118 research outputs found

    A uniform bound on the nilpotency degree of certain subalgebras of Kac-Moody algebras

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    Let g\mathfrak{g} be a Kac-Moody algebra and b1,b2\mathfrak{b}_1, \mathfrak{b}_2 be Borel subalgebras of opposite signs. The intersection b=b1∩b2\mathfrak{b} = \mathfrak{b}_1 \cap \mathfrak{b}_2 is a finite-dimensional solvable subalgebra of g\mathfrak{g}. We show that the nilpotency degree of [b,b][\mathfrak{b}, \mathfrak{b}] is bounded from above by a constant depending only on g\mathfrak{g}. This confirms a conjecture of Y. Billig and A. Pianzola \cite{BilligPia95}

    Automorphism groups of right-angled buildings: simplicity and local splittings

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    We show that the group of type-preserving automorphisms of any irreducible semi-regular thick right-angled building is abstractly simple. When the building is locally finite, this gives a large family of compactly generated (abstractly) simple locally compact groups. Specializing to appropriate cases, we obtain examples of such simple groups that are locally indecomposable, but have locally normal subgroups decomposing non-trivially as direct products.Comment: 26 pages. Several points were clarified and a few lemmas were added, in accordance with the referee's repor

    A sixteen-relator presentation of an infinite hyperbolic Kazhdan group

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    We provide an explicit presentation of an infinite hyperbolic Kazhdan group with 44 generators and 1616 relators of length at most 7373. That group acts properly and cocompactly on a hyperbolic triangle building of type (3,4,4)(3,4,4). We also point out a variation of the construction that yields examples of lattices in A~2\tilde A_2-buildings admitting non-Desarguesian residues of arbitrary prime power order.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figur

    Amenable groups and Hadamard spaces with a totally disconnected isometry group

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    Let XX be a locally compact Hadamard space and GG be a totally disconnected group acting continuously, properly and cocompactly on XX. We show that a closed subgroup of GG is amenable if and only if it is (topologically locally finite)-by-(virtually abelian). We are led to consider a set \bdfine X which is a refinement of the visual boundary \bd X. For each x \in \bdfine X, the stabilizer GxG_x is amenable.Comment: 15 page

    Rank one isometries of buildings and quasi-morphisms of Kac-Moody groups

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    Given an irreducible non-spherical non-affine (possibly non-proper) building XX, we give sufficient conditions for a group G < \Aut(X) to admit an infinite-dimensional space of non-trivial quasi-morphisms. The result applies to all irreducible (non-spherical and non-affine) Kac-Moody groups over integral domains. In particular, we obtain finitely presented simple groups of infinite commutator width, thereby answering a question of Valerii G. Bardakov from the Kourovka notebook. Independently of these considerations, we also include a discussion of rank one isometries of proper CAT(0) spaces from a rigidity viewpoint. In an appendix, we show that any homogeneous quasi-morphism of a locally compact group with integer values is continuous.Comment: 19 pages; some typos have been corrected and the list of references update

    Indicability, residual finiteness, and simple subquotients of groups acting on trees

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    We establish three independent results on groups acting on trees. The first implies that a compactly generated locally compact group which acts continuously on a locally finite tree with nilpotent local action and no global fixed point is virtually indicable; that is to say, it has a finite index subgroup which surjects onto Z\mathbf{Z}. The second ensures that irreducible cocompact lattices in a product of non-discrete locally compact groups such that one of the factors acts vertex-transitively on a tree with a nilpotent local action cannot be residually finite. This is derived from a general result, of independent interest, on irreducible lattices in product groups. The third implies that every non-discrete Burger-Mozes universal group of automorphisms of a tree with an arbitrary prescribed local action admits a compactly generated closed subgroup with a non-discrete simple quotient. As applications, we answer a question of D. Wise by proving the non-residual finiteness of a certain lattice in a product of two regular trees, and we obtain a negative answer to a question of C. Reid, concerning the structure theory of locally compact groups
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