241 research outputs found

    Campaign Design for Winning the War
and the Peace

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    La perception des politiques Ă©ducatives chez les directions d’école et les enseignants canadiens : l’influence de l’idĂ©ologie professionnelle

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    Les politiques Ă©ducatives sont perçues diffĂ©remment par les acteurs concernĂ©s. Ceux-ci les interprĂštent en fonction de leur situation et de leurs caractĂ©ristiques professionnelles ou personnelles, parmi lesquelles l’idĂ©ologie professionnelle s’avĂšre significative. Cet article analyse la perception qu’ont les directions d’école et les enseignants canadiens du primaire et du secondaire de l’impact des politiques Ă©ducatives des derniĂšres dĂ©cennies sur leurs tĂąches professionnelles et sur certaines dimensions importantes du fonctionnement des systĂšmes Ă©ducatifs canadiens. Pour nous, ces politiques relĂšvent d’une nouvelle « gouvernance » de l’éducation (Lessard et Brassard, 2006). L’analyse de rĂ©gression multiple montre sans conteste l‘importance de la fonction comme dĂ©terminant des perceptions, les directions et les enseignants exprimant des points de vue nettement diffĂ©rents. Nous interprĂ©tons ces diffĂ©rences en termes d’idĂ©ologie professionnelle propre Ă  chaque groupe.Education policies are perceived differently by the various players involved. They are interpreted following the professional and personal situation and profile, among which professional ideology is heavy with meaning. This article analyses the perception held by Canadian school principals and teachers in primary and secondary education of the impact of education policies over the last decades on their professional tasks and on certain important dimensions on the functioning of the educational systems in Canada. In our opinion, these policies are inspired by a new ‘governing’ of education (Lessard and Brassard, 2006). The multiple regression analysis demonstrates without question that the importance of the function determines the perception, as principals and teachers express strongly differing points of view. We will interpret these differences in terms of the profession ideology specific to each group.Los protagonistas interesados perciben las polĂ­ticas educativas diferentemente. Éstos los interpretan en funciĂłn de su situaciĂłn y sus caracterĂ­sticas profesionales o personales, entre las cuales la ideologĂ­a profesional resulta significativa. Este artĂ­culo analiza la percepciĂłn que tienen las direcciones de las escuelas y los profesores canadienses de enseñanza primaria y secundaria del impacto de las polĂ­ticas educativas de las Ășltimas dĂ©cadas sobre sus labores profesionales y sobre algunas dimensiones importantes del funcionamiento de los sistemas educativos canadienses. Para nosotros, estas polĂ­ticas estĂĄn incluidas en la nueva “gobernanza” de la educaciĂłn (Lessard y Brassard, 2006). El anĂĄlisis de regresiĂłn mĂșltiple muestra incuestionablemente la importancia de la funciĂłn como determinante de las percepciones, las direcciones y los profesores expresando opiniones claramente diferentes. Interpretamos estas diferencias en tĂ©rminos de la ideologĂ­a profesional consustancial a cada grupo

    Examining the effects of a professional development program on teachers' pedagogical practices and students' motivational resources and achievement in written french

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    We tested the effects of a professional development program (CASIS) on teachers' pedagogical practices and students' motivation and achievement in written French. CASIS involved a two-day workshop in which we taught teachers to use collaboration, autonomy support, authentic tasks, involvement, and structure. We conducted a quasi-experimental longitudinal study among 18 elementary school teachers and 277 of their students. The results showed large group effect sizes for four of the five pedagogical practices and increased intrinsic motivation for students whose teachers attended CASIS. The discussion centers on the implications of these findings for research and practice

    Développement du budget d'activité et du comportement de plongée chez le jeune phoque commun (Phoca vitulina) de l'Estuaire du Saint-Laurent au courant de la lactation

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    Les jeunes mammifĂšres font face Ă  un compromis quant Ă  l’allocation d’énergie maternelle : l’accumuler sous forme de rĂ©serves ou la dĂ©penser pour dĂ©velopper les capacitĂ©s de chasse. Cette Ă©tude a Ă©valuĂ© ce conflit en suivant la croissance et l’ontogĂ©nie de plongĂ©e chez 33 chiots phoque commun (Phoca vitulina) dans l’Estuaire du St-Laurent. Les chiots pouvaient ĂȘtre catĂ©gorisĂ©s en plongeurs frĂ©quents, intermĂ©diaires ou faibles. Les plongeurs frĂ©quents et intermĂ©diaires ont passĂ© plus de temps submergĂ©s que les faibles. Le temps allouĂ© quotidiennement aux plongĂ©es longues et profondes a augmentĂ© pour les plongeurs frĂ©quents, est demeurĂ© stable pour les intermĂ©diaires et a diminuĂ© pour les faibles. En plus des diffĂ©rences de tactiques d’entraĂźnement Ă  la plongĂ©e, les plongeurs frĂ©quents et intermĂ©diaires avaient un taux de croissance plus Ă©levĂ© que les faibles. Un taux de croissance plus Ă©levĂ© et de meilleures capacitĂ©s de plongĂ©e favorisent possiblement la survie dans la premiĂšre annĂ©e.Young mammals face a trade-off regarding the allocation of maternal energy: to build up body reserves or spend this energy to develop foraging skills. This study examined this conflict by monitoring growth and ontogeny of diving in 33 nursing harbour seal (Phoca vitulina) pups from the St. Lawrence River Estuary. Pups could be discriminated into frequent, intermediate and limited divers. Frequent and intermediate divers spent more time underwater, than limited divers. The daily amount of time dedicated to deeper and longer dives increased for frequent divers, remained unchanged for intermediate divers and decreased for limited divers. Such different aquatic training tactics prior to nutritional independence were also associated with greater growth rates exhibited by frequent and intermediate divers compared to that of limited divers. Higher growth and better diving ability may contribute to improving the probability of first year survival

    Scanning apertureless fluorescence microscope

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    We describe a near-field apertureless fluorescence microscope, capable of imaging fluorescent latex beads with subwavelength precision. The instrument is based on a home- built tapping-mode atomic-force microscope, to which an inverted optical microscope was added. The fact that the wavelength of the fluorescence that we observe is different from the wavelength of the illumination allows for a relatively straightforward detection mechanism. Sample images are presented, along with evidence that the observe effect is of optical origin

    LEED v4 : where are we now? Critical assessment through the LCA of an office building using a low impact energy consumption mix

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    Various Green Building Rating Systems (GBRS) have been proposed to reduce the environmental impact of buildings. However, these GBRS, such as LEED v4, are primarily oriented towards a building`s use stage energy consumption. Their application in contexts involving a high share of renewable energy, and hence a low impact electricity mix, can result in undesirable side effects. This paper aims to investigate such effects, based on an existing office building in Quebec (Canada), where more than 95% of the electricity consumption mix is renewable. This paper compares the material impacts from a low-energy context building to material considerations in LEED v4. In addition to their contributions to the building impacts, material impacts are also defined by their potential to change impacts with different material configurations. LCA impacts were evaluated using Simapro 8.2, ecoinvent 3.1 database, and IMPACT 2002+ method. The building LCA results indicated higher environmental impact contributions from materials (> 50%) compared to those from energy consumption. This is in contrast with LEED v4 rating system, as it did not seem to be as effective in capturing such effects. The conclusions drawn from this work will help stakeholders from the buildings sector to have a better understanding of building environmental profiles, and the limitations of LEED v4 in contexts involving a low impact energy mix. In addition, this critical assessment can be used to further improve the LEED certification system

    Cheminement de décrocheurs et de décrocheuses

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    L’objectif de cette Ă©tude Ă  mĂ©thodologie mixte menĂ©e auprĂšs de 32 dĂ©crocheurs est d’identifier les facteurs de risque d’abandon scolaire et de dĂ©crire leurs cheminements dans leurs milieux de vie. Un volet quantitatif sert Ă  identifier les facteurs de risque, alors qu’un volet qualitatif permet de dĂ©crire le vĂ©cu des participants. Les rĂ©sultats montrent que les participants ont fait face Ă  un cumul de facteurs de risque alors qu’ils Ă©taient inscrits Ă  l’école secondaire. Aussi le discours des jeunes montre-t-il que, pour plusieurs, les difficultĂ©s vĂ©cues Ă  l’enfance dans la famille les ont conduits progressivement vers l’abandon. Les difficultĂ©s rencontrĂ©es en milieu scolaire sont parfois attribuables Ă  l’élĂšve, parfois Ă  son interaction avec ce milieu et ses intervenants.The aim of this study is to identify the risk factors for leaving school and to describe progress in the lives of 32 dropout students. Using a mixed methodology, a quantitative aspect identifies risk factors, while a qualitative one describes the participants’ experiences. The results show that participants have experienced a number of risk factors while enrolled in secondary school. As well, the remarks of many of them show that the difficulties experienced in their childhood with their families have led them progressively towards dropping out of school. Difficulties experienced in the school environment are sometimes attributed to the student himself, and sometimes to the interaction with this milieu and school personnel.El objetivo de este estudio, a metodologĂ­a mixta conducido con 32 alumnos que han abandonado los estudios, es identificar los factores de riesgo de abandono escolar y describir sus desarrollos en sus ĂĄmbitos de vida. Una vertiente cuantitativa sirve a identificar los factores de riesgo, mientras que otra, cualitativa, permite describir la vivencia de los participantes. Los resultados muestran que los participantes se enfrentaron a un cĂșmulo de factores de riesgo mientras cursaban la secundaria. Asimismo el discurso de los jĂłvenes muestra que, para muchos, las dificultades sufridas durante la infancia en la familia les llevaron progresivamente hacia el abandono. Las dificultades encontradas en el medio escolar son a veces atribuibles al alumno y a veces a su interacciĂłn con este medio y sus educadores

    Osteopontin: an early innate immune marker of Escherichia coli mastitis harbors genetic polymorphisms with possible links with resistance to mastitis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Mastitis is the most important disease in dairy cows and it causes significant lost of profit to producers. Identification of the genes, and their variants, involved in innate immune responses is essential for the understanding of this inflammatory disease and to identify potential genetic markers for resistance to mastitis. The progeny of dairy cows would benefit from receiving favourable alleles that support greater resistance to infection, thus reducing antibiotic use. This study aims to identify a key gene in the innate immune response to mastitis, led us to evaluate its genetic association with somatic cell score (SCS), which is an indicator of clinical mastitis, and to evaluate its impact on other traits related to milk production.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The osteopontin transcript (<it>SPP1</it>) was identified in the somatic cells from cows experimentally infected with <it>Escherichia coli</it>. By selecting bulls with extreme estimated breeding values (EBVs) for SCS, which is an indicator of mammary gland health, four DNA polymorphisms in the <it>SPP1 </it>genomic sequence were found. Statistical analysis revealed that the SNP <it>SPP1c.-1301G>A </it>has an impact on EBV for SCS (<it>P </it>< 0.001) Using an allele substitution model, <it>SPP1c.-1251C>T</it>, <it>SPP1c.-430G>A</it>, and <it>SPP1c.*40A>C </it>have an impact on SCS whereas <it>SPP1c.-1301G>A </it>has an effect on the EBVs for milk yield (second and third lactations), fat and protein percentages (all three lactations). Analysis revealed statistically significant differences between haplotype groups at a comparison-wise level with sire EBVS for SCS for the first (<it>P </it>= 0.012), second (<it>P </it>< 0.001), and third (<it>P </it>< 0.001) lactations.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study reports the link between DNA polymorphisms of <it>SPP1</it>, the number of milk immune cells and, potentially, the susceptibility to mastitis. These SNPs were identified by <it>in silico </it>search to be located in transcription factor recognition sites which factors are presumably involved in the Th1 immune response and in the Th2 regulation pathway. Indeed, one SNP abolished the SP1 recognition site, whereas another SNP affected the transcription binding factor IKAROS. All together, these findings support the genetic potential of these variants in terms of selection for the improvement of mastitis resistance in dairy cows.</p
