22 research outputs found

    Understanding the associations between information sources, sociodemographics, and views on public health measures: evidence from the COVID-19 pandemic in Austria

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    Background: Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, it was a key priority for governments globally to ensure agreement with, and subsequently adherence to, imposed public health measures, specifically non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs). Prior research in this regard highlighted the role of COVID-19 information sources as well as sociodemographic and other personal characteristics, however, there is only limited evidence including both. To bridge this gap, this study investigated the associations of COVID-19 information sources such as social media and participant characteristics with agreement with and adherence to NPIs during the first lockdown in Austria. Methods: An online survey was conducted in May 2020 among adult Austrian residents asking about their experiences during the first lockdown. Collected data included sociodemographic characteristics, main COVID-19-related information sources, agreement with/adherence to three NPIs (no physical contact to family members not living in the same household, leisurely walks restricted to members of the same household, mandatory face masks) and information about perceived social support using the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS), anxiety/depression levels using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), whether participants felt well advised by the government, and whether participants perceived the pandemic to threaten their income. Ordered and multinomial logistic regression models were employed to achieve the research aims. Results: The cross-sectional sample consisted of 559 Austrian residents. Using social media as main COVID-19 information source was consistently associated with lower agreement with NPIs. A positive association with agreement with measures was found for higher educational backgrounds and higher anxiety levels. By contrast, higher levels of depression, not feeling well advised by the government, and perceiving the pandemic as an economic threat were negatively associated with agreement with measures. Moreover, the use of social media as main COVID-19 information source and not feeling well advised by the government were associated with lower adherence to NPIs. By contrast, higher levels of education were associated with higher adherence. Conclusions: This comprehensive analysis emphasizes the associations of COVID-19 information sources as well as sociodemographic and other participant characteristics with agreement with and adherence to NPIs, bearing important implications for future public health crisis communication strategies

    The effect of Propionibacterium acnes on maturation of dendritic cells derived from acne patients' peripherial blood mononuclear cells.

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    Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes) has been implicated in the pathogenesis of acne vulgaris which is the most common cutaneous disorder. It has a proinflammatory activity and takes part in immune reactions modulating the Th1/Th2 cellular response. The exposure of dendritic cells (DCs) to whole bacteria, their components, cytokines or other inflammatory stimuli and infectious agents induces differentiation from immature DCs into antigen-presenting mature DCs. The aim of the study was to evaluate the capability of P. acnes to induce the maturation of DCs. We stimulated monocyte derived dendritic cells (Mo-DCs) from acne patients with various concetrations of heat-killed P. acnes (10(6)-10(8) bacteria/ml) cultured from acne lesions. The results showed an increase in CD80+/CD86+/DR+ and CD83+/CD1a+/DR+ cells percentage depending on the concetration of P. acnes. The expression of CD83 and CD80 (shown as the mean fluorescence intensity - MFI) increased with higher concetrations of P. acnes. There were also significant correlations between MFI of CD83, CD80, CD86 and concetration of P. acnes. The study showed that P. acnes in the concetration of 10(8) bacteria/ml is most effective in the induction of Mo-DCs maturation. Futher studies concerning the influence on the function of T cells are needed

    Recommendations for neurological, obstetrical and gynaecological care in women with multiple sclerosis: a statement by a working group convened by the Section of Multiple Sclerosis and Neuroimmunology of the Polish Neurological Society

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    Introduction. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the most common non-traumatic neurological cause of disability in young adults, affecting women 1-3 times more often than men. Several specific challenges arise from the fact that young women diagnosed with MS often have to make decisions related to treatment and family planning at the same time. These issues are connected with fertility, the impact of pregnancy on disease course, the choice of pregnancy timing, and the optimal mode of disease-modifying therapy in the context of a planned pregnancy, contraception, urological complaints, and sexual dysfunction.State of the art. While MS does not in itself adversely affect fertility, pregnancy or childbirth, pregnancy needs to be carefully planned. This requires the interdisciplinary co-operation of a neurologist, gynaecologist and psychologist. Data on the impact of disease-modifying drugs on foetal development are very limited, and none of these drugs is 100% safe during pregnancy. In the second and third trimesters, MS relapse rate decreases. Unfortunately, it increases within the first 3-6 months after delivery. Adequate disease control should be achieved before pregnancy, as relapse rate in the period of two years preceding pregnancy is one of the strongest predictive factors for post-partum relapses.Clinical implications. The following is a statement by a working group of experts in neurology, gynaecology, obstetrics and urology, convened by the Section of Multiple Sclerosis and Neuroimmunology of the Polish Neurological Society, addressing the issues that are specific to the female MS population. The aim of this statement is to provide guidance in pregnancy planning and disease management, both during pregnancy and post-partum.Future directions. This statement reflects expert opinion and is not intended to be read as guidelines. It rather provides up-to-date information on how to optimise care of female MS patients of childbearing age

    The effect of polymer waste addition on the quality of concrete composite

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    Concrete is one of the most important construction materials, which, due to its properties, provides complete freedom in using it in construction, and thus in shaping the space. Despite numerous advantages (ease of use, high compressive strength, low production cost, resistance to high temperatures), it also has disadvantages, which include, first of all, low tensile strength and sensitivity to the destructive effects of chemical agents. The continuous increase in expectations regarding the improvement of concrete quality meant that concrete began to be modified, inter alia, with polymers to eliminate the above-mentioned disadvantages. This paper presents a review of articles on the possibilities of using polymer waste in concrete technology and their impact on the quality of the produced concrete composites

    Effect of thermoplastic waste from production on the strength of cement mortars

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    This paper presents study results on the effect of the addition of polymeric waste on selected mechanical properties (flexural and compressive strength) of cementitious composites with a special emphasis on cement mortars. This research focuses on cement mortars, commonly used in construction applications such as seaports and quays. Here, post-production waste from the production of automobile floor mats is ground to a fraction of 0–2 mm and used in the amounts of 5%, 7.5%, and 10% by weight of cement as an additive or substitute for sand. All the presented tests are conducted in accordance with PN-EN 197-1. The purpose of these tests is to determine the possibility of using thermoplastic waste as an aggregate substitute or additive in cement mortars. The conducted research confirmed the possibility of using the mentioned waste in cement mortar production technology in the amount of 5% as a substitute for sand

    Wpływ popiołów powstałych ze spalania osadów ściekowych na podstawowe właściwości mechaniczne betonu

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    Przedstawiono analizę wpływu dodatku popiołu, powstałego ze spalania osadów ściekowych w oczyszczalniach ścieków, na właściwości stwardniałego betonu. Metodą doświadczalną zaprojektowano skład mieszanki betonowej kontrolnej, którą następnie modyfikowano przy użyciu popiołu lotnego. Dla wszystkich uzyskanych serii betonów wykonano badania: wytrzymałości na ściskanie betonu po 7, 28 i 56 dniach dojrzewania, mrozoodporności dla 100 cykli zamrażania i rozmrażania, nasiąkliwości. Betony modyfikowane popiołem powstałym ze spalania osadów ściekowych charakteryzowały się porównywalną wytrzymałością na ściskanie w stosunku do betonu kontrolnego oraz odnotowały niższy spadek wytrzymałości na ściskanie po badaniu mrozoodporności

    The effect of adding slag, achieved from wastewater sludge incineration in fluidized-bed furnace, on the quality of concrete

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    Due to a constant increase in generating the amount of sewage waste it is necessary to find an alternative method of its use or disposal. One of such methods can be utilization of sewage sludge in construction materials industry, particularly in concrete technology and other materials based on cement. It allows using waste materials as a passive additive (filler) or also as an active additive (replacement of part of bonding material). The article aims at presenting the analysis of the effect of adding slag, achieved from wastewater sludge incineration in sewage treatment plant, on properties and quality of concrete mix and hardened concrete. Using an experimental method, the researcher designed the composition of the control concrete mix, which was then modified by means of slag. For all concrete mixtures determined – air content with the use of pressure method and consistency measured by the use of concrete slump test. For all concrete series the following tests were conducted: compressive strength of concrete after 7, 28 and 56 days of maturing, frost resistance for 100 cycles of freezing and thawing, water absorption. The use of slag, ground once in the disintegrator, causes a decrease of in compressive strength of concrete samples in relation to the control concrete series as well as bigger decrease in compressive strength after frost resistance test

    Influence of Post-Consumer Waste Thermoplastic Elastomers Obtained from Used Car Floor Mats on Concrete Properties

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    In this paper, the influence of post-consumer thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) additive derived from used car floor mats on the physical and mechanical properties of concrete is presented. Waste elastomer (fractions 0–2 and 2–8 mm) was used as a substitute for sand or fine aggregate in the amount of 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, and 10.0% by weight of cement. For all series, the physical and mechanical properties of concrete (for example, compressive strength, flexural tensile strength, water absorption, density, and frost resistance), as well as its microstructure, were tested. It has been shown that post-consumer elastomer waste from used car floor mats in the amount of 2.5% of cement weight can replace sand and gravel aggregate in concrete without reducing their mechanical strength and without changing their microstructure. The compressive strength (after 28 days) of concretes in which the waste was introduced as a substitute for sand and aggregate was 57.0 and 57.2 MPa, respectively (the strength of the control sample was 57.0 MPa). The use of post-consumer waste in concrete allows for a reduction in the consumption of natural aggregate (the addition of 2.5% of waste material saves natural aggregate approximately 20 kg/m3), which reduces the cost of concrete production and also has a positive impact on the environment (i.e., it saves cost and space in landfills, where currently used car floor mat are deposited)

    Ocena wpływu recyklatów z butelek PET NA wybrane właściwości betonu

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    Omówiono wpływ odpadów politerftalenu etylenu(PET) na właściwości mieszanki betonowej i betonu. Przedstawiono wyniki badań dla betonów niemodyfikowanych i modyfikowanych dodatkiem rozdrobnionych zużytych butelek PET w ilości 5% masy cementu. Beton wykonano na bazie cementu portlandzkiego CEM I 42,5R i mieszanki kruszyw bazaltowych i piasku. Na podstawie analizy literatury oraz przeprowadzonych badań eksperymentalnych stwierdzono, iż beton, który w swoim składzie zawiera recyklat PET, może znaleźć zastosowanie między innymi w obiektach infrastruktury drogowej, np.: chodniki, podbudowy dla autostrad. Koncepcja produkcji betonu „przyjaznego dla środowiska” doskonale wpisuje się w strategię zrównoważonego rozwoju, który w obecnych czasach jest jednym z podstawowych czynników determinujących rozwój gospodarczy