2 research outputs found

    Flipped Classroom as a Pedagogical Strategy for Motivation to Reading in Students of the Fifth Grade of the American Barranquilla College

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    Este estudio se enfoca en evaluar el impacto del Flipped Classroom (Aula invertida) como estrategia pedag贸gica para motivar a estudiantes de quinto grado en el h谩bito de lectura y fortalecer sus competencias comunicativas. Se justifica por la falta de inter茅s y bajo rendimiento de los estudiantes en actividades de lectura. Para abordar este problema, se desarroll贸 una herramienta pedag贸gica y tecnol贸gica que relaciona la lectura con el contexto actual de los estudiantes. La investigaci贸n incluy贸 a 27 estudiantes de quinto grado del Colegio Am茅ricano de Barranquilla, utilizando el m茅todo de investigaci贸n acci贸n participaci贸n con un enfoque cualitativo. Los resultados muestran que el enfoque de aula invertida permite a los estudiantes revisar contenidos b谩sicos en casa y practicar habilidades cognitivas m谩s avanzadas en el aula, con la gu铆a del maestro. Esto aumenta el tiempo de estudio y mejora la comunicaci贸n. Adem谩s, involucra a las familias en el proceso educativo mediante cuestionarios y pruebas en l铆nea. Concluyendo que esta estrategia es efectiva para motivar a los estudiantes a leer y mejorar sus habilidades comunicativas, al mismo tiempo que fomenta la participaci贸n activa y las reponsabilidades compartidas entre escuela y familias, fundamental para una educaci贸n integral.This study focuses on evaluating the impact of the Flipped Classroom as a pedagogical strategy to motivate fifth grade students in the reading habit and strengthen their communicative skills. It is justified by the lack of interest and poor performance of students in reading activities. To address this problem, a pedagogical and technological tool was developed that relates reading to the students' current context. The research included 27 fifth grade students from the American College of Barranquilla, using the participatory action research method with a qualitative approach. The results show that the flipped classroom approach allows students to review basic content at home and practice more advanced cognitive skills in the classroom, with teacher guidance. This increases study time and improves communication. Additionally, it involves families in the educational process through online questionnaires and tests. Concluding that this strategy is effective in motivating students to read and improve their communication skills, while promoting active participation and shared responsibilities between school and families, essential for a comprehensive education

    Relevance Of Institutional Activities in The Development of Critical Thinking Skills in Secondary Education Students from Rural and Urban Contexts

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    Este estudio explora la pertinencia de las actividades institucionales en el desarrollo de las habilidades de pensamiento cr铆tico en estudiantes de educaci贸n media, tanto en entornos urbanos como rurales del departamento del Atl谩ntico, dentro del 谩mbito del sector p煤blico. Se adopta un enfoque metodol贸gico mixto, respaldado por un paradigma interpretativo, en un dise帽o de car谩cter descriptivo. Para llevar a cabo la recopilaci贸n de datos, se implementa una variedad de instrumentos, incluyendo el an谩lisis de documentos institucionales, observaciones en las aulas, registros en diarios de campo, la administraci贸n del test de Watson-Glasser y la aplicaci贸n de cuestionarios socio-demogr谩ficos. El estudio abarca un total de 216 estudiantes y 11 docentes de distintas disciplinas en dos instituciones educativas. Los resultados arrojados por el an谩lisis revelan carencias notables en las competencias de pensamiento cr铆tico, incluyendo 谩reas como la inferencia, deducci贸n, formulaci贸n de supuestos, interpretaci贸n y capacidad argumentativa. Asimismo, se identifica una disonancia entre la visi贸n institucional, la pr谩ctica pedag贸gica y el grado de adquisici贸n y desarrollo de habilidades cr铆ticas por parte de los estudiantes. Este hallazgo subraya la imperativa necesidad de que las instituciones educativas, tanto en entornos urbanos como rurales, generen reflexiones profundas y emprendan acciones concretas destinadas a fomentar el pensamiento cr铆tico.His study explores the relevance of institutional activities in the development of critical thinking skills in high school students, both in urban and rural environments of the department of Atl谩ntico, within the scope of the public sector. A mixed methodological approach is adopted, supported by an interpretive paradigm, in a descriptive design. To carry out data collection, a variety of instruments are implemented, including the analysis of institutional documents, observations in classrooms, records in field diaries, the administration of the Watson-Glasser test and the application of socio-demographic questionnaires. The study covers a total of 216 students and 11 teachers from different disciplines in two educational institutions. The results obtained from the analysis reveal notable deficiencies in critical thinking skills, including areas such as inference, deduction, formulation of assumptions, interpretation and argumentative ability. Likewise, a dissonance is identified between the institutional vision, pedagogical practice and the degree of acquisition and development of critical skills by students. This finding highlights the imperative need for educational institutions, both in urban and rural settings, to generate deep reflections and undertake concrete actions aimed at fostering critical thinking