22 research outputs found

    A unique TRBV signature discriminates CTR from CM<sup>+</sup> spleen, blood and brain repertoires.

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    <p>(A) Panels of GSEA report for the peak set BL_PVCLUST_37 showing significant enrichment for CM<sup>+</sup> condition compared to uninfected group in spleen (left) and blood (middle) and in the brain (right). The enrichment figures show ranked peaks according to the pooled t-statistic across imputed dataset (bottom). Peak positions are indicated on the ranked list (middle). The enrichment score (ES) is the maximum of the running sum (top). (B) Normalized GSEA enrichment scores post-infection growth curves in three compartments for the peak set BL_PVCLUST_37. In comparison to the CTR groups, the set is significantly enriched in day 5 post-infection in spleen (solid line), in day 6 in blood (dashed line) and in ECM state in brain (dotted line).</p

    TRBV-TRBC repertoire differences in spleen, blood and brain of naĂŻve B10.D2 mice.

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    <p>(A) Mean DBV-BC perturbations across all TRBVs (ÎĽDBV-BC) in the spleen (left), blood (center) and brain (right) of CTR uninfected mice are shown for each individual. DBV-BC perturbations were computed with ISEApeaks using CTR Spleen as the reference group. Statistical comparisons were performed using pairwise t-test with correction for FDR between groups depicting significant p-value (p<0.0001) for each comparison. (B) PCA on DBV-BC log perturbation scores separating repertoires of the spleen, blood and brain on the x axis (PC1).</p

    Modification of the TRBV-TRBC repertoire in the brain of B10.D2 mice during the course of PbA infection.

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    <p>(A) Mean DBV-BC perturbations across all TRBVs (ÎĽDBV-BC) in the brain of CTR uninfected (CTR), day 6 p-i (Day 6) and CM<sup>+</sup> mice are shown for each individual. DBV-BC were computed as in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0147871#pone.0147871.g001" target="_blank">Fig 1B</a>. Black dots represent individual mouse scores. Lines represent the average score for each group. Average DBV-BC of CTR spleen is indicated as the reference (Ctr_sp). (B) Survival curve of B10.D2 mice infected with 10<sup>6</sup> PbA-PRBC. All mice developed ECM symptoms. 75% of the mice died between day 6 and day 8. (C) Regression slope and 95% confidence band of parasitemia (%) over day post infection. The infection has no effect on the % of parasitemia (no significant slope). (D) DBV-BC perturbations scores of five TRBV. Statistical tests were performed as described in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0147871#pone.0147871.g002" target="_blank">Fig 2</a>.</p

    Kinetic analysis of the TCR TRBV-TRBC repertoire during the course of PbA infection.

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    <p>(A) Experimental procedure showing the preparation of samples from both infected and non-infected mice, as well as the parallel analysis of mice during the course of the infection (“kinetic” samples) and at the time of ECM onset (“CM+” samples). Days post-infection (days p-i) indicate the time at which animals of the corresponding groups are sacrificed. Organs harvested for each group are indicated. (B) Modification of the TRBV-TRBC repertoire in spleen, blood and brain of B10.D2 mice during the course of <i>Plasmodium berghei</i> ANKA infection. Average DBV-BC perturbations across all TRBVs and individuals in each group (μμDBV-BC) in the spleen (black), the blood (red) and the brain (green) are shown for the control uninfected (CTR), day 3 p-i (d3), day 4 p-i (d4), day 5 p-i (d5), day 6 p-i (d6) and CM+ groups. DBV-BC perturbations were computed with ISEApeaks using CTR Spleen as the reference group.</p

    Sub-networks showing the ten parameters most related to plasma level of EPO during malaria.

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    <p>Sub-networks obtained for (A) the NCM group and the (B) CM group. Nodes with the highest number of connections with other parameters are represented by hexagons. For each parameter, the size of the node is associated with its level of correlation with EPO levels. Interactions between parameters are represented by edges (lines), thicker lines representing a higher confidence level for a given interaction.</p