31 research outputs found

    Giovanni Sartori e la democrazia della Seconda Repubblica

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    Il saggio ripercorre e analizza criticamente tutti i passaggi istituzionali della cosiddetta Seconda Repubblica, ossia della peculiare democrazia maggioritaria che si imposta in Italia a partire dal 1994. Tali passaggi sono visti all'interno del pensiero di Giovanni Sartori e in particolare della sua teoria della democrazia. Tale pensiero si è manifestato sia attraverso opere scientifiche sia attraverso una continua attività pubblicistica, in particolare dalle colonne, come editorialista, del Corriere della Sera. Dall'esame di questo pensiero emerge una serrata e continua critica dei caratteri istituzionali della peculiare democrazia maggioritaria all'italiana.The essay traces and critically analyzes all the institutional steps of the so-called Italian Second Republic, that is the peculiar majoritarian democracy that is set in Italy since 1994. These steps are seen within the thoughts of Giovanni Sartori and in particular of his theory of democracy . Such thinking has manifested both through scientific works both through continuous publications, in particular from the columns, as a columnist, of the Corriere della Sera. From an examination of this thinking emerges a close and continuous criticism of the institutional character of the distinctive Italian style majoritarian democracy

    Experimental system to displace radioisotopes from upper to deeper soil layers: chemical research

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    BACKGROUND: Radioisotopes are introduced into the environment following nuclear power plant accidents or nuclear weapons tests. The immobility of these radioactive elements in uppermost soil layers represents a problem for human health, since they can easily be incorporated in the food chain. Preventing their assimilation by plants may be a first step towards the total recovery of contaminated areas. METHODS: The possibility of displacing radionuclides from the most superficial soil layers and their subsequent stabilisation at lower levels were investigated in laboratory trials. An experimental system reproducing the environmental conditions of contaminated areas was designed in plastic columns. A radiopolluted soil sample was treated with solutions containing ions normally used in fertilisation (NO(3)(-), NH(4)(+), PO(4)(--- )and K(+)). RESULTS: Contaminated soils treated with an acid solution of ions NO(3)(-), PO(4)(--- )and K(+), undergo a reduction of radioactivity up to 35%, after a series of washes which simulate one year's rainfall. The capacity of the deepest soil layers to immobilize the radionuclides percolated from the superficial layers was also confirmed. CONCLUSION: The migration of radionuclides towards deeper soil layers, following chemical treatments, and their subsequent stabilization reduces bioavailability in the uppermost soil horizon, preventing at the same time their transfer into the water-bearing stratum

    Em que ponto estamos? Sessenta anos de reformas institucionais na Itália (1946-2005)

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    reservedIn questa tesi, si vuole analizzare e confrontare tre diversi sistemi costruttivi utilizzati per la progettazione di un edificio residenziale, al fine di individuare i vantaggi e le potenzialità di ciascuno di essi in termini di efficienza energetica. Le tipologie esaminate sono la costruzione tradizionale in muratura e calcestruzzo armato, la tecnologia a pannelli di legno a tavole incrociate (X-LAM) e la muratura in laterizio a giunti sottili. L’elaborato inizia presentando la normativa attuale che stabilisce i requisiti minimi per la realizzazione di nuove costruzioni con l’obiettivo di ridurre i consumi energetici e garantire il massimo confort termico. Nella prima fase di progettazione, è essenziale prendere in considerazione una serie di fattori come la posizione, l’orientamento e la forma dell’immobile per ottimizzare le sue prestazioni energetiche e limitare i consumi di energia. L’edificio utilizzato per l’analisi consiste in un’abitazione unifamiliare di nuova costruzione sviluppata su due piani fuori terra. Successivamente, nella seconda parte della tesi, verranno analizzati i materiali da impiegare per ciascun sistema costruttivo e confrontati tra loro. Per effettuare le analisi, nella maniera più adeguata, si è utilizzato il software “Thermus”, il quale consente di ottenere l’Attestato di Prestazione Energetica e di valutare l’efficienza energetica dell’edificio. Infine, nella parte finale della tesi, verranno presentati i risultati dell’analisi comparativa dei diversi sistemi costruttivi, evidenziando i vantaggi e le potenzialità di ciascuno di essi in termini di efficienza energetica

    Onset of puberty in Maremmana heifers

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    The Maremmana breed is characterised by rusticity, resistance to harsh environments and good growth ability and it could be considered as one of the most suited breeds for extensive rearing in Italy. Moreover, Maremmana presents high fertility and good fostering ability but, on the other hand, the age at first calving appears quite high. This could probably be due to reduced feed availability to which animals are frequently subjected. The aim of this paper was to determine the age at puberty in Maremmana heifers, the repeatability of the reproductive cycles along the seasons and to verify the possibility to anticipate the age at first service. Haematic levels of progesterone and 17-β-estradiol were determined weekly in 6 heifers raised in pens and fed with 0.70 Milk FU/kg DM and 121 g of gross protein/kg d.m, starting from 9 up to 25 months of age. Metabolic profile was determined monthly to highlight possible metabolic unbalances that could affect reproductive activity. Plasma was submitted to RIA analysis in order to measure steroidal hormones. Puberty was considered reached when two subsequent measures of progesterone resulted higher than 1 ng/ml of plasma. This happened in 5 out of 6 heifers at an average age of 17 months. The fluctuation of the hormonal levels throughout the year seems to exclude the seasonality of the oestrous cycle. The results showed that the level of the most important metabolites is within the normal range and it does not seem to interfere with the choice to anticipate the first service by one year. Possible periods of anoestrus noticed in some herds could be linked to the reduced availability of pastures in a few months of the year