259 research outputs found

    One step creation of multifunctional 3D architectured hydrogels inducing bone regeneration

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    Structured hydrogels showing form stability and elastic properties individually tailorable on different length scales are accessible in a one-step process. They support cell adhesion and differentiation and display growing pore size during degradation. In vivo experiments demonstrate their efficacy in biomaterial-induced bone regeneration, not requiring addition of cells or growth factors

    Bibliometrics of systematic reviews : analysis of citation rates and journal impact factors

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    Background: Systematic reviews are important for informing clinical practice and health policy. The aim of this study was to examine the bibliometrics of systematic reviews and to determine the amount of variance in citations predicted by the journal impact factor (JIF) alone and combined with several other characteristics. Methods: We conducted a bibliometric analysis of 1,261 systematic reviews published in 2008 and the citations to them in the Scopus database from 2008 to June 2012. Potential predictors of the citation impact of the reviews were examined using descriptive, univariate and multiple regression analysis. Results: The mean number of citations per review over four years was 26.5 (SD +/-29.9) or 6.6 citations per review per year. The mean JIF of the journals in which the reviews were published was 4.3 (SD +/-4.2). We found that 17% of the reviews accounted for 50% of the total citations and 1.6% of the reviews were not cited. The number of authors was correlated with the number of citations (r = 0.215, P =5.16) received citations in the bottom quartile (eight or fewer), whereas 9% of reviews published in the lowest JIF quartile (<=2.06) received citations in the top quartile (34 or more). Six percent of reviews in journals with no JIF were also in the first quartile of citations. Conclusions: The JIF predicted over half of the variation in citations to the systematic reviews. However, the distribution of citations was markedly skewed. Some reviews in journals with low JIFs were well-cited and others in higher JIF journals received relatively few citations; hence the JIF did not accurately represent the number of citations to individual systematic reviews

    Retrospective analysis of Schlafen11 (SLFN11) to predict the outcomes to therapies affecting the DNA damage response

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    BACKGROUND: The absence of the putative DNA/RNA helicase Schlafen11 (SLFN11) is thought to cause resistance to DNAdamaging agents (DDAs) and PARP inhibitors. METHODS: We developed and validated a clinically applicable SLFN11 immunohistochemistry assay and retrospectively correlated SLFN11 tumour levels to patient outcome to the standard of care therapies and olaparib maintenance. RESULTS: High SLFN11 associated with improved prognosis to the first-line treatment with DDAs platinum-plus-etoposide in SCLC patients, but was not strongly linked to paclitaxel–platinum response in ovarian cancer patients. Multivariate analysis of patients with relapsed platinum-sensitive ovarian cancer from the randomised, placebo-controlled Phase II olaparib maintenance Study19 showed SLFN11 tumour levels associated with sensitivity to olaparib. Study19 patients with high SLFN11 had a lower progression-free survival (PFS) hazard ratio compared to patients with low SLFN11, although both groups had the benefit of olaparib over placebo. Whilst caveated by small sample size, this trend was maintained for PFS, but not overall survival, when adjusting for BRCA status across the olaparib and placebo treatment groups, a key driver of PARP inhibitor sensitivity. CONCLUSION: We provide clinical evidence supporting the role of SLFN11 as a DDA therapy selection biomarker in SCLC and highlight the need for further clinical investigation into SLFN11 as a PARP inhibitor predictive biomarker

    Reflectivity, Reflexivity, Reflexivism: IR's 'Reflexive Turn' - and Beyond

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    The notion of ‘reflexivity’ has been so intimately tied to the critique of positivism and empiricism in International Relations (IR) that the emergence of post-positivism has naturally produced the anticipation of a ‘reflexive turn’ in IR theory. Three decades after the launch of the post-positivist critique, however, reflexive IR has failed to impose itself as either a clear or serious contender to mainstream scholarship. Reasons for this failure include: the proliferation of different understandings of ‘reflexivity’ in IR theory that entail significantly different projects and concerns for IR scholarship; the equation of ‘reflexive theory’ with ‘critical’ and ‘emancipatory theory’ and the consequent confusion of ethical/normative issues with strictly epistemic/theoretical ones; and the refusal to consider reflexive IR as a ‘research programme’ concerned with empirical knowledge, not just meta-explanation. The development of reflexivity in IR theory as a sustainable cognitive and praxeological effort is nonetheless possible — and still needed. This article suggests what taking the ‘reflexive turn’ would really entail for IR.</jats:p

    Fructose Modulates Cardiomyocyte Excitation-Contraction Coupling and Ca2+ Handling In Vitro

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    BACKGROUND: High dietary fructose has structural and metabolic cardiac impact, but the potential for fructose to exert direct myocardial action is uncertain. Cardiomyocyte functional responsiveness to fructose, and capacity to transport fructose has not been previously demonstrated. OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study was to seek evidence of fructose-induced modulation of cardiomyocyte excitation-contraction coupling in an acute, in vitro setting. METHODS AND RESULTS: The functional effects of fructose on isolated adult rat cardiomyocyte contractility and Ca²⁺ handling were evaluated under physiological conditions (37°C, 2 mM Ca²⁺, HEPES buffer, 4 Hz stimulation) using video edge detection and microfluorimetry (Fura2) methods. Compared with control glucose (11 mM) superfusate, 2-deoxyglucose (2 DG, 11 mM) substitution prolonged both the contraction and relaxation phases of the twitch (by 16 and 36% respectively, p<0.05) and this effect was completely abrogated with fructose supplementation (11 mM). Similarly, fructose prevented the Ca²⁺ transient delay induced by exposure to 2 DG (time to peak Ca²⁺ transient: 2 DG: 29.0±2.1 ms vs. glucose: 23.6±1.1 ms vs. fructose +2 DG: 23.7±1.0 ms; p<0.05). The presence of the fructose transporter, GLUT5 (Slc2a5) was demonstrated in ventricular cardiomyocytes using real time RT-PCR and this was confirmed by conventional RT-PCR. CONCLUSION: This is the first demonstration of an acute influence of fructose on cardiomyocyte excitation-contraction coupling. The findings indicate cardiomyocyte capacity to transport and functionally utilize exogenously supplied fructose. This study provides the impetus for future research directed towards characterizing myocardial fructose metabolism and understanding how long term high fructose intake may contribute to modulating cardiac function

    Childhood exposure due to the Chernobyl accident and thyroid cancer risk in contaminated areas of Belarus and Russia

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    The thyroid dose due to 131I releases during the Chernobyl accident was reconstructed for children and adolescents in two cities and 2122 settlements in Belarus, and in one city and 607 settlements in the Bryansk district of the Russian Federation. In this area, which covers the two high contamination spots in the two countries following the accident, data on thyroid cancer incidence during the period 1991-1995 were analysed in the light of possible increased thyroid surveillance. Two methods of risk analysis were applied: Poisson regression with results for the single settlements and Monte Carlo (MC) calculations for results in larger areas or sub-populations. Best estimates of both methods agreed well. Poisson regression estimates of 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were considerably smaller than the MC results, which allow for extra-Poisson uncertainties due to reconstructed doses and the background thyroid cancer incidence. The excess absolute risk per unit thyroid dose (EARPD) for the birth cohort 1971-1985 by the MC analysis was 2.1 (95% CI 1.0-4.5) cases per 10(4) person-year Gy. The point estimate is lower by a factor of two than that observed in a pooled study of thyroid cancer risk after external exposures. The excess relative risk per unit thyroid dose was 23 (95% CI 8.6-82) Gy(-1). No significant differences between countries or cities and rural areas were found. In the lowest dose group of the settlements with an average thyroid dose of 0.05 Gy the risk was statistically significantly elevated. Dependencies of risks on age-at-exposure and on gender are consistent with findings after external exposures

    Increased tumour dihydroceramide production after Photofrin-PDT alone and improved tumour response after the combination with the ceramide analogue LCL29. Evidence from mouse squamous cell carcinomas

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    Photodynamic therapy (PDT) has been proven effective for treatment of several types of cancer. Photodynamic therapy alone, however, attains limited cures with some tumours and there is need for its improved efficacy in such cases. Sphingolipid (SL) analogues can promote tumour response in combination with anticancer drugs. In this study, we used mouse SCCVII squamous cell carcinoma tumours to determine the impact of Photofrin-PDT on the in vivo SL profile and the effect of LCL29, a C6-pyridinium ceramide, on PDT tumour response. Following PDT, the levels of dihydroceramides (DHceramides), in particular C20-DHceramide, were elevated in tumours. Similarly, increases in DHceramides, in addition to C20:1-ceramide, were found in PDT-treated SCCVII cells. These findings indicate the importance of the de novo ceramide pathway in Photofrin-PDT response not only in cells but also in vivo. Notably, co-exposure of SCCVII tumours to Photofrin-PDT and LCL29 led to enhanced tumour response compared with PDT alone. Thus, we show for the first time that Photofrin-PDT has a distinct signature effect on the SL profile in vitro and in vivo, and that the combined treatment advances PDT therapeutic gain, implying translational significance of the combination

    Elastofibroma dorsi – differential diagnosis in chest wall tumours

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    BACKGROUND: Elastofibromas are benign soft tissue tumours mostly of the infrascapular region between the thoracic wall, the serratus anterior and the latissimus dorsi muscle with a prevalence of up to 24% in the elderly. The pathogenesis of the lesion is still unclear, but repetitive microtrauma by friction between the scapula and the thoracic wall may cause the reactive hyperproliferation of fibroelastic tissue. METHODS: We present a series of seven cases with elastofibroma dorsi with reference to clinical findings, further clinical course and functional results after resection, as well as recurrence. Data were obtained retrospectively by clinical examination, phone calls to the patients' general practitioners and charts review. Follow-up time ranged from four months to nine years and averaged 53 months. RESULTS: The patients presented with swelling of the infrascapular region or snapping scapula. In three cases, the lesion was painful. The ratio men/women was 2/5 with a mean age of 64 years. The tumor sizes ranged from 3 to 13 cm. The typical macroscopic aspect was characterized as poorly defined fibroelastic soft tissue lesion with a white and yellow cut surface caused by intermingled remnants of fatty tissue. Microscopically, the lesions consisted of broad collagenous strands and densely packed enlarged and fragmented elastic fibres with mostly round shapes. In all patients but one, postoperative seroma (which had to be punctuated) occurred after resection; however, at follow-up time, no patient reported any decrease of function or sensation at the shoulder or the arm of the operated side. None of the patients experienced a relapse. CONCLUSION: In differential diagnosis of soft tissue tumors located at this specific site, elastofibroma should be considered as likely diagnosis. Due to its benign behaviour, the tumor should be resected only in symptomatic patients

    Cytostatic potential of novel agents that inhibit the regulation of intracellular pH

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    Cells within the acidic extracellular environment of solid tumours maintain their intracellular pH (pHi) through the activity of membrane-based ion exchange mechanisms including the Na+/H+ antiport and the Na+-dependent Cl−/HCO3− exchanger. Inhibition of these regulatory mechanisms has been proposed as an approach to tumour therapy. Previously available inhibitors of these exchangers were toxic (e.g. 4,4-diisothiocyanstilbene-2,2-disulphonic acid), and/or non-specific (e.g. 5-N-ethyl-N-isopropyl amiloride). Using two human (MCF7, MDA-MB231) and one murine (EMT6) breast cancer cell lines, we evaluated the influence of two new agents, cariporide (an inhibitor of the Na+/H+ antiport) and S3705 (an inhibitor of the Na+-dependent Cl−/HCO3− exchanger) on the regulation of intracellular pH (pHi). The cytotoxicity of the two agents was assessed by using clonogenic assays. Our results suggest that cariporide has similar efficacy and potency to 5-N-ethyl-N-isopropyl amiloride for inhibition of Na+/H+ exchange while S3705 is more potent and efficient than 4,4-diisothiocyanstilbene-2,2-disulphonic acid in inhibiting Na+-dependent Cl−/HCO3− exchange. The agents inhibited the growth of tumour cells when they were incubated at low pHe (7.0–6.8), but were non-toxic to cells grown at doses that inhibited the regulation of pHi. Our results indicate that cariporide and S3705 are selective cytostatic agents under in vitro conditions that reflect the slightly acidic microenvironment found in solid tumours