34 research outputs found

    Direct and indirect effect of PrEP coverage: Proportion of infection adverted relative to no PrEP after 36 month.

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    <p>A) homogeneous PrEP use, B) PrEP in saunas, C) PrEP in backrooms, and D) PrEP in clubs. Rows correspond to each pattern of venues visited (Saunas, Backrooms, Clubs), with the proportion of infection adverted. Infection adverted in PrEP users are shown in black (direct effect), and other populations in grey (indirect effect). The average proportion of infection adverted in the whole population is shown in red. Results obtained with 20% PrEP coverage and BKR network.</p

    Time changes in the pneumococcal population in the post-vaccine era: global colonization rate (bold line), colonization with vaccine serotypes (dashed line), non-vaccine serotypes (dotted lines), and dual colonization with vaccine and non-vaccine serotypes (full line), a) with a frequency of vaccine-selected capsular switch <sub>←</sub> = 0, b) with a frequency of vaccine-selected capsular switch <sub>←</sub> = 10<sup>−4</sup>/week, and c) with a frequency of vaccine-selected capsular switch <sub>←</sub> = 10<sup>−3</sup>/week.

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    <p>Time changes in the pneumococcal population in the post-vaccine era: global colonization rate (bold line), colonization with vaccine serotypes (dashed line), non-vaccine serotypes (dotted lines), and dual colonization with vaccine and non-vaccine serotypes (full line), a) with a frequency of vaccine-selected capsular switch <sub>←</sub> = 0, b) with a frequency of vaccine-selected capsular switch <sub>←</sub> = 10<sup>−4</sup>/week, and c) with a frequency of vaccine-selected capsular switch <sub>←</sub> = 10<sup>−3</sup>/week.</p

    Factors associated with positive HIV status in the PREVAGAY study.

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    <p>Factors associated with positive HIV status in the PREVAGAY study.</p

    Difference in HIV prevalence in clubs, saunas and backrooms according to assortativity in venues visited.

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    <p>A) PREVAGAY survey. B,C,D) Simulated prevalences for a total of 18% under B) Equal number allocation (EQL); C) equal density allocation (DNS); D) twice more partnerships in Backrooms (BKR). Black bars correspond to the original PREVAGAY data, light gray bars to independence between venues visited (RND/*).</p

    Infection adverted by PrEP after 36 months of intervention.

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    <p>Percentages are relative to the baseline scenario including condom use and TasP in seropositive MSM.</p

    Sensitivity analysis of the incidence of IPD 5 years after the introduction of conjugate vaccination. Vaccination coverage is fixed at 90% and the frequency of vaccine-selected capsular switch is fixed at 10<sup>−3</sup>/week. Critical parameters are in bold.

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    a<p>Partial rank correlation coefficients (PRCC) indicate the degree of monotonicity between a specific input variable and a particular outcome variable. The sign of the PRCC indicates the qualitative relationship between input and output variables. The magnitude indicates the importance of uncertainty in estimating the value of the input variable in contributing to the imprecision in predicting the value of the outcome variable.</p

    Individual risk assessment of sCJD transmission during ET, using dose–effects functions ϕ<sub>1</sub> ( blue) and ϕ<sub>2</sub> ( green).

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    <p>A: median (vertical line within the box), the 95% CI (T bars), and the 25<sup>th</sup>–75<sup>th</sup> percentiles (left and right borders of the box). B: risks of iatrogenic mortality associated with other procedures.</p

    Principle for network construction.

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    <p>Each venue type is modelled using an ST-ERGM as a separate layer (Sauna subnetwork, Backroom subnetwork and Club subnetwork). Subnetworks are overlaid to obtain the whole network.</p