6 research outputs found

    Inter-laboratory Comparison Study of a Reference Material for Nutrients in Seawater

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    Autoclaved natural seawater collected in the North Pacific Ocean was used as a reference material for nutrients in seawater (RMNS) during an inter-laboratory comparison (I/C) study conducted in 2008. This study was a follow-up to previous studies conducted in 2003 and 2006. A set of six samples was distributed to each of 58 laboratories in 15 countries around the globe, and results were returned by 54 of those laboratories (15 countries). The homogeneities of samples used in the 2008 I/C study, based on analyses for three determinants, were improved compared to those of samples used in the 2003 and 2006 I/C studies. Results of these I/C studies indicate that most of the participating laboratories have an analytical technique for nutrients that is sufficient to provide data of high comparability. The differences between reported concentrations from the same laboratories in the 2006 and 2008 I/C studies for the same batch of RMNS indicate that most of the laboratories have been maintaining internal comparability for two years. Thus, with the current high level of performance in the participating laboratories, the use of a common reference material and the adaptation of an internationally accepted nutrient scale system would increase comparability among laboratories worldwide, and the use of a certified reference material would establish traceability. In the 2008 I/C study we observed a problem of non-linearity of the instruments of the participating laboratories similar to that observed among the laboratories in the 2006 I/C study. This problem of non-linearity should be investigated and discussed to improve comparability for the full range of nutrient concentrations. For silicate comparability in particular, we see relatively larger consensus standard deviations than those for nitrate and phosphate

    IOCCP-JAMSTEC 2018 Inter-laboratory Calibration Exercise of a Certified Reference Material for Nutrients in Seawater

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    In 2017, the International Ocean Carbon Coordination Project (IOCCP) and the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) decided to conduct the 6th International Inter-Calibration Exercise, the “2017/18 inter-laboratory comparison exercise of Certified Reference Materials of Nutrients in Seawater, CRM”. As was the case with the previous four inter-comparison (IC) studies organized by MRI-JMA and the previous IOCCCP-JAMSTEC IC exercise in 2015, the aim of this IC exercise was to improve the level of comparability by exchanging knowledge among participating laboratories. The scale of the study was expanded. One hundred seven laboratories in 33 countries across five continents received a letter of invitation to the IC exercise, and 71 laboratories in 30 counties agreed to participate in this IC exercise. Results were returned from 69 laboratories in 30 countries. The data were statistically analyzed, and the results are described in this report. The agreement between consensus median/mean and certified values was within uncertainty for all five samples used in this IC exercise. Only small discrepancies existed among core laboratories that reported close-to-consensus values and certified values. Normalized cumulative distributions for nitrate and phosphate obtained in 2018 were better (i.e., flatter) than the normalized cumulative distributions obtained from previous IC exercises conducted in 2008, 2012, and 2015. The indication is that comparability of nitrate and phosphate analysis among the laboratories has gradually improved from 2008 to 2018. In contrast with the nitrate and phosphate results, the normalized cumulative distribution for silicate obtained in 2018 was similar to the distributions in previous years. The indication is that comparability of silicate analysis among the laboratories has not changed during these years. The results of this IC exercise also showed that nonlinearity of the calibration curves for the nutrient analyses in each laboratory is still a significant source of reduced comparability of nutrient data. Analysis of ranked scatter plots led to this conclusion. The implication is that we need to use a set of nutrient CRMs, the concentrations of which cover the whole range of nutrient concentrations in the world’s oceans to maintain comparability of results. Thirty-eight laboratories among 69 laboratories used a CRM/RM. The remaining 31 laboratories did not use a CRM/RM or did not reply to the questionnaire. It is obvious that the number of the laboratories that use CRMs has been increasing since 2008. In general, the reported results from laboratories that used CRMs were located in the central part of the ranked plots and showed good Z-scores, as expected. The results of this IC exercise imply that the majority of the participating laboratories are very capable of measuring nutrient concentrations in seawater, and using CRMs will further increase the comparability of results. The results may be SI traceable in the near futur