14 research outputs found

    Influencia do agrecam sobre a migração das celulas de Schwann in vitro e regeneração nervosa periferica in vivo apos transecção do nervo ciatico

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    Orientadores: Alexandre Leite Rodrigues de Oliveira, Edson Rosa PimentelDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de BiologiaResumo: A regeneração nervosa periférica é um fenômeno complexo que envolve diferentes tipos celulares, os quais auxiliam na regeneração axonal e na reorganização dos componentes da matriz extracelular do microambiente do nervo. Nesse, estão presentes as células de Schwann, fibroblastos, macrófagos, fibras de colágeno, laminina, fibronectina e proteoglicanos. Entre os componentes não neurais, as células de Schwann são fundamentais para o processo regenerativo, pois fagocitam os fragmentos de axônios e de bainha de mielina em degeneração no coto distal, guiam os axônios em regeneração através das bandas de Büngner e secretam fatores neurotróficos para a sobrevivência e crescimento neuronal. Entre os componentes da matriz extracelular, os proteoglicanos apresentam a propriedade de reter substâncias hidrossolúveis, interagir com outros componentes da matriz extracelular, e funcionar como receptores para fatores de crescimento. Tendo-se em vista as características estruturais dos proteoglicanos no que diz respeito à sua capacidade de retenção de moléculas hidrossolúveis, bem como a homologia de seus componentes a fatores de crescimento, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo investigar os efeitos do agrecan sobre a regeneração axonal in vivo, empregando-se a técnica da tubulização do nervo ciático. Adicionalmente, seus efeitos sobre o comportamento das células de Schwann serão investigados in vitro, através da cultura de explantes de nervo ciático. O nervo ciático esquerdo dos camundongos C57BL/6J (n=20) foi transeccionado e os cotos proximal e distal foram suturados no interior de um tubo de polietileno, permanecendo uma distância de 4mm entre os cotos. No grupo controle o tubo foi implantado e deixado vazio enquanto que no grupo experimental, esse foi preenchido com agrecam. Após 5 semanas, os animais foram sacrificados e o nervo regenerado foi processado para imunoístoquimica e microscopia eletrônica. Em cultura, nervos ciáticos de ratos Wistar (n=10) foram utilizados para estudo da migração e viabilidade celular. Os resultados in vitro mostraram que a migração e viabilidade celular foram maiores quando utilizada menor concentração de soro fetal bovino (20%) associada ao acréscimo do agrecam. In vivo, houve um aumento do número de fibras quando utilizado o agrecam (2343±370,31) em relação ao grupo controle (1522±424,58). Embora o diâmetro axonal, o diâmetro da fibra e a espessura da bainha de mielina tenham sido menores quando utilizado agrecam (3,01µm±0,10; 3,86µm±1,22; 0,36µm±0,10) em relação ao grupo controle (3,40µm±1,37; 4,53µm±1,56; 0,44µm±011), a razão ¿g¿ indicou que o padrão de mielinização foi proporcional ao diâmetro axonal no grupo com agrecam (0,76±0,06) e no controle (0,74±0,08). Os resultados desse estudo reforçam a hipótese que o agrecam, devido as propriedades biológicas e capacidade trófica, contribui para o processo da regeneração axonal e tem efeitos positivos sobre as células de SchwannAbstract: Peripheral nerve regeneration is an intricate phenomenon that is dependent on the glial cells, which produce neurotrophic factors and reorganize the environment at the distal stump. It is well known that extracellular matrix components may have positive effects on both glial and neuronal survival and behavior. Among such molecules, collagen, laminin and fibronectin were proven to benefit the process both in vivo and in vitro. More recently, studies have shown that glycosaminoglycans also have, under certain conditions, a positive influence on the peripheral nerve regeneration process. In the present study we evaluated the effects of aggrecan, a high molecular weight proteoglycan, on non neuronal cell migration in vitro. Also, we investigated the properties of such a proteoglycan on axonal regeneration after sciatic nerve transection and tubulization. In vitro, non neuronal cell migration and viability were accessed for up to 2 weeks of culturing. In vivo, five weeks after tubulization, the number of axons, axonal and fiber diameter and myelin thickness were obtained from regenerated fibers found at the tube mid point. In culture, with lower fetal calf serum concentration (20%), aggrecan increased the glial cell number and viability. In vivo, the number of regenerated fibers was statistically greater when aggrecan was used (2343±370.31) compared to the empty tube (1522±424.58). Although the axonal diameter, fiber diameter and myelin thickness in the aggrecan treated group (3.01µm±0.10; 3.86µm±1.22; 0.36µm±0.10; respectively) were smaller than in the empty tube (3.40µm±1.37; 4.53µm±1.56; 0.44µm±0.11; respectively), the ¿g¿ ratio indicated a pattern of myelination that was proportional to the axonal diameter in both groups (0.76±0.06 - aggrecan; 0.74±0.08 - empty). The results of this study reinforce the hypothesis that aggrecan, due to its biological properties and trophic capabilities, contributes to the axonal regeneration process and has particularly positive effects on the Schwann cellsMestradoAnatomiaMestre em Biologia Celular e Estrutura

    Assessment of implantable drug delivery technology: poly (3-hydroxybutyrate) / polypropylene glycol films containing simvastatin

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    Natural polymers have attracted much attention in recent years for the study of new drug delivery systems. These materials are used as polymer matrices to protect the active drug from degradation in the biological environment and to improve the release kinetics of the drug. The poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) is a natural biocompatible polymer, widely used in combination with other polymers to improve their physicochemical properties. Thus, this work aimed to develop and characterize films of PHB and blends containing polypropylene glycol (PPG) with different concentrations of simvastatin (Simv.). The films were prepared by casting, dissolving PHB or a blend of PHB / PPG (90:10) and (5% or 25 %) Simv. in chloroform (2% w/v). The solutions were stirred for 3 h and then transferred to an appropriate glass mold for solvent evaporation for 48 h at room temperature. The obtained films were characterized by Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), optical microscopy, in vitro degradation study, and in vivo biocompatibility test. The results showed that PHB and blends of PHB / PPG are able to form a homogeneous film with the drug inside. A great amount of drug lead to the instability of polymeric matrixes and resulted in a facilitated film degradation. On the other hand, devices with 5% of Simv. were more stable, which suggests the application of these films for biomedical devices. In vivo studies revealed that the films can interact with the animals' organism, and do not undergo rejection. Hence, these films hold an innovative alternative in tissue engineering to promotes drug release by diffusion and erosion of the polymeric material.Keywords: Polymeric scaffolds. Tissue engineering. Biofunctional materials. Biocompatibility.

    Influence of poly caprolactone (PCL) and poly L-lactic acid (PLLA) polymers on Schwann cell basal lamina components expression in vitro and in vivo

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    Orientador: Alexandre Leite Rodrigues de OliveiraTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de BiologiaResumo: A regeneração periférica é um fenômeno intrincado que envolve diferentes tipos celulares, dentre os quais as células de Schwann são os componentes celulares não neurais mais importantes. Após a lesão periférica, as células de Schwann proliferam e, juntamente com os macrófagos, participam na fagocitose dos fragmentos de mielina e dos axônios em degeneração. Essas auxiliam na orientação axonal em direção ao órgão alvo através da formação das bandas de Büngner. Ainda, atuam no rearranjo dos componentes da matriz extracelular do microambiente do nervo lesado, bem como na produção de vários fatores neurotróficos, entre eles, o fator neurotrófico do nervo (NGF), fator neurotrófico derivado do cérebro (BDNF), fator neurotrófico de crescimento ciliar (CNTF), visando à manutenção, desenvolvimento e regeneração dos neurônios após a lesão. As lesões nervosas que acometem no nervo periférico podem ser resultado de traumas como esmagamento, transecção parcial ou completa do nervo. Quando ocorre a transecção completa do nervo, há a perda de continuidade e forma-se uma fenda entre o coto proximal e o coto distal. No sentido de reparar-se o nervo lesionado, foram desenvolvidas diversas técnicas, incluindo-se o emprego de autoenxertos, próteses tubulares não absorvíveis e inertes (polietileno) e biorreabsorvíveis (biomateriais). Essas últimas têm a vantagem de sustentarem o inicio do processo regenerativo, orientando o brotamento axonal em direção ao coto distal, além de serem degradadas à medida que o nervo cresce em diâmetro. Podem ainda ser confeccionadas com as dimensões, formatos e porosidade desejados. Devido às características positivas destas próteses reabsorvíveis, a importância das células de Schwann e dos componentes da matriz extracelular, o presente trabalho tem como objetivos estudar a influência dos biomateriais poli L-ácido láctico e poli caprolactona sobre a expressão, pelas células de Schwann, das cadeias a1, a2 e ß1 que compõem as lamininas tipo I e II, bem como a expressão de colágeno tipo IV, através do emprego das técnicas de imunohistoquímica realizadas após a tubulização e imunocitoquímica através da cultura purificada de células de Schwann sobre os diferentes biomateriais. Além disso, avaliamos o comportamento das células de Schwann sobre os biomateriais, através da microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Já o resultado da regeneração axonal foi estudado através de uma análise morfológica pela microscopia de luz, microscopia eletrônica de transmissão e morfometria dos nervos regenerados. Comparando-se estruturalmente os tubos confeccionados pelo método de extrusão e solvente, pôde-se observar que o último apresentava espessura reduzida em comparação às próteses confeccionadas pelo método de extrusão. Ainda, a transparência dos tubos, ora propostos em nossa metodologia, influenciou positivamente durante o processo de implantação da prótese na tubulização. Após a regeneração, observou-se que o número de fibras regeneradas no interior dos tubos derivados das membranas de PCL foi significantemente maior, 30 e 60 dias após tubulização. Ainda, uma intensa marcação com S-100, colágeno tipo IV e laminina foi observada no nervo regenerado no interior das próteses, em cujos grupos utilizaram-se os biomaterias (PCL e PLLA). De fato, a imunomarcação demonstrou que os biomateriais e o microambiente no interior dos tubos foram capazes de estimular positivamente as células de Schwann em resposta à lesão nervosa periférica. Em conjunto, nossos resultados evidenciam que os tubos de PCL e PLLA derivados da membrana podem ser considerados um método alternativo na preparação de próteses tubulares visando o reparo do nervo periféricoAbstract: The present study proposed a new approach to produce tubular conduits designed for peripheral nerve repair. In this sense, membranes of PLLA and PCL were obtained after solvent evaporation and wrapped around a mandrel. The effectiveness of the nerve regeneration was compared with polyethylene and PCL extruded prosthesis 30 and 60 days after surgery. The comparison between extrusion and solvent tubes cleared shown structural differences which were directly proportional to the hardness and transparency. An important factor to be considered is that the fiber counting indicated that solvent PCL tubes provided a significantly greater number of axons 30 days after repair. Sixty days after operation, the greatest regenerative performance was obtained with PCL, regardless the method of construction of the tube. An intense labeling against S-100, type IV collagen and laminin could be observed in the tissue obtained from solvent PCL and PLLA groups, indicating that such constructions are able to positively stimulate Schwann cell responses. Overall, the present results provide evidence that solvent conduits may be regarded as an alternative preparation method for tubular prosthesis aiming peripheral nerve regeneration. In the in vitro study, PCL and PLLA solvent polymers were used for culturing purified of Schwann cells. The imunolabeling revealed an up-regularion of the expression of collagen IV, laminin I, laminin II and S-100 by the Schwann cells, showing that biodegradable polymers enhance the activity of such cells, positively influencing the peripheral nerve regeneration processDoutoradoAnatomiaMestre em Biologia Celular e Estrutura

    Increased Sensory Neuron Apoptotic Death 2 Weeks After Peripheral Axotomy In C57bl/6j Mice Compared To A/j Mice.

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    Peripheral nerve transection results in a disconnection of the neuron from its target. As a result, a series of metabolic changes occur in the cell body that may cause neuronal death, mainly by apoptotic mechanisms. Although neurons from neonatal animals are the most susceptible, peripheral, lesion-induced, neuronal loss also occurs in adults, and is particularly evident in mouse sensory neurons. However, differences in genetic background cause particular isogenic strains of mice to react unevenly to peripheral nerve lesion. In this work, we investigated the occurrence of apoptosis as well as the ultrastructural changes in the dorsal root ganglion sensory neurons and satellite cells of C57BL/6J and A/J mice 2 weeks after ipsilateral sciatic nerve transection at the mid-thigh level. C57BL/6J mice displayed a stronger sensory neuron chromatolytic reaction that resulted in an increased loss of neurons when compared with isogenic A/J mice (p<0.01). Additionally, most of the degenerating neurons displayed the classic features of apoptosis. These findings reinforced previous data obtained by the terminal-deoxynucleotidyl transferase nick-end labeling (TUNEL) technique.396127-3

    Interferon Beta And Glatiramer Acetate Induce Proliferation Of Schwann Cells In Vitro.

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    Techniques as well as substances capable of stimulating cultured Schwann cell (SC) proliferation are needed for future therapeutical applications. In this work, the effects of interferon beta (IFNbeta) and glatiramer acetate (GA) on SC cultures were tested, with interest on the growth curve and potential proliferative effects. Primary cultures were prepared from the sciatic nerves of neonatal rats and seeded onto culture plates. Such cells were then subjected to treatment with different doses of IFN beta (100, 500 and 1000 IU/ml) and of GA (1.2, 2.5 and 5.0 microg/ml) for five consecutive days. S100beta and DAPI double labeling was used in order to confirm the purity of the cultures. Both treatment with IFN and GA resulted in an increased number of cultured SCs. However, only IFN beta induced a statistically significant proliferative outcome. Such results indicate that addition of IFN beta to the culture medium is efficient in order to improve SC proliferation in vitro.69146-5

    Enhanced Peripheral Nerve Regeneration By The Combination Of A Polycaprolactone Tubular Prosthesis And A Scaffold Of Collagen With Supramolecular Organization.

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of implanting collagen with a supramolecular organization on peripheral nerve regeneration, using the sciatic nerve tubulization technique. For this purpose, adult female Sprague Dawley rats were divided into five groups: (1) TP - sciatic nerve repaired with empty polyethylene tubular prothesis (n = 10), (2) TPCL - nerve repair with empty polycaprolactone (PCL) tubing (n = 8), (3) TPCLF - repair with PCL tubing filled with an implant of collagen with a supramolecular organization (n = 10), (4) AG - animals that received a peripheral nerve autograft (n = 8), and (5) Normal nerves (n = 8). The results were assessed by quantification of the regenerated fibers, nerve morphometry, and transmission electron microscopy, 60 days after surgery. Immunohistochemistry and polarization microscopy were also used to analyze the regenerated nerve structure and cellular elements. The results showed that the AG group presented a larger number of regenerated axons. However, the TPCL and TPCLF groups presented more compact regenerated fibers with a morphometric profile closer to normal, both at the tube midpoint and 2 mm distal to the prosthesis. These findings were reinforced by polarization microscopy, which indicated a better collagen/axons suprastructural organization in the TPCLF derived samples. In addition, the immunohistochemical results obtained using the antibody anti-p75NTR as a Schwann cell reactivity marker demonstrated that the Schwann cells were more reactive during the regenerative process in the TPCLF group as compared to the TPCL group and the normal sciatic nerve. Altogether, the results of this study indicated that the implant of collagen with a supramolecular organization positively influenced and stimulated the regeneration process through the nerve gap, resulting in the formation of a better morphologically arranged tissue.3417-3