41 research outputs found

    A note on the flip distance between non-crossing spanning trees

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    We consider spanning trees of nn points in convex position whose edges are pairwise non-crossing. Applying a flip to such a tree consists in adding an edge and removing another so that the result is still a non-crossing spanning tree. Given two trees, we investigate the minimum number of flips required to transform one into the other. The naive 2n−Ω(1)2n-\Omega(1) upper bound stood for 25 years until a recent breakthrough from Aichholzer et al. yielding a 2n−Ω(log⁥n)2n-\Omega(\log n) bound. We improve their result with a 2n−Ω(n)2n-\Omega(\sqrt{n}) upper bound, and we strengthen and shorten the proofs of several of their results

    The smallest 5-chromatic tournament

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    A coloring of a digraph is a partition of its vertex set such that each class induces a digraph with no directed cycles. A digraph is kk-chromatic if kk is the minimum number of classes in such partition, and a digraph is oriented if there is at most one arc between each pair of vertices. Clearly, the smallest kk-chromatic digraph is the complete digraph on kk vertices, but determining the order of the smallest kk-chromatic oriented graphs is a challenging problem. It is known that the smallest 22-, 33- and 44-chromatic oriented graphs have 33, 77 and 1111 vertices, respectively. In 1994, Neumann-Lara conjectured that a smallest 55-chromatic oriented graph has 1717 vertices. We solve this conjecture and show that the correct order is 1919

    Reconfiguration of plane trees in convex geometric graphs

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    A non-crossing spanning tree of a set of points in the plane is a spanning tree whose edges pairwise do not cross. Avis and Fukuda in 1996 proved that there always exists a flip sequence of length at most 2n−42n-4 between any pair of non-crossing spanning trees (where nn denotes the number of points). Hernando et al. proved that the length of a minimal flip sequence can be of length at least 32n\frac 32 n. Two recent results of Aichholzer et al. and Bousquet et al. improved the Avis and Fukuda upper bound by proving that there always exists a flip sequence of length respectively at most 2n−log⁡n2n - \log n and 2n−n2n - \sqrt{n}. We improve the upper bound by a linear factor for the first time in 25 years by proving that there always exists a flip sequence between any pair of non-crossing spanning trees T1,T2T_1,T_2 of length at most cnc n where c≈1.95c \approx 1.95. Our result is actually stronger since we prove that, for any two trees T1,T2T_1,T_2, there exists a flip sequence from T1T_1 to T2T_2 of length at most c∣T1∖T2∣c |T_1 \setminus T_2|. We also improve the best lower bound in terms of the symmetric difference by proving that there exists a pair of trees T1,T2T_1,T_2 such that a minimal flip sequence has length 53∣T1∖T2∣\frac 53 |T_1 \setminus T_2|, improving the lower bound of Hernando et al. by considering the symmetric difference instead of the number of vertices. We generalize this lower bound construction to non-crossing flips (where we close the gap between upper and lower bounds) and rotations

    Parameterized complexity of edge-coloured and signed graph homomorphism problems

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    We study the complexity of graph modification problems for homomorphism-based properties of edge-coloured graphs. A homomorphism from an edge-coloured graph GG to an edge-coloured graph HH is a vertex-mapping from GG to HH that preserves adjacencies and edge-colours. We consider the property of having a homomorphism to a fixed edge-coloured graph HH. Given an edge-coloured graph GG, can we perform kk graph operations so that the resulting graph has a homomorphism to HH? The operations we consider are vertex-deletion, edge-deletion and switching (an operation that permutes the colours of the edges incident to a given vertex). Switching plays an important role in the theory of signed graphs, that are 22-edge-coloured graphs whose colours are ++ and −-. We denote the corresponding problems (parameterized by kk) by VERTEX DELETION HH-COLOURING, EDGE DELETION HH-COLOURING and SWITCHING HH-COLOURING. These generalise HH-COLOURING (where one has to decide if an input graph admits a homomorphism to HH). Our main focus is when HH has order at most 22, a case that includes standard problems such as VERTEX COVER, ODD CYCLE TRANSVERSAL and EDGE BIPARTIZATION. For such a graph HH, we give a P/NP-complete complexity dichotomy for all three studied problems. Then, we address their parameterized complexity. We show that all VERTEX DELETION HH-COLOURING and EDGE DELETION HH-COLOURING problems for such HH are FPT. This is in contrast with the fact that already for some HH of order~33, unless P=NP, none of the three considered problems is in XP. We show that the situation is different for SWITCHING HH-COLOURING: there are three 22-edge-coloured graphs HH of order 22 for which this is W-hard, and assuming the ETH, admits no algorithm in time f(k)no(k)f(k)n^{o(k)} for inputs of size nn. For the other cases, SWITCHING HH-COLOURING is FPT.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, 1 table. To appear in proceedings of IPEC 201

    Graph modification for edge-coloured and signed graph homomorphism problems: parameterized and classical complexity

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    We study the complexity of graph modification problems with respect to homomorphism-based colouring properties of edge-coloured graphs. A homomorphism from edge-coloured graph GG to edge-coloured graph HH is a vertex-mapping from GG to HH that preserves adjacencies and edge-colours. We consider the property of having a homomorphism to a fixed edge-coloured graph HH. The question we are interested in is: given an edge-coloured graph GG, can we perform kk graph operations so that the resulting graph admits a homomorphism to HH? The operations we consider are vertex-deletion, edge-deletion and switching (an operation that permutes the colours of the edges incident to a given vertex). Switching plays an important role in the theory of signed graphs, that are 2-edge-coloured graphs whose colours are the signs ++ and −-. We denote the corresponding problems (parameterized by kk) by VD-HH-COLOURING, ED-HH-COLOURING and SW-HH-COLOURING. These problems generalise HH-COLOURING (to decide if an input graph admits a homomorphism to a fixed target HH). Our main focus is when HH is an edge-coloured graph with at most two vertices, a case that is already interesting as it includes problems such as VERTEX COVER, ODD CYCLE RANSVERSAL and EDGE BIPARTIZATION. For such a graph HH, we give a P/NP-c complexity dichotomy for VD-HH-COLOURING, ED-HH-COLOURING and SW-HH-COLOURING. We then address their parameterized complexity. We show that VD-HH-COLOURING and ED-HH-COLOURING for all such HH are FPT. In contrast, already for some HH of order 3, unless P=NP, none of the three problems is in XP, since 3-COLOURING is NP-c. We show that SW-HH-COLOURING is different: there are three 2-edge-coloured graphs HH of order 2 for which SW-HH-COLOURING is W-hard, and assuming the ETH, admits no algorithm in time f(k)no(k)f(k)n^{o(k)}. For the other cases, SW-HH-COLOURING is FPT.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, 2 table