851 research outputs found

    Beyond the storage capacity: data driven satisfiability transition

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    Data structure has a dramatic impact on the properties of neural networks, yet its significance in the established theoretical frameworks is poorly understood. Here we compute the Vapnik-Chervonenkis entropy of a kernel machine operating on data grouped into equally labelled subsets. At variance with the unstructured scenario, entropy is non-monotonic in the size of the training set, and displays an additional critical point besides the storage capacity. Remarkably, the same behavior occurs in margin classifiers even with randomly labelled data, as is elucidated by identifying the synaptic volume encoding the transition. These findings reveal aspects of expressivity lying beyond the condensed description provided by the storage capacity, and they indicate the path towards more realistic bounds for the generalization error of neural networks.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Replica Symmetry Breaking in Cold Atoms and Spin Glasses

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    We consider a system composed by N atoms trapped within a multimode cavity, whose theoretical description is captured by a disordered multimode Dicke model. We show that in the resonant, zero field limit the system exactly realizes the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model. Upon a redefinition of the temperature, the same dynamics is realized in the dispersive, strong field limit. This regime also gives access to spin-glass observables which can be used to detect Replica Symmetry Breaking.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Counting the learnable functions of structured data

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    Cover's function counting theorem is a milestone in the theory of artificial neural networks. It provides an answer to the fundamental question of determining how many binary assignments (dichotomies) of pp points in nn dimensions can be linearly realized. Regrettably, it has proved hard to extend the same approach to more advanced problems than the classification of points. In particular, an emerging necessity is to find methods to deal with structured data, and specifically with non-pointlike patterns. A prominent case is that of invariant recognition, whereby identification of a stimulus is insensitive to irrelevant transformations on the inputs (such as rotations or changes in perspective in an image). An object is therefore represented by an extended perceptual manifold, consisting of inputs that are classified similarly. Here, we develop a function counting theory for structured data of this kind, by extending Cover's combinatorial technique, and we derive analytical expressions for the average number of dichotomies of generically correlated sets of patterns. As an application, we obtain a closed formula for the capacity of a binary classifier trained to distinguish general polytopes of any dimension. These results may help extend our theoretical understanding of generalization, feature extraction, and invariant object recognition by neural networks

    Dicke simulators with emergent collective quantum computational abilities

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    Using an approach inspired from Spin Glasses, we show that the multimode disordered Dicke model is equivalent to a quantum Hopfield network. We propose variational ground states for the system at zero temperature, which we conjecture to be exact in the thermodynamic limit. These ground states contain the information on the disordered qubit-photon couplings. These results lead to two intriguing physical implications. First, once the qubit-photon couplings can be engineered, it should be possible to build scalable pattern-storing systems whose dynamics is governed by quantum laws. Second, we argue with an example how such Dicke quantum simulators might be used as a solver of "hard" combinatorial optimization problems.Comment: 5+2 pages, 2 figures. revisited in the exposition and supplementary added. Comments are welcom

    Generalization from correlated sets of patterns in the perceptron

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    Generalization is a central aspect of learning theory. Here, we propose a framework that explores an auxiliary task-dependent notion of generalization, and attempts to quantitatively answer the following question: given two sets of patterns with a given degree of dissimilarity, how easily will a network be able to "unify" their interpretation? This is quantified by the volume of the configurations of synaptic weights that classify the two sets in a similar manner. To show the applicability of our idea in a concrete setting, we compute this quantity for the perceptron, a simple binary classifier, using the classical statistical physics approach in the replica-symmetric ansatz. In this case, we show how an analytical expression measures the "distance-based capacity", the maximum load of patterns sustainable by the network, at fixed dissimilarity between patterns and fixed allowed number of errors. This curve indicates that generalization is possible at any distance, but with decreasing capacity. We propose that a distance-based definition of generalization may be useful in numerical experiments with real-world neural networks, and to explore computationally sub-dominant sets of synaptic solutions

    Devil's staircase phase diagram of the fractional quantum Hall effect in the thin-torus limit

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    After more than three decades the fractional quantum Hall effect still poses challenges to contemporary physics. Recent experiments point toward a fractal scenario for the Hall resistivity as a function of the magnetic field. Here, we consider the so-called thin-torus limit of the Hamiltonian describing interacting electrons in a strong magnetic field, restricted to the lowest Landau level, and we show that it can be mapped onto a one-dimensional lattice gas with repulsive interactions, with the magnetic field playing the role of a chemical potential. The statistical mechanics of such models leads to interpret the sequence of Hall plateaux as a fractal phase diagram, whose landscape shows a qualitative agreement with experiments.Comment: 5 pages main text, 11 pages supplementary, 2 figure

    Current quantization and fractal hierarchy in a driven repulsive lattice gas

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    Driven lattice gases are widely regarded as the paradigm of collective phenomena out of equilibrium. While such models are usually studied with nearest-neighbor interactions, many empirical driven systems are dominated by slowly decaying interactions such as dipole-dipole and Van der Waals forces. Motivated by this gap, we study the non-equilibrium stationary state of a driven lattice gas with slow-decayed repulsive interactions at zero temperature. By numerical and analytical calculations of the particle current as a function of the density and of the driving field, we identify (i) an abrupt breakdown transition between insulating and conducting states, (ii) current quantization into discrete phases where a finite current flows with infinite differential resistivity, and (iii) a fractal hierarchy of excitations, related to the Farey sequences of number theory. We argue that the origin of these effects is the competition between scales, which also causes the counterintuitive phenomenon that crystalline states can melt by increasing the density

    Unified Fock space representation of fractional quantum Hall states

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    Many bosonic (fermionic) fractional quantum Hall states, such as Laughlin, Moore-Read and Read-Rezayi wavefunctions, belong to a special class of orthogonal polynomials: the Jack polynomials (times a Vandermonde determinant). This fundamental observation allows to point out two different recurrence relations for the coefficients of the permanent (Slater) decomposition of the bosonic (fermionic) states. Here we provide an explicit Fock space representation for these wavefunctions by introducing a two-body squeezing operator which represents them as a Jastrow operator applied to reference states, which are in general simple periodic one dimensional patterns. Remarkably, this operator representation is the same for bosons and fermions, and the different nature of the two recurrence relations is an outcome of particle statistics.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure
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