58 research outputs found

    Non-invasive estimation of local field potentials for neuroprosthesis control

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    Recent experiments have shown the possibility of using the brain electrical activity to directly control the movement of robots or prosthetic devices in real time. Such neuroprostheses can be invasive or non-invasive, depending on how the brain signals are recorded. In principle, invasive approaches will provide a more natural and flexible control of neuroprostheses, but their use in humans is debatable given the inherent medical risks. Non-invasive approaches mainly use scalp electroencephalogram (EEG) signals and their main disadvantage is that these signals represent the noisy spatiotemporal overlapping of activity arising from very diverse brain regions, i.e., a single scalp electrode picks up and mixes the temporal activity of myriads of neurons at very different brain areas. In order to combine the benefits of both approaches, we propose to rely on the non-invasive estimation of local field potentials (LFP) in the whole human brain from the scalp measured EEG data using a recently developed inverse solution (ELECTRA) to the EEG inverse problem. The goal of a linear inverse procedure is to de-convolve or un-mix the scalp signals attributing to each brain area its own temporal activity. To illustrate the advantage of this approach we compare, using an identical set of spectral features, classification of rapid voluntary finger self-tapping with left and right hands based on scalp EEG and non-invasively estimated LFP on two subjects using a different number of electrode

    Error-Related EEG Potentials Generated during Simulated Brain-Computer Interaction

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    Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) are prone to errors in the recognition of subject's intent. An elegant approach to improve the accuracy of BCIs consists in a verification procedure directly based on the presence of error-related potentials (ErrP) in the EEG recorded right after the occurrence of an error. Several studies show the presence of ErrP in typical choice reaction tasks. However, in the context of a BCI, the central question is: "Are ErrP also elicited when the error is made by the interface during the recognition of the subject's intent?" We have thus explored whether ErrP also follow a feedback indicating incorrect responses of the simulated BCI interface. Five healthy volunteer subjects participated in a new human-robot interaction experiment, which seem to confirm the previously reported presence of a new kind of ErrP. But in order to exploit these ErrP we need to detect them in each single trial using a short window following the feedback associated to the response of the BCI. We have achieved an average recognition rate of correct and erroneous single trials of 83.5% and 79.2%, respectively using a classifier built with data recorded up to three months earlier

    To Err Is Human: Learning from Error Potentials in Brain-Computer Interfaces

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    Several studies describe evoked EEG potentials elicited when a subject is aware of an erroneous decision either taken by him or by an external interface. This paper studies {\em Error-related potentials} (ErrP) elicited when a human user monitors an external system upon which he has no control whatsoever. In addition, the possibility of using the ErrPs as a learning signals to infer the user's intended strategy is also addressed. Experimental results show that single-trial recognition of correct and error trials can be achieved, allowing the fast learning of the user's strategy. These results may constitute the basis of a new kind of human-computer interaction where the former provides monitoring signals that can be used to modify the performance of the latter.This work has been supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation NCCR-IM2 and by the EC-contract number BACS FP6-IST-027140. This paper only reflects the authors' views and funding agencies are not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained herein

    Towards a Robust BCI: Error Potentials and Online Learning

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    Recent advances in the field of Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) have shown that BCIs have the potential to provide a powerful new channel of communication, completely independent of muscular and nervous systems. However, while there have been successful laboratory demonstrations, there are still issues that need to be addressed before BCIs can be used by non-experts outside the laboratory. At IDIAP we have been investigating several areas that we believe will allow us to improve the robustness, flexibility and reliability of BCIs. One area is recognition of cognitive error states, that is, identifying errors through the brain's reaction to mistakes. The production of these error potentials (ErrP) in reaction to an error made by the user is well established. We have extended this work by identifying a similar but distinct ErrP that is generated in response to an error made by the interface, (a misinterpretation of a command that the user has given). This ErrP can be satisfactorily identified in single trials and can be demonstrated to improve the theoretical performance of a BCI. A second area of research is online adaptation of the classifier. BCI signals change over time, both between sessions and within a single session, due to a number of factors. This means that a classifier trained on data from a previous session will probably not be optimal for a new session. In this paper we present preliminary results from our investigations into supervised online learning that can be applied in the initial training phase. We also discuss the future direction of this research, including the combination of these two currently separate issues to create a potentially very powerful BCI

    Non-Invasive Brain-Actuated Interaction

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    The promise of Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) technology is to augment human capabilities by enabling interaction with computers through a conscious and spontaneous modulation of the brainwaves after a short training period. Indeed, by analyzing brain electrical activity online, several groups have designed brain-actuated devices that provide alternative channels for communication, entertainment and control. Thus, a person can write messages using a virtual keyboard on a computer screen and also browse the internet. Alternatively, subjects can operate simple computer games, or brain games, and interact with educational software. Work with humans has shown that it is possible for them to move a cursor and even to drive a wheelchair. This paper briefly reviews the field of BCI, with a focus on non-invasive systems based on electroencephalogram (EEG) signals. It also describes three brain-actuated devices we have developed: a virtual keyboard, a brain game, and a wheelchair. Finally, it shortly discusses current research directions we are pursuing in order to improve the performance and robustness of our BCI system, especially for real-time control of brain-actuated robots

    Non-Invasive Brain-Machine Interaction

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    The promise of Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) technology is to augment human capabilities by enabling interaction with computers through a conscious and spontaneous modulation of the brainwaves after a short training period. Indeed, by analyzing brain electrical activity online, several groups have designed brain-actuated devices that provide alternative channels for communication, entertainment and control. Thus, a person can write messages using a virtual keyboard on a computer screen and also browse the internet. Alternatively, subjects can operate simple computer games, or brain games, and interact with educational software. Work with humans has shown that it is possible for them to move a cursor and even to drive a wheelchair. This paper briefly reviews the field of BCI, with a focus on non-invasive systems based on electroencephalogram (EEG) signals. It also describes three brain-actuated devices we have developed: a virtual keyboard, a brain game, and a wheelchair. Finally, it shortly discusses current research directions we are pursuing in order to improve the performance and robustness of our BCI system, especially for real-time control of brain actuated robots

    Detecting Intentional Mental Transitions in an Asynchronous BCI

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    The inclusion of mental tasks transitions detection (MTTD) has proven a useful tool in guiding the transduction process of a BCI working under an asynchronous protocol. MTTD allows for the extraction of the signal's contextual information in order to infer the user's intentionality at a given moment and thus correcting possible classification errors. Despite the good results shown, the algorithm previously proposed \cite{1} does not show good behavior in contexts where the user gets online feedback. The algorithm that we propose in this paper, like its antecessor, is based on canonical variates transformation (CVT) and on distance-based discriminant analysis (DBDA), but it has a new transitions detector based on Kalman filtering. In addition, it includes a classifier supervisor based on heuristics rules that exploit transition detection as well as inconsistencies between subject's mental intention and the associated EEG. These heuristic rules lead to significant improvements of the BCI in terms of both classification accuracy and channel capacity, adapting itself to the user's needs

    The use of brain-computer interfacing for ambient intelligence

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    This paper is aimed to introduce IDIAP Brain Computer Interface (IBCI) research that successfully applied Ambience Intelligence (AmI) principles in designing intelligent brain-machine interactions. We proceed through IBCI applications describing how machines can decode and react to the human mental commands, cognitive and emotive states. We show how effective human-machine interaction for brain computer interfacing (BCI) can be achieved through, 1) asynchronous and spontaneous BCI, 2) shared control between the human and machine, 3) online learning and 4) the use of cognitive state recognition. Identifying common principles in BCI research and ambiance intelligence (AmI) research, we discuss IBCI applications. With the current studies on recognition of human cognitive states, we argue for the possibility of designing empathic environments or devices that have a better human like understanding directly from brain signals

    Non-Invasive Brain Computer Interface for Mental Control of a Simulated Wheelchair

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    This poster presents results obtained from experiments of driving a brain-actuated simulated wheelchair that incorporates the shared-control intelligence method. The simulated wheelchair is controlled offline using band power features. The task is to drive the wheelchair along a corridor avoiding two obstacles. We have analyzed data from 4 na�ve subjects during 25 sessions carried out in two days. To measure the performance of the brain-actuated wheelchair we have compared the final position of the wheelchair with the end point of the desired trajectory. The experiments show that the incorporation of a higher intelligence level in the control device significantly helps the subject to drive the robot device
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