24 research outputs found

    The impact of colostrum on brain development of the newborn pigs

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    Colostrum is a source of many bioactive components including antibodies (IgG) as suggested protecting the newborns against infection. In this study we aimed to evaluate the role of colostrum for the brain development in newborn pigs. The hippocampal neurons and microglial cells were identified by specific antibodies and analyzed with confocal microscope and the morphometric assay was provided. The piglets deprived of colostrum revealed a reduction in postnatal hippocampal neuro and microgliogenesis. Feeding with elementary diet instead of colostrum didn’t help physiological postnatal brain development. Addition of IgG to elementary diet improved the neurogenesis and supported immune status of the brain supporting the importance of natural feeding in the first weeks of life.Молозиво є джерелом багатьох біологічно активних речовин, в тому числі, імуноглобулінів (а саме IgG), які, як вважається, захищають новонароджених від інфекцій. Метою даного дослідження була оцінка впливу споживання молозива після народження на розвиток головного мозку поросят. Методом конфокальної мікроскопії з допомогою специфічних антитіл були ідентифіковані нейрони СА1 зони гіпокампа та мікрогліальні клітини, також був проведений морфометричний аналіз зрізів. У позбавлених молозива тварин було виявлене зменшення постнатального нейро- та мікрогліогенезу в гіпокампі. Годування поросят основною дієтою замість молозива не відтворювало фізіологічний постнатальний розвиток головного мозку. Додавання IgG до основної дієти покращувало нейрогенез та підтримувало імунний статус головного мозку, що підтверджує думку про важливість натурального харчування в перші тижні життя

    Weight and age at weaning influence pancreatic size and enzymatic capacity

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    Many pig producers are moving towards early weaning in an effort to minimise disease transfer from sow to piglet. However, it is possible that the digestive function of early-weaned pigs may be immature and incapable of digesting many feedstuffs. The present study was designed to examine some of the factors that might influence pancreatic enzymic function in the weaned pig

    Biological effects of 2-oxoglutarate with particular emphasis on the regulation of protein, mineral and lipid absorption/metabolism, muscle performance, kidney function, bone formation and cancerogenesis, all viewed from a healthy ageing perspective state of the art:review article

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    The fact that men and women are living longer than they have ever done before is something in which we can all rejoice. However, the process of ageing is associated with changes in skeletal, muscular, gastrointestinal, neural hormonal and metabolic processes that seriously affect an individual's performance and quality of life. Indeed, Such changes can be contributory to a loss of independence in the elderly. This state-of-the art address highlights the main changes found to occur with ageing whilst simultaneously reporting findings of in vivo and in vitro studies designed to elucidate the potential of the Krebs cycle intermediate - alpha-ketoglutaric acid (AKG) in protecting elderly body systems from failing and degradation, The topics of paramount importance include impaired bone structure and strength, amino acid and mineral absorption, muscle performance, as well as highlighting the role of Krebs cycle intermediates in the debilitating changes that occur with end-stage renal failure and the regulation of the lipid metabolism. Finally, focus will be given to the role of 2-oxoglutarate as a potent protective factor in connection with the development of malignant cells in the body