3 research outputs found

    Preresearch of appropriate nutrition of children with type 1 diabetes mellitus

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    WSTĘP. Celem pracy była ocena sposobu odżywiania dzieci z cukrzycą typu 1, z uwzględnieniem rozłożenia i charakterystyki jakościowej spożywanych posiłków w ciągu dnia. MATERIAŁ I METODY. Badaniami objęto 42 dzieci (12 chłopców i 30 dziewcząt) w wieku 7-18 lat z Poradni Cukrzycowej dla Dzieci i Młodzieży Akademii Medycznej w Gdańsku. Populację podzielono na dwie grupy wiekowe: 7-12 lat, średnia wieku 9,3 roku (12 pacjentów) oraz 13-18 lat, średnia 15,4 roku (30 pacjentów). Przeprowadzono ankietę jakościową zawierającą 12 pytań oraz dokonano pomiarów antropometrycznych (wzrost i masa ciała). WYNIKI. Stwierdzono, że grupa dzieci młodszych spożywała właściwą liczbę posiłków dostosowanych do insulinoterapii. Jednak często ich jakość odbiegała od zaleceń. Zastrzeżenia budzi zbyt mały udział warzyw w diecie oraz preferowany wybór serków topionych i żółtych. Zwiększenie samodzielności w okresie dojrzewania sprzyjało błędom dietetycznym. WNIOSKI. Prawidłowe nawyki żywieniowe należy wyrabiać w jak najwcześniejszym okresie życia i stale je utrwalać.INTRODUCTION. The aim of the study was to assess the nutrition of children with type 1 diabetes mellitus, considering the quantity and quality of the meals consumed during the day. MATERIAL AND METHODS. The research was conducted among 42 children (12 boys and 30 girls) at the age of 7-18 years, the patients of Children Diabetes Clinic of Medical Academy in Gdansk. The research population has been divided into 2 groups: 7-12 years old (average age 9.3 years - 12 patients) and 13-18 years old (15.4 years - 30 patients). The research was based on the survey consisting 12 questions as well as on the anthropometric measurements such as the height and weight of the patients. RESULTS. The research lead to the conclusion that the group of the younger children has eaten the proper quantity of the food recommended during the insulin therapy. However, the quality of meals was often not fulfilling the recommendation. There was the relevant small amount of vegetables in the diet while the preferences of soft and hard cheeses consuming occurred. All in all, the diet mistakes were caused by increased self-reliance of the patients during their adolescence. CONCLUSIONS. The proper diet habits ought to be developed from the early years and be constantly sustained

    Consumption of milk and milk products in the population of the Upper Silesian agglomeration inhabitants

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    Background: Providing the appropriate amount of nutrients at every stage of life is a key element determining the proper development and functioning of the body. Objective: Because of the nutritional value and resulting position of milk and milk products in the daily diet, this study was undertaken to assess the consumption of milk and milk products among the inhabitants of the Upper Silesian agglomeration. Design: The survey covered 600 people, including 339 women (56.5%) and 261 men (43.5%) aged 18–78 years. To assess the consumption of milk and milk products, as a research tool an original survey with the closed-ended and open-ended questions was used. The questions concerned the characteristics of the surveyed group and various aspects of the consumption of milk and milk products. The results obtained were subjected to statistical analysis using the Statistica 10.0 program with a chi-square test for quality features. Results: The level of consumption of milk and milk products among the Upper Silesian agglomeration inhabitants is insufficient in relation to nutrition recommendations. However, despite many controversies surrounding milk, the respondents also claimed that it played an important role in their daily diet. Conclusions: The most frequently consumed type of milk in the surveyed group is ultra heat treated (UHT) milk with average fat content