9,648 research outputs found

    Life cycle assessment (LCA) applied to the process industry: a review

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    Purpose : Life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology is a well-established analytical method to quantify environmental impacts, which has been mainly applied to products. However, recent literature would suggest that it has also the potential as an analysis and design tool for processes, and stresses that one of the biggest challenges of this decade in the field of process systems engineering (PSE) is the development of tools for environmental considerations. Method : This article attempts to give an overview of the integration of LCA methodology in the context of industrial ecology, and focuses on the use of this methodology for environmental considerations concerning process design and optimization. Results : The review identifies that LCA is often used as a multi-objective optimization of processes: practitioners use LCA to obtain the inventory and inject the results into the optimization model. It also shows that most of the LCA studies undertaken on process analysis consider the unit processes as black boxes and build the inventory analysis on fixed operating conditions. Conclusions : The article highlights the interest to better assimilate PSE tools with LCA methodology, in order to produce a more detailed analysis. This will allow optimizing the influence of process operating conditions on environmental impacts and including detailed environmental results into process industry

    Mid-morning Break and Poster Sessions: Application of the Theory of Planned Behaviour within School-Based Prevention Programs for Adolescent Gambling

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    The theory of planned behaviour (TPB) and the concept of anticipatory negative emotions have attracted considerable research attention in the formulation of effective preventive interventions. This approach has identified several key constructs (i.e., attitudes, subjective norms, perceptions of control, anticipation of negative emotions) as valid predictors of gambling intentions and behaviour. However, no empirical investigation has utilized these constructs in the design or evaluation of a youth problem gambling prevention initiative. Objectives. The current research aims to assess the effects of a prevention video on gambling-related attitudes, subjective norms, control perceptions, anticipated negative emotions, and intentions. The video focuses on a problem gambler’s testimonial and includes dramatic vignettes depicting the potential risks and consequences associated with excessive gambling. Methodology. A sample of 328 high school students were randomly assigned to either a video or control group. Participants were assessed at pre- and post-intervention. Results. Preliminary results reveal that the video produced changes in students’: (i) attitudes towards; (ii) perceptions of control over and; (iii) negative anticipatory emotions following excessive participation in gambling. Individuals receiving the intervention were observed to have a significant decreases in positive attitudes toward gambling as well as perceptions of control over gambling, and a significant increase in their anticipation of negative emotions for becoming over-involved in gambling. Conclusions. Positive effects of the video were found. Recommendations for future research are discussed

    Evolution of massive and magnetized protoplanetary disks

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    We present global 2D and 3D simulations of self-gravitating magnetized tori. We used the 2D calculations to demonstrate that the properties of the MRI are not affected by the presence of self-gravity: MHD turbulence and enhanced angular momentum transport follow the linear growth of the instability. In 3D, we have studied the interaction between an m=2m=2 gravitational instability and MHD turbulence. We found its strength to be significantly decreased by the presence of the latter, showing that both instabilities strongly interact in their non-linear phases. We discuss the consequences of these results.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the XIXth IAP colloquium "Extrasolar Planets: Today and Tomorrow" held in Paris, France, 2003, June 30 - July 4, ASP Conf. Serie

    Health status, Neighbourhood effects and Public choice: Evidence from France

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    Observation of socioeconomic statistics between different neighbourhoods highlights significant differences for economic indicators, social indicators and health indicators. The issue faced here is determining the origins of health inequalities: individual effects and neighbourhood effects. Using National Health Survey and French census data from the period 2002-2003, we attempt to measure the individual and collective determinants of Self-Reported Health Status (SRH). By using a principal component analysis of aggregated census data, we obtain three synthetic factors called: "economic and social condition", "mobility" and "generational" and show that these contextual factors are correlated with individual SRHs. Since the 80s, different French governments have formulated public policies in order to take into account the specific problems of disadvantaged and deprived neighbourhoods. In view to concentrating national assistance, the French government has created "zones urbaines sensibles" (ZUS) [Critical Urban Areas, CUA]. Our research shows that in spite of implementing public policy in France to combat health inequalities, by only taking into account the CUA criterion (the fact of being in a CUA or not), many inequalities remain ignored and thus hidden.Health, Neighbourhood Effect, Housing policy

    Nouvelles logiques associatives dans la Ville nouvelle de Cergy-Pontoise

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    Préoccupation des clients pour le respect de la vie privée et réponse à une sollicitation portant sur des données personnelles

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    National audienceWhereas customers are often sollicited for personal data online, we investigate the relationship between general privacy concern, specific perceptions of the request and response behavior (i.e., fill up / do not fill up the form). Our study finds that more than 40% of the respondents agree to fill up the form and supports the idea that customers concerned about privacy issues tend to be less responsive to online data requests. Our study also supports the attitude toward the request and more specific aspects of this attitude (e.g., sensitivity of the data) as predictors of the behavioral response.Cette recherche s'intéresse aux perceptions et aux comportements des clients lorsqu'un site marchand leur propose de remplir un formulaire en ligne. Il s'agit à la fois d'analyser la cohérence de la réponse avec le niveau de préoccupation du client pour le respect de sa vie privée et d'étudier l'impact de la situation de collecte, telle que perçue par le consommateur. L'étude permet de montrer qu'environ 40% des répondants auraient rempli le formulaire proposé, certains avouant cependant être tentés de donner une fausse réponse aux questions les plus sensibles. Si deux tiers des répondants ont une réponse cohérente avec leur degré de préoccupation, le tiers restant adopte un comportement a priori incohérent (i.e., réponse positive malgré une faible préoccupation ou réponse négative malgré une forte préoccupation). Le contexte de sollicitation s'avère prépondérant dans la décision de se dévoiler ou non, notamment l'attitude globale vis-à-vis de la requête et plus spécifiquement, la sensibilité perçue des données

    Evaluation qualitative macroscopique et microscopique du grasset chez un modèle expérimental d'arthrose canine 90 jours après section du ligament croisé crânial

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    La transection du ligament croisé crânial (CCLT) est une méthode couramment admise d'induction expérimentale d'arthrose (OA) au niveau du grasset chez le chien. Le but principal de cette étude était d'évaluer qualitativement les lésions d'arthrose induites par la CCLT par macroscopie et histologie 90 jours après chez 21 jeunes femelles de race beagle. Les lèvres de la trochlée fémorale présentaient le plus haut score ostéophytique tandis que la patelle présentait le plus bas et celui du condyle fémoral médial était supérieur à celui du condyle latéral. Les lésions méniscales ont été observées uniquement sur le ménisque médial de 5 genoux opérés. Les lésions macroscopiques du cartilage (stade de fibrillation) ont été notées dans un ordre de fréquence décroissant sur les condyles tibiaux médial et latéral, le condyle fémoral latéral, la trochlée fémorale, le condyle fémoral médial et enfin la patelle. L'examen histologique a révélé que la couche superficielle du cartilage était fibrillée et discontinue. La plupart des cellules étaient rondes et disposées tangentiellement à la surface. Dans les zones transitionnelle et profonde, quelques chondrocytes étaient modérément hypertrophiques et des amas de chondrocytes ont été uniquement observés dans la couche profonde. Concernant la membrane synoviale, un épaississement du mésothélium et une importante densité de collagène ont été notés et le rapport des épaisseurs mésothélium/fibres était entre 1/0.15 et 1/0.10 sur les genoux opérés et 1/0.05 sur les genoux témoins. Les images fournies ici pourront servir de références pour des travaux ultérieurs portant notamment sur les thérapies contre l'arthrose

    M-lines characterization of selenide and telluride waveguides for mid-infrared interferometry

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    Nulling interferometry is an astronomical technique that combines equal wavefronts to achieve a deep rejection ratio of an on-axis star, and that could permit to detect Earth-like planets in the mid-infrared band 5 -- 20 microns. Similarly to what is done in the near-infrared, high frequencies spatial filtering of the incoming beams can be achieved using single-mode waveguides operating in the mid-infrared. An appreciable reduction of the instrumental complexity is also possible using integrated optics (IO) devices in this spectral range. The relative lack of single-mode guided optics in the mid-infrared has motivated the present technological study to demonstrate the feasibility of dielectric waveguides functioning at longer wavelengths. We propose to use selenide and telluride components to pursue the development of more complex IO functions.Comment: accepted in OSA Optics Express, 11 pages, 4 figure

    Préoccupation des clients pour le respect de la vie privée et réponse à une sollicitation portant sur des données personnelles

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    Cette recherche s'intéresse aux perceptions et aux comportements des clients lorsqu'un site marchand leur propose de remplir un formulaire en ligne. Il s'agit à la fois d'analyser la cohérence de la réponse avec le niveau de préoccupation du client pour le respect de sa vie privée et d'étudier l'impact de la situation de collecte, telle que perçue par le consommateur. L'étude permet de montrer qu'environ 40% des répondants auraient rempli le formulaire proposé, certains avouant cependant être tentés de donner une fausse réponse aux questions les plus sensibles. Si deux tiers des répondants ont une réponse cohérente avec leur degré de préoccupation, le tiers restant adopte un comportement a priori incohérent (i.e., réponse positive malgré une faible préoccupation ou réponse négative malgré une forte préoccupation). Le contexte de sollicitation s'avère prépondérant dans la décision de se dévoiler ou non, notamment l'attitude globale vis-à-vis de la requête et plus spécifiquement, la sensibilité perçue des données.respect de la vie privée, informations personnelles, divulgation de soi, Internet
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