71 research outputs found

    Medical error in the portuguese press: when patients are part of the news

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    Esta investigação aborda a qualidade da produção noticiosa sobre o erro médico, como um fator essencial na construção do conhecimento público sobre o tema, com o objetivo de compreender que características definem tal produção e até que ponto poderão ser explicadas pela periodicidade e orientação editorial dos jornais; que conceito de erro médico é veiculado pela produção noticiosa sobre o tema; e quais são os protagonistas no discurso jornalístico sobre o erro médico. Foram analisadas as edições de três jornais portugueses, de 2008 a 2011, resultando num corpus de 266 (4,2%) artigos, que foram classificados de acordo com as seguintes variáveis: as fontes de informação citadas (o seu estatuto e especialidade, no caso dos médicos); os temas que são tratados; as características de enquadramento da informação publicada (tom, género jornalístico; e a presença e número de fontes de informação). Pela análise de conteúdo quantitativa, apurou-se que esse tema está em crescimento, essencialmente com notícias de tom negativo e fontes de informação habitualmente identificadas. Não há evidência para afirmar que a periodicidade e a orientação editorial expliquem as variações dessas características, a não ser relativamente ao número de fontes citadas. Vigoram as notícias centradas nos resultados dos erros (mortes ou lesões), provocados por "erros de omissão" e por "erros de comissão", envolvendo uma diversidade de protagonistas: são, tal como acontece na informação sobre saúde em geral, fontes oficiais e especializadas do campo da saúde. Destacam-se os médicos e os juristas e é dado relevo aos pacientes.This research addresses the quality of news production on medical error, as an essential factor in building public knowledge on the subject, in order to understand which characteristics define the news production of medical error and to what extent can they be explained by the periodicity and editorial orientation of the newspaper; which concept of medical error is transmitted by the news production on the subject; and who are the main actors in the journalistic discourse about medical error. The editions of three Portuguese newspapers were analyzed, from 2008 to 2011, resulting in a corpus of 266 (4.2%) articles, which were classified according to the following variables: the sources of information quoted (their status and specialty, in the case of doctors); the issues covered; and characteristic framework of the published information (tone, journalistic style, and the presence and number of information sources). Through quantitative content analysis, it was found that this topic is growing, essentially with negative news and information sources usually being identified. There is no evidence to support that periodicity and editorial orientation explain the variations in these characteristics, except for the number of cited sources. News focused on the results of errors (death or injury), caused by "errors of omission" and "commission errors", prevail, involving a variety of actors: they are, such as it happens in health information, in general, official sources and experts in health. Doctors and lawyers stand out, and special attention is given to patients

    Towards standardized measurement of adverse events in spine surgery: conceptual model and pilot evaluation

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    BACKGROUND: Independent of efficacy, information on safety of surgical procedures is essential for informed choices. We seek to develop standardized methodology for describing the safety of spinal operations and apply these methods to study lumbar surgery. We present a conceptual model for evaluating the safety of spine surgery and describe development of tools to measure principal components of this model: (1) specifying outcome by explicit criteria for adverse event definition, mode of ascertainment, cause, severity, or preventability, and (2) quantitatively measuring predictors such as patient factors, comorbidity, severity of degenerative spine disease, and invasiveness of spine surgery. METHODS: We created operational definitions for 176 adverse occurrences and established multiple mechanisms for reporting them. We developed new methods to quantify the severity of adverse occurrences, degeneration of lumbar spine, and invasiveness of spinal procedures. Using kappa statistics and intra-class correlation coefficients, we assessed agreement for the following: four reviewers independently coding etiology, preventability, and severity for 141 adverse occurrences, two observers coding lumbar spine degenerative changes in 10 selected cases, and two researchers coding invasiveness of surgery for 50 initial cases. RESULTS: During the first six months of prospective surveillance, rigorous daily medical record reviews identified 92.6% of the adverse occurrences we recorded, and voluntary reports by providers identified 38.5% (surgeons reported 18.3%, inpatient rounding team reported 23.1%, and conferences discussed 6.1%). Trained observers had fair agreement in classifying etiology of 141 adverse occurrences into 18 categories (kappa = 0.35), but agreement was substantial (kappa ≥ 0.61) for 4 specific categories: technical error, failure in communication, systems failure, and no error. Preventability assessment had moderate agreement (mean weighted kappa = 0.44). Adverse occurrence severity rating had fair agreement (mean weighted kappa = 0.33) when using a scale based on the JCAHO Sentinel Event Policy, but agreement was substantial for severity ratings on a new 11-point numerical severity scale (ICC = 0.74). There was excellent inter-rater agreement for a lumbar degenerative disease severity score (ICC = 0.98) and an index of surgery invasiveness (ICC = 0.99). CONCLUSION: Composite measures of disease severity and surgery invasiveness may allow development of risk-adjusted predictive models for adverse events in spine surgery. Standard measures of adverse events and risk adjustment may also facilitate post-marketing surveillance of spinal devices, effectiveness research, and quality improvement


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    Dentro del proceso de formaci\uf3n profesional de la Contadur\ueda P\ufablica se considera un requisito indispensable desarrollar un conjunto de actividades en el desempe\uf1o pr\ue1ctico en un ente administrativo; como son las pasant\uedas, las cuales permiten poner en pr\ue1ctica los conocimientos adquiridos en el aula de clase a la luz de la realidad econ\uf3mica, pol\uedtica y social del pa\ueds. En este caso se realizaron las pasant\uedas en una instituci\uf3n que por su condici\uf3n jur\ueddica es una figura de derecho privado, una asociaci\uf3n civil, cuyos objetivos y operaciones la convierten en una instituci\uf3n de servicio p\ufablico tal como lo es la Asociaci\uf3n Cardiovascular Centro Occidental (Ascardio), la cual se puede considerar a la vez, que aporta un apoyo institucional, t\ue9cnico, cient\uedfico, administrativo y financiero al pa\ueds y a la formaci\uf3n de especialistas, y cuya estructura organizativa formal le permite lograr sus objetivos y la realizaci\uf3n de sus fines. El presente informe fue realizado tomando en cuenta los datos, registros, informaciones y conocimientos obtenidos mediante las labores realizadas durante las pasant\uedas por la Coordinaci\uf3n de Administraci\uf3n y el Departamento de Contabilidad. Dentro de la problem\ue1tica presentada en el informe encontramos aspectos generales de la instituci\uf3n, donde se hace un breve an\ue1lisis o rese\uf1a hist\uf3rica de la misma, as\ued como tambi\ue9n sus objetivos, funciones, estructura organizativa; adem\ue1s se incluye descripci\uf3n de las actividades realizadas en las unidades mencionadas durante el lapso de pasant\ueda; creyendo haber alcanzado los conocimientos pr\ue1cticos compaginados con los conocimientos te\uf3ricos adquiridos

    Teaching Systems Improvement to Early Medical Students: Strategies and Lessons Learned.

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    PurposeDespite increasing emphasis in medical school education on quality and systems improvement, many medical schools lack sufficient faculty with expertise to teach systems improvement. Using the pedagogical content knowledge framework, this study explores how faculty engage students in systems improvement work and faculty perceptions of the outcomes for the health system and students.MethodIn May-June 2017, the authors interviewed 12 of 13 invited faculty with experience in teaching and engaging first-year medical students in systems improvement work, the course of students' systems improvement work over time, the impact of students' projects on health systems, and students' learning and attitudes about systems improvement. The authors conducted qualitative analysis iteratively with data collection to sufficiency.ResultsSix emergent themes characterized faculty's approach to guiding students in systems improvement work: faculty-student relationship, faculty role, student role, faculty-student shared responsibility for projects, faculty and student content knowledge, and project outcomes. The faculty-student relationship was foundational for successful systems improvement work. Faculty roles included project selection, project management, and health systems interactions. Students engaged in systems improvement as their faculty leveraged their knowledge and skills and created meaningful student roles. Faculty and students shared responsibility and colearned systems improvement content knowledge. Faculty defined successful outcomes as students' learning about the systems improvement process and interprofessional collaboration.ConclusionsFindings highlight the critical importance of pedagogical content knowledge to engage early learners in systems improvement work, understand their learning interests and needs, and manage their projects longitudinally