93 research outputs found

    Поняття та елементи способу заподіяння тілесних ушкоджень

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    Досліджено історичний розвиток категорії «спосіб вчинення злочину» в аспекті заподіяння тілесних ушкоджень, апробовані матеріали слідчої практики та вивчення кримінальних справ. Розглянуті та проаналізовані елементи способів заподіяння тілес­них ушкоджень.Исследован историческое развитие категории «способ совершения преступления» в аспекте причинения телесных повреждений, апробированы материалы следственной практики и изучения уголовных дел. Рассмотрены и проанализированы элементы спо­собов причинения телесных повреждений, классификация орудий причинения телесных повреждений.The historical aspect of a category «a way of committing crime» is investigated in article and the way of Fulfilment of physical injuries, results of practical researches are approved. Elements of methods of bodily harm infliction as well as classification of its instruments are considered and analyzed

    Теоретичні і методологічні проблеми реформування механізму державної влади в Україні

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    Здійснений аналіз процесу модернізації механізму державної влади, обґрунтована необхідність розробки нових стратегій економічного і соціального розвитку, чіткого розуміння існуючих в даній сфері проблем та шляхів їх практичного вирішення.Осуществлен анализ процесса модернизации механизма государственной власти, обоснована необходимость разработки новых стратегий экономического и социального развития, четкого понимания существующих в данной сфере проблем и путей их практического решения.Accomplishes the analyses of the process of modernization of the mechanism of the state power. The necessity of designing of new strategies of economical and social development, the clear understanding of the problems that exist in the particular sphere and the ways of their practical solution are good in law

    Improving the Effectiveness and Efficiency of Web-Based Search Tasks for Policy Workers

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    We adapt previous literature on search tasks for developing a domain-specific search engine that supports the search tasks of policy workers. To characterise the search tasks we conducted two rounds of interviews with policy workers at the municipality of Utrecht, and found that they face different challenges depending on the complexity of the task. During simple tasks, policy workers face information overload and time pressures, especially during web-based searches. For complex tasks, users prefer finding domain experts within their organisation to obtain the necessary information, which requires a different type of search functionality. To support simple tasks, we developed a web search engine that indexes web pages from authoritative sources only. We tested the hypothesis that users prefer expert search over web search for complex tasks and found that supporting complex tasks requires integrating functionality that enables finding internal experts within the broader web search engine. We constructed representative tasks to evaluate the proposed system’s effectiveness and efficiency, and found that it improved user performance. The search functionality developed could be standardised for use by policy workers in different municipalities within the Netherlands

    Lepra bubalorum, a potential reservoir of Mycobacterium leprae

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    In 1926, a mycobacterial skin disease was observed in water buffaloes by researchers in Indonesia. The disease was designated as skin tuberculosis, though it was hypothesized that it might be a form of leprosy or a leprosy-like disease. In a follow-up study (Ph.D. thesis Lobel, 1934, Utrecht University, Netherlands) a similar nodular skin disease was described in Indonesian water buffaloes and named “lepra bubalorum” or “nodular leprosy.” Two decades later Kraneveld and Roza (1954) reported that, so far, the diagnosis lepra bubalorum had been made in 146 cases in Indonesia. After a final series of research reports by Indonesian veterinarians in 1961, no subsequent cases were published. Based on information from these reports, it can be concluded that, even though evidence of nerve involvement in buffaloes was not reported, similarities exist between lepra bubalorum and Hansen’s disease (leprosy), i.e., nodular skin lesions with a chronic course and microscopically granulomatous reactions with AFB in globi in vacuoles. This raises the question as to whether these historical cases might indeed have been caused by Mycobacterium leprae, Mycobacterium lepromatosis or another representative of the M. leprae complex. The future use of state-of-the-art molecular techniques may answer this question and may also help to answer the question whether water buffaloes should be considered as a potential natural reservoir of the causative pathogen of Hansen’s disease.http://www.frontiersin.org/Microbiologyam2022Veterinary Tropical Disease

    Academic discourse on education during the early part of the pandemic

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    As the global COVID-19 pandemic forced a sudden transition to emergency online education in early 2020, academic discourse quickly shifted to focus on the new situation and what could be learned from it. The present study gives an overview of the discourse on education during the pandemic in publications that appeared in the top-50 journals on the Clarivate Education list in the period April 2020–May 2021. Based on a final selection of 63 articles and 12 editorials, mostly on higher education, five main themes were identified: affect, teaching practice, teaching context, achievement and assessment, and equity. The academic discourse in these publications indicates that the emergency situation exacerbated previously existing issues: mental distress was observed to rise sharply for all stakeholders and gaps in access to education between different social groups widened. In response, teachers revisited the core values of education to guide them in approaching online teaching. Management focused less on procedures and communicated in a more human and empathic way. We argue that the acute interconnectedness experienced during the pandemic can be used to develop a pedagogy of care in which support is explicitly organized on both socio-emotional and academic levels

    Reservoirs and transmission routes of leprosy : a systematic review

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    Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae (M. leprae) and the more recently discovered Mycobacterium lepromatosis (M. lepromatosis). The two leprosy bacilli cause similar pathologic conditions. They primarily target the skin and the peripheral nervous system. Currently it is considered a Neglected Tropical Disease, being endemic in specific locations within countries of the Americas, Asia, and Africa, while in Europe it is only rarely reported. The reason for a spatial inequality in the prevalence of leprosy in so-called endemic pockets within a country is still largely unexplained. A systematic review was conducted targeting leprosy transmission research data, using PubMed and Scopus as sources. Publications between January 1, 1945 and July 1, 2019 were included. The transmission pathways of M. leprae are not fully understood. Solid evidence exists of an increased risk for individuals living in close contact with leprosy patients, most likely through infectious aerosols, created by coughing and sneezing, but possibly also through direct contact. However, this systematic review underscores that human-to-human transmission is not the only way leprosy can be acquired. The transmission of this disease is probably much more complicated than was thought before. In the Americas, the nine-banded armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus) has been established as another natural host and reservoir of M. leprae. Anthroponotic and zoonotic transmission have both been proposed as modes of contracting the disease, based on data showing identical M. leprae strains shared between humans and armadillos. More recently, in red squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris) with leprosy-like lesions in the British Isles M. leprae and M. lepromatosis DNA was detected. This finding was unexpected, because leprosy is considered a disease of humans (with the exception of the armadillo), and because it was thought that leprosy (and M. leprae) had disappeared from the United Kingdom. Furthermore, animals can be affected by other leprosy-like diseases, caused by pathogens phylogenetically closely related to M. leprae. These mycobacteria have been proposed to be grouped as a M. leprae-complex. We argue that insights from the transmission and reservoirs of members of the M. leprae-complex might be relevant for leprosy research. A better understanding of possible animal or environmental reservoirs is needed, because transmission from such reservoirs may partly explain the steady global incidence of leprosy despite effective and widespread multidrug therapy. A reduction in transmission cannot be expected to be accomplished by actions or interventions from the human healthcare domain alone, as the mechanisms involved are complex. Therefore, to increase our understanding of the intricate picture of leprosy transmission, we propose a One Health transdisciplinary research approach.S1 PRISMA Checklist.S1 Text.https://journals.plos.org/plosntdsam2021Veterinary Tropical Disease

    Towards an Open-Source Dutch Speech Recognition System for the Healthcare Domain

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    The current largest open-source generic automatic speech recognition (ASR) system for Dutch, Kaldi NL, does not include a domain-specific healthcare jargon in the lexicon. Commercial alternatives (e.g., Google ASR system) are also not suitable for this purpose, not only because of the lexicon issue, but they do not safeguard privacy of sensitive data sufficiently and reliably. These reasons motivate that just a small amount of medical staff employs speech technology in the Netherlands. This paper proposes an innovative ASR training method developed within the Homo Medicinalis (HoMed) project. On the semantic level it specifically targets automatic transcription of doctor-patient consultation recordings with a focus on the use of medicines. In the first stage of HoMed, the Kaldi NL language model (LM) is fine-tuned with lists of Dutch medical terms and transcriptions of Dutch online healthcare news bulletins. Despite the acoustic challenges and linguistic complexity of the domain, we reduced the word error rate (WER) by 5.2%. The proposed method could be employed for ASR domain adaptation to other domains with sensitive and special category data. These promising results allow us to apply this methodology on highly sensitive audiovisual recordings of patient consultations at the Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research (Nivel)

    Adapting a Faceted Search Task Model for the Development of a Domain-Specific Council Information Search Engine

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    Domain specialists such as council members may benefit from specialised search functionality, but it is unclear how to formalise the search requirements when developing a search system. We adapt a faceted task model for the purpose of characterising the tasks of a target user group. We first identify which task facets council members use to describe their tasks, then characterise council member tasks based on those facets. Finally, we discuss the design implications of these tasks for the development of a search engine. Based on two studies at the same municipality we identified a set of task facets and used these to characterise the tasks of council members. By coding how council members describe their tasks we identified five task facets: the task objective, topic aspect, information source, retrieval unit, and task specificity. We then performed a third study at a second municipality where we found our results were consistent. We then discuss design implications of these tasks because the task model has implications for 1) how information should be modelled, and 2) how information can be presented in context, and it provides implicit suggestions for 3) how users want to interact with information. Our work is a step towards better understanding the search requirements of target user groups within an organisation. A task model enables organisations developing search systems to better prioritise where they should invest in new technology

    Challenges on the Promising Road to Automatic Speech Recognition of Privacy-Sensitive Dutch Doctor-Patient Consultation Recordings

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    In this paper we present the currently running PDI-SSH project Homo Medicinalis (HoMed), in which we use machine learning to build an Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) infrastructure for disclosing privacy-sensitive doctor-patient consultation recordings