22 research outputs found

    Brain areas more activated by fearful than by neutral centrally presented faces in the three analyzed time windows.

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    <p>For each activation cluster, the Talairach coordinates correspond to the voxel of maximal intensity obtained after the ERB analyses, the volumes are expressed in cm<sup>3</sup>. The threshold is set at uncorrected p<0.01 (*p<0.005, **p<.001).</p

    Brain areas more activated by fearful than by neutral peripherally presented faces in the three analyzed time windows.

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    <p>For each activation cluster, the Talairach coordinates correspond to the voxel of maximal intensity obtained after the ERB analyses, the volumes are expressed in cm<sup>3</sup>. The threshold is set at uncorrected p<0.01 (*p<0.005, **p<.001).</p

    Sensor responses averaged across subjects and conditions.

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    <p>Event-related beamformer source analyses were performed in three 50 ms time windows (grey) surrounding the three major peaks. Magnetic activity maps represent the sensor activity for each maximum peak amplitude.</p

    Group source analysis.

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    <p>The student-t statistic 3D map resulting for the group source analysis are thresholded by the corresponding p-value<0.01. During the first 130 ms, not-consciously perceived peripheral fearful faces enhanced the neuronal activity in the right anterior medial temporal lobe, including parahippocampal gyrus and amygdala.</p

    Example of trial.

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    <p>Each trial started with two scrambled faces and a fearful or neutral face presented for 33 ms, centrally or peripherally, immediately masked by 3 neutral faces. After a variable delay the target stimulus was appearing. The subject was asked to press a button when a happy face was occurring.</p

    Time courses of activities at the right amygdala site.

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    <p>The activity elicited at the right amygdale site (21, −4, −15) by peripherally presented stimuli is depicted in black for fearful faces, in grey for neutral faces. The first peak appearing around 115 ms is stronger for fearful faces. The reported pseudo-Z values are taken from the subtraction of time course activities related to fearful faces minus those related to neutral faces in the corresponding voxels.</p

    Reaction times as a function of eccentricity in the three discrimination tasks:

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    <p>* marks a significant difference between gender and fear discrimination reaction times, § a significant difference between gender and disgust discrimination reaction times. Vertical bars represent standard errors of the mean values.</p

    Representation of the nine experimental sub-conditions in the design.

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    <p>Columns (yellow) correspond to the three participant rank conditions (highest, middle and lowest rank); rows (green) depict the three player rank conditions (the same three conditions). Note that the term “<i>Player</i>” refers to the face stimuli, while the participant is the subject that took part in the EEG experiment.</p