that they tend to prioritize their relationships more. Interventions for improving QoL outcomes, might build on existing positive experiences with family, friends and partners

    Characterization of two new phosphorylation sites involved in the regulation of plant plasma membrane H+-ATPases

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    The plant plasma membrane H+-ATPase couples ATP hydrolysis to the transport of protons out of the cell, thus generating an electrochemical gradient used by secondary transporters to move ions and metabolites through the membrane. In addition, H+-ATPase is involved in several physiological roles such as stomata opening and cell elongation. This enzyme is highly regulated by (de)phosphorylation of several residues and binding of regulatory proteins. A well characterized example is the enzyme activation by phosphorylation of its penultimate residue, a Thr, and the subsequent binding of 14-3-3 regulatory proteins. Mass spectroscopy analysis of purified PMA4 and PMA2, the most broadly expressed Nicotiana plumbaginifolia plasma membrane H+-ATPases, led to the identification of new phosphorylated residues. Two of them were studied in more details. PMA4 Ser448 and PMA2 Thr889 were both mutated into aspartate or alanine and the mutant H+-ATPases were expressed in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisae as well as in Nicotiana tabacum suspension cells. Both mutations of PMA4 Ser448 resulted, in BY2 cells as in yeast, in higher penultilmate residue phosphorylation than in wild-type. However, unlike in yeast, the ATPase activity was lower in BY2 cells expressing the PMA4 Ser448 mutants compared to that expressing wild–type PMA4. The PMA4-S448D mutant conferred higher proton pumping activity than the wild–type PMA4 and the PMA4-S448A mutant, suggesting that the former has a better H+ pumping/ATP hydrolysis coupling. Concerning PMA2, the PMA2-T889A mutation did not allow yeast growth while PMA2-T889D resulted in improved growth and increased H+-ATPase activity in spite of reduced PMA2 penultimate Thr phosphorylation and 14-3-3 protein binding. Combining PMA2-T889D with other mutations indicated that PMA2 Thr889 phosphorylation can activate the H+-ATPase, provided that PMA2 penultimate residue is phosphorylated. Interestingly, 14-3-3 protein binding was not required but brought additional activation. Expression of these mutants in BY2 cells led to similar observations. In conclusion, this work highlighted different regulatory features of two newly identified phosphorylation sites of plant H+-ATPases. In particular, they show that this enzyme can be activated in the absence of activating 14-3-3 proteins.(AGRO 3) -- UCL, 201

    No Children, No Cry

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    Le slogan fĂ©ministe des annĂ©es 1970 " Un enfant quand je veux, si je veux " rĂ©sonne encore aujourd'hui. Il pose la question de la libertĂ© de choix dans l'espacement des naissances, dans la dĂ©cision des femmes d'ĂȘtre mĂšre. Il interroge peu le choix de ne pas ĂȘtre mĂšre. Pourtant, elles sont nombreuses Ă  avoir fait le choix d'une vie sans enfant. Face Ă  " l'Ă©vidence du naturel ", devant l'injonction moderne au dĂ©sir d'enfant, ces femmes sont souvent qualifiĂ©es de dĂ©viantes, d'anormales, d'Ă©goĂŻstes. Ne pas avoir d'enfant par choix demeura longtemps un impensĂ©, y compris dans la recherche scientifique. Depuis plusieurs annĂ©es, des mouvements et des groupes antinatalistes radicaux se font remarquer sur la scĂšne mĂ©diatique par des dĂ©clarations fracassantes, des happenings ou des Ă©vĂ©nements. Ceux et celles qu'on appelle dĂ©sormais les " croisĂ©s de la dĂ©natalitĂ© " se font plus visibles et revendiquent publiquement leur non-dĂ©sir d'enfant. Ils et elles avancent des arguments dĂ©mographiques, politiques ou Ă©cologiques. En mĂȘme temps, des essayistes comme Élisabeth Badinter dĂ©noncent une pression croissante pesant sur les femmes pour les inciter Ă  devenir mĂšres et Ă  une renaturalisation de la maternitĂ©. Par ailleurs, l'expĂ©rience de la maternitĂ© elle-mĂȘme se transforme et se diversifie. Ainsi, des mouvements qui ont longtemps rejetĂ© l'institution de la famille ont rĂ©cemment demandĂ© d'y avoir accĂšs. On le voit, la maternitĂ© et le refus de celle-ci sont au c156ur de nombreux dĂ©bats contemporains.Ce numĂ©ro de Sextant interroge ces mouvements et ces dĂ©bats autour de la non-maternitĂ©, en dĂ©finit les contours et interroge le passĂ© afin de mieux cerner les questionnements actuels. Que signifie ne pas ĂȘtre mĂšre aujourd'hui ?Quels jalons et Ă©vĂ©nements ont rendu ce choix possible dans la sociĂ©tĂ© d'aujourd'hui ?info:eu-repo/semantics/publishe


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    Introduction - No children, no cry

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