49 research outputs found

    Autoregulation of E-cadherin expression by cadherin–cadherin interactions: the roles of ÎČ-catenin signaling, Slug, and MAPK

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    Transcriptional repression of E-cadherin, characteristic of epithelial to mesenchymal transition, is often found also during tumor cell invasion. At metastases, migratory fibroblasts sometimes revert to an epithelial phenotype, by a process involving regulation of the E-cadherin–ÎČ-catenin complex. We investigated the molecular basis of this regulation, using human colon cancer cells with aberrantly activated ÎČ-catenin signaling. Sparse cultures mimicked invasive tumor cells, displaying low levels of E-cadherin due to transcriptional repression of E-cadherin by Slug. Slug was induced by ÎČ-catenin signaling and, independently, by ERK. Dense cultures resembled a differentiated epithelium with high levels of E-cadherin and ÎČ-catenin in adherens junctions. In such cells, ÎČ-catenin signaling, ErbB-1/2 levels, and ERK activation were reduced and Slug was undetectable. Disruption of E-cadherin–mediated contacts resulted in nuclear localization and signaling by ÎČ-catenin, induction of Slug and inhibition of E-cadherin transcription, without changes in ErbB-1/2 and ERK activation. This autoregulation of E-cadherin by cell–cell adhesion involving Slug, ÎČ-catenin and ERK could be important in tumorigenesis

    The apparent breastfeeding paradox in very preterm infants: relationship between breast feeding, early weight gain and neurodevelopment based on results from two cohorts, EPIPAGE and LIFT

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    Context: Supplementation of breast milk is difficult once infants suckle the breast and is often discontinued at end of hospitalisation and after discharge. Thus, breastfed preterm infants are exposed to an increased risk of nutritional deficit with a possible consequence on neurodevelopmental outcome. Objective: To assess the relationship between breast feeding at time of discharge, weight gain during hospitalisation and neurodevelopmental outcome. Design: Observational cohort study. Setting: Two large, independent population-based cohorts of very preterm infants: the Loire Infant Follow-up Team (LIFT) and the EPIPAGE cohorts. Patients: 2925 very preterm infants alive at discharge. Main outcome measure: Suboptimal neurodevelopmental outcome, defined as a score in the lower tercile, using Age and Stages Questionnaire at 2 years in LIFT and Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children Test at 5 years in EPIPAGE. Two propensity scores for breast feeding at discharge, one for each cohort, were used to reduce bias. Results: Breast feeding at time of discharge concerned only 278/1733 (16%) infants in LIFT and 409/2163 (19%) infants in EPIPAGE cohort. Breast feeding is significantly associated with an increased risk of losing one weight Z-score during hospitalisation (LIFT: n=1463, adjusted odd ratio (aOR)=2.51 (95% CI 1.87 to 3.36); EPIPAGE: n=1417, aOR=1.55 (95% CI 1.14 to 2.12)) and with a decreased risk for a suboptimal neurodevelopmental assessment (LIFT: n=1463, aOR=0.63 (95% CI 0.45 to 0.87); EPIPAGE: n=1441, aOR=0.65 (95% CI 0.47 to 0.89) and an increased chance of having a head circumference Z-score higher than 0.5 at 2 years in LIFT cohort (n=1276, aOR=1.43 (95% CI 1.02 to 2.02)) and at 5 years in EPIPAGE cohort (n=1412, aOR=1.47 (95% CI 1.10 to 1.95)). Conclusions: The observed better neurodevelopment in spite of suboptimal initial weight gain could be termed the 'apparent breastfeeding paradox' in very preterm infants. Regardless of the mechanisms involved, the current data provide encouragement for the use of breast feeding in preterm infants

    The epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) phenomenon.

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    International audienceThe epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) describes a rapid and often reversible modulation of phenotype by epithelial cells. EMT was originally defined in the context of developmental stages, including heart morphogenesis, mesoderm and neural crest formation. Epithelial cells loosen cell-cell adhesion structures throughout EMT. They modulate their polarity, cytoskeleton organization and typically express vimentin filaments and downregulate cytokeratins. They become isolated, mobile and resistant to anoikis. The EMT at least superficially resembles the evolution from normal to transformed cell phenotype during carcinoma progression. The relevance of the concept of EMT in this context was indicated by in vitro models using transformed epithelial cells. Transduction pathways typical of embryogenic EMT in vivo were also found to be activated during cancer progression. More recently, it has been found that such pathways indicate an increased plasticity linked to cellular stemness and ability to generate tumors. However, in the absence of direct evidence, a number of oncologists and pathologists remain skeptical about applying the EMT concept to human tumor progression. Typically in the cancer field, EMT concept appears to be fully relevant in some situations, but the concept has to be adjusted in other situations to reflect tumor cell renewal and plasticity during carcinoma progression and metastasis

    Fonction des facteurs de transcription de la famille snail dans les cancers du sein et du cĂŽlon

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    MONTPELLIER-BU Sciences (341722106) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Transition du phénotype épithélial lors de la cicatrisation cutanée (contrÎle transcriptionnel de Slug et signalisation)

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    MONTPELLIER-BU MĂ©decine UPM (341722108) / SudocMONTPELLIER-BU MĂ©decine (341722104) / SudocPARIS-BIUP (751062107) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition : A Cancer Researcher’s Conceptual Friend and Foe

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    Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) describes a series of rapid changes in cellular phenotype. During EMT, epithelial cells down-modulate cell-cell adhesion structures, alter their polarity, reorganize their cytoskeleton, and become isolated, motile, and resistant to anoikis. The term EMT is often applied to distinct biological events as if it were a single conserved process, but in fact EMT-related processes can vary in intensity from a transient loss of cell polarity to the total cellular reprogramming, as found by transcriptional analysis. Based on clinical observations, it is more appropriate in most cases to describe the emergence of an EMT-like phenotype during tumor progression. Although EMT implies complete trans-differentiation, EMT-like emphasizes the intermediary phenotype associated with tumor cell renewal and adaptation to specific microenvironments. Here, we categorize the various EMT-like phenotypes found in human carcinomas that, depending on the tumor type, may or not represent analogous stages in tumor progression. We based these categories on the global tumor phenotype. The tumor microenvironment, which is associated with stromal reactions, hypoxia, paucity of nutrients, impaired differentiation, and activation of various EMT-associated pathways, modulates overall tumor phenotype and leads to tumor heterogeneity

    Roles of the transcription factors snail and slug during mammary morphogenesis and breast carcinoma progression.

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    International audienceThe zinc-finger transcription factors Snail and Slug are involved in different processes controlling cell differentiation and apoptosis. They also appear to be involved in tumor progression. Their putative involvement in mammary gland development has not been specifically examined so far. Slug is expressed at a significant level in normal breast, and indirect evidence suggests it could be implicated in tubulogenesis. As an antiapoptotic agent, it could also protect epithelial cells from death during ductal lumen formation and during breast involution. In breast carcinomas, Snail transcription factors have been linked to tumor progression and invasiveness. Possible mechanisms include repression of the E-cadherin gene by Snail or Slug. However, it is not clear how this transcriptional activity is implicated in vivo. Other possible mechanisms involve maintenance of a plastic phenotype by Slug that could participate in local invasion of ductal carcinomas, and interference with apoptotic pathways that could contribute to global tumor growth and radioresistance. These processes probably also involve interactions with estrogen, EGF, or c-kit pathways