26 research outputs found

    Mass spectrometry imaging for clinical research - latest developments, applications, and current limitations

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    Mass spectrometry is being used in many clinical research areas ranging from toxicology to personalized medicine. Of all the mass spectrometry techniques, mass spectrometry imaging (MSI), in particular, has continuously grown towards clinical acceptance. Significant technological and methodological improvements have contributed to enhance the performance of MSI recently, pushing the limits of throughput, spatial resolution, and sensitivity. This has stimulated the spread of MSI usage across various biomedical research areas such as oncology, neurological disorders, cardiology, and rheumatology, just to name a few. After highlighting the latest major developments and applications touching all aspects of translational research (i.e. from early pre-clinical to clinical research), we will discuss the present challenges in translational research performed with MSI: data management and analysis, molecular coverage and identification capabilities, and finally, reproducibility across multiple research centers, which is the largest remaining obstacle in moving MSI towards clinical routine

    imzML: Imaging Mass Spectrometry Markup Language: A Common Data Format for Mass Spectrometry Imaging

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    International audienceImaging mass spectrometry is the method of scanning a sample of interest and generating an “image” of the intensity distribution of a specific analyte. The data sets consist of a large number of mass spectra which are usually acquired with identical settings. Existing data formats are not sufficient to describe an MS imaging experiment completely. The data format imzML was developed to allow the flexible and efficient exchange of MS imaging data between different instruments and data analysis software.For this purpose, the MS imaging data is divided in two separate files. The mass spectral data is stored in a binary file to ensure efficient storage. All metadata (e.g., instrumental parameters, sample details) are stored in an XML file which is based on the standard data format mzML developed by HUPO-PSI. The original mzML controlled vocabulary was extended to include specific parameters of imaging mass spectrometry (such as x/y position and spatial resolution). The two files (XML and binary)are connected by offset values in the XML file and are unambiguously linked by a universally unique identifier. The resulting datasets are comparable in size to the raw data and the separate metadata file allows flexible handling of large datasets.Several imaging MS software tools already support imzML. This allows choosing from a (growing) number of processing tools. One is no longer limited to proprietary software, but is able to use the processing software which is best suited for a specific question or application. On the other hand, measurements from different instruments can be compared within one software application using identical settings for data processing. All necessary information for evaluating and implementing imzML can befound at http://www.imzML.org

    Mass spectrometry imaging of biological tissue: an approach for multicenter studies.

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    International audienceMass spectrometry imaging has become a popular tool for probing the chemical complexity of biological surfaces. This led to the development of a wide range of instrumentation and preparation protocols. It is thus desirable to evaluate and compare the data output from different methodologies and mass spectrometers. Here, we present an approach for the comparison of mass spectrometry imaging data from different laboratories (often referred to as multicenter studies). This is exemplified by the analysis of mouse brain sections in five laboratories in Europe and the USA. The instrumentation includes matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI)-time-of-flight (TOF), MALDI-QTOF, MALDI-Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (FTICR), atmospheric-pressure (AP)-MALDI-Orbitrap, and cluster TOF-secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). Experimental parameters such as measurement speed, imaging bin width, and mass spectrometric parameters are discussed. All datasets were converted to the standard data format imzML and displayed in a common open-source software with identical parameters for visualization, which facilitates direct comparison of MS images. The imzML conversion also allowed exchange of fully functional MS imaging datasets between the different laboratories. The experiments ranged from overview measurements of the full mouse brain to detailed analysis of smaller features (depending on spatial resolution settings), but common histological features such as the corpus callosum were visible in all measurements. High spatial resolution measurements of AP-MALDI-Orbitrap and TOF-SIMS showed comparable structures in the low-micrometer range. We discuss general considerations for planning and performing multicenter studies in mass spectrometry imaging. This includes details on the selection, distribution, and preparation of tissue samples as well as on data handling. Such multicenter studies in combination with ongoing activities for reporting guidelines, a common data format (imzML) and a public data repository can contribute to more reliability and transparency of MS imaging studies

    imzML - A common data format for the flexible exchange and processing of mass spectrometry imaging data.

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    International audienceThe application of mass spectrometry imaging (MS imaging) is rapidly growing with a constantly increasing number of different instrumental systems and software tools. The data format imzML was developed to allow the flexible and efficient exchange of MS imaging data between different instruments and data analysis software. imzML data is divided in two files which are linked by a universally unique identifier (UUID). Experimental details are stored in an XML file which is based on the HUPO-PSI format mzML. Information is provided in the form of a 'controlled vocabulary' (CV) in order to unequivocally describe the parameters and to avoid redundancy in nomenclature. Mass spectral data are stored in a binary file in order to allow efficient storage. imzML is supported by a growing number of software tools. Users will be no longer limited to proprietary software, but are able to use the processing software best suited for a specific question or application. MS imaging data from different instruments can be converted to imzML and displayed with identical parameters in one software package for easier comparison. All technical details necessary to implement imzML and additional background information is available at www.imzml.org. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Imaging Mass Spectrometry: A User's Guide to a New Technique for Biological and Biomedical Research

    Harmonization of Rapid Evaporative Ionization Mass Spectrometry Workflows across Four Sites and Testing Using Reference Material and Local Food-Grade Meats

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    Rapid evaporative ionization mass spectrometry (REIMS) is a direct tissue metabolic profiling technique used to accurately classify tissues using pre-built mass spectral databases. The reproducibility of the analytical equipment, methodology and tissue classification algorithms has yet to be evaluated over multiple sites, which is an essential step for developing this technique for future clinical applications. In this study, we harmonized REIMS methodology using single-source reference material across four sites with identical equipment: Imperial College London (UK); Waters Research Centre (Hungary); Maastricht University (The Netherlands); and Queen's University (Canada). We observed that method harmonization resulted in reduced spectral variability across sites. Each site then analyzed four different types of locally-sourced food-grade animal tissue. Tissue recognition models were created at each site using multivariate statistical analysis based on the different metabolic profiles observed in the m/z range of 600-1000, and these models were tested against data obtained at the other sites. Cross-validation by site resulted in 100% correct classification of two reference tissues and 69-100% correct classification for food-grade meat samples. While we were able to successfully minimize between-site variability in REIMS signals, differences in animal tissue from local sources led to significant variability in the accuracy of an individual site's model. Our results inform future multi-site REIMS studies applied to clinical samples and emphasize the importance of carefully-annotated samples that encompass sufficient population diversity

    Harmonization of Rapid Evaporative Ionization Mass Spectrometry Workflows across Four Sites and Testing Using Reference Material and Local Food-Grade Meats

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    Rapid evaporative ionization mass spectrometry (REIMS) is a direct tissue metabolic profiling technique used to accurately classify tissues using pre-built mass spectral databases. The reproducibility of the analytical equipment, methodology and tissue classification algorithms has yet to be evaluated over multiple sites, which is an essential step for developing this technique for future clinical applications. In this study, we harmonized REIMS methodology using single-source reference material across four sites with identical equipment: Imperial College London (UK); Waters Research Centre (Hungary); Maastricht University (The Netherlands); and Queen’s University (Canada). We observed that method harmonization resulted in reduced spectral variability across sites. Each site then analyzed four different types of locally-sourced food-grade animal tissue. Tissue recognition models were created at each site using multivariate statistical analysis based on the different metabolic profiles observed in the m/z range of 600–1000, and these models were tested against data obtained at the other sites. Cross-validation by site resulted in 100% correct classification of two reference tissues and 69–100% correct classification for food-grade meat samples. While we were able to successfully minimize between-site variability in REIMS signals, differences in animal tissue from local sources led to significant variability in the accuracy of an individual site’s model. Our results inform future multi-site REIMS studies applied to clinical samples and emphasize the importance of carefully-annotated samples that encompass sufficient population diversity

    Software tools of the Computis European project to process mass spectrometry images

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    Among the needs usually expressed by teams using mass spectrometry imaging, often arise user-friendly software able to quickly manage huge data volume and to provide efficient assistance for the interpretation of data. To answer this need, the Computis European project developed several complementary software tools to process mass spectrometry imaging data. Data Cube Explorer provides a simple spatial and spectral exploration for MALDI-ToF and ToF-SIMS data. SpectViewer offers visualization functions, assistance to the interpretation of data, classification functionalities, peak list extraction to interrogate biological database, image overlay and can process data issued from MALDI-ToF, ToF-SIMS and DESI equipments. EasyReg2D is able to register two images, in ASCII format, issued from different technologies. The collaboration between teams being hampered by the multiplicity of equipments and data formats, the project also developed a common data format (imzML) to facilitate the exchange of experimental data and their interpretation by the different software tools. The BioMap platform for visualization and exploration of MALDI-ToF and DESI images was adapted to parse imzML files, enabling its access to all project partners and more globally to a larger community of users. Considering the huge advantages brought by the imzML standard format, a specific editor (vBrowser) for imzML files and converters from proprietary formats to imzML were developed to enable the use of imzML format by a broad scientific community. This initiative is paving the way towards the development of a large panel of software tools able to process mass spectrometry imaging datasets in the future