2 research outputs found

    Intergenerational response to the endocrine disruptor vinclozolin is influenced by maternal genotype and crossing scheme

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    In utero exposure to vinclozolin (VIN), an antiandrogenic fungicide, is linked to multigenerational phenotypic and epigenetic effects. Mechanisms remain unclear. We assessed the role of antiandrogenic activity and DNA sequence context by comparing effects of VIN vs. M2 (metabolite with greater antiandrogenic activity) and wild-type C57BL/6 (B6) mice vs. mice carrying mutations at the previously reported VIN-responsive H19/Igf2 locus. First generation offspring from VIN-treated 8nrCG mutant dams exhibited increased body weight and decreased sperm ICR methylation. Second generation pups sired by affected males exhibited decreased neonatal body weight but only when dam was unexposed. Offspring from M2 treatments, B6 dams, 8nrCG sires or additional mutant lines were not similarly affected. Therefore, pup response to VIN over two generations detected here was an 8nrCG-specific maternal effect, independent of antiandrogenic activity. These findings demonstrate that maternal effects and crossing scheme play a major role in multigenerational response to in utero exposures

    Impact of vitamin D depletion during development on mouse sperm DNA methylation

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    Suboptimal environmental conditions during development can substantially alter the epigenome. Stable environmentally-induced changes to the germline epigenome, in particular, have important implications for the health of the next generation. We showed previously that developmental vitamin D depletion (DVD) resulted in loss of DNA methylation at several imprinted loci over two generations. Here, we assessed the impact of DVD on genome-wide methylation in mouse sperm in order to characterize the number, extent and distribution of methylation changes in response to DVD and to find genes that may be susceptible to this prevalent environmental perturbation. We detected 15,827 loci that were differentially methylated in DVD mouse sperm vs. controls. Most epimutations (69%) were loss of methylation, and the extent of methylation change and number of CpGs affected in a region were associated with genic location and baseline methylation state. Methylation response to DVD at validated loci was only detected in offspring that exhibited a phenotypic response to DVD (increased body and testes weight) suggesting the two types of responses are linked, though a causal relationship is unclear. Epimutations localized to regions enriched for developmental and metabolic genes and pathway analyses showed enrichment for Cadherin, Wnt, PDGF and Integrin signaling pathways. These findings show for the first time that vitamin D status during development leads to substantial DNA methylation changes across the sperm genome and that locus susceptibility is linked to genomic and epigenomic context