3 research outputs found

    Transition between fermentation and respiration determines history-dependent behavior in fluctuating carbon sources

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    Cells constantly adapt to environmental fluctuations. These physiological changes require time and therefore cause a lag phase during which the cells do not function optimally. Interestingly, past exposure to an environmental condition can shorten the time needed to adapt when the condition re-occurs, even in daughter cells that never directly encountered the initial condition. Here, we use the molecular toolbox of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to systematically unravel the molecular mechanism underlying such history-dependent behavior in transitions between glucose and maltose. In contrast to previous hypotheses, the behavior does not depend on persistence of proteins involved in metabolism of a specific sugar. Instead, presence of glucose induces a gradual decline in the cells' ability to activate respiration, which is needed to metabolize alternative carbon sources. These results reveal how trans-generational transitions in central carbon metabolism generate history-dependent behavior in yeast, and provide a mechanistic framework for similar phenomena in other cell types.status: publishe

    Canonical Notch signaling is not required for the growth of Hedgehog pathway-induced medulloblastoma

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    Current treatment for medulloblastoma is successful in more than half of all cases but results in substantial disability in survivors. Accordingly, there is considerable interest in drugs that may target specific signaling pathways activated in the tumors, with inhibitors of both the Hedgehog and Notch pathways currently proposed as possible therapeutics. Here, we tested the hypothesis that Notch pathway inhibition in vivo may block the formation of Hedgehog-dependent medulloblastoma. We took the general approach of using a cre recombinase under the control of the GFAP promoter to generate medulloblastoma in mice carrying a conditional Ptc1 allele and introduced a conditional RBP-J allele to ablate canonical Notch signaling. Loss of RBP-J from the developing cerebellum led to a modest loss of stem cells and an overall developmental delay. These phenotypes could be partially compensated by activation of the Hedgehog pathway. Hedgehog-dependent medulloblastoma were not blocked by loss of RBP-J, indicating that canonical Notch signaling is not required for tumor initiation and growth in this model. Oncogene (2010) 29, 3465-3476; doi:10.1038/onc.2010.101; published online 26 April 201