58 research outputs found

    The Shigella Type III Secretion System: An Overview from Top to Bottom

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    Shigella comprises four species of human-restricted pathogens causing bacillary dysentery. While Shigella possesses multiple genetic loci contributing to virulence, a type III secretion system (T3SS) is its primary virulence factor. The Shigella T3SS nanomachine consists of four major assemblies: the cytoplasmic sorting platform; the envelope-spanning core/basal body; an exposed needle; and a needle-associated tip complex with associated translocon that is inserted into host cell membranes. The initial subversion of host cell activities is carried out by the effector functions of the invasion plasmid antigen (Ipa) translocator proteins, with the cell ultimately being controlled by dedicated effector proteins that are injected into the host cytoplasm though the translocon. Much of the information now available on the T3SS injectisome has been accumulated through collective studies on the T3SS from three systems, those of Shigella flexneri, Salmonella typhimurium and Yersinia enterocolitica/Yersinia pestis. In this review, we will touch upon the important features of the T3SS injectisome that have come to light because of research in the Shigella and closely related systems. We will also briefly highlight some of the strategies being considered to target the Shigella T3SS for disease prevention

    Preformulation Characterization and the Effect of Ionic Excipients on the Stability of a Novel DB Fusion Protein

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    Shigella ssp cause bacillary dysentery (shigellosis) which has high global morbidity in young children and the elderly. The virulence of Shigella relies upon a type III secretion system (T3SS) which injects host altering effector proteins into targeted intestinal cells. The Shigella T3SS contains two components, invasion plasmid antigen D (IpaD) and invasion plasmid antigen B (IpaB), that were previously identified as broadly protective antigens. When IpaD and IpaB were co-expressed to give the DB fusion (DBF) protein, vaccine efficacy was further improved. Biophysical characterization under various pH conditions showed that DBF is most stable at pH 7 and 8 and loses its conformational integrity at 48 and 50 °C respectively. Forced degradation studies revealed significant effects on the secondary structure, tertiary structure and conformational stability of DBF. In the presence of phosphate buffers as well as other anionic excipients, DBF demonstrated a concentration dependent conformational stabilization. Molecular docking revealed potential polyanion binding sites in DBF that may interact with phytic acid. These sites can be exploited to stabilize the DBF protein. This work highlights potential destabilizing and stabilizing factors, which not only improves our understanding of the DBF protein but helps in future development of a stable Shigella vaccine

    Evidence for alternative quaternary structure in a bacterial Type III secretion system chaperone

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Type III secretion systems are a common virulence mechanism in many Gram-negative bacterial pathogens. These systems use a nanomachine resembling a molecular needle and syringe to provide an energized conduit for the translocation of effector proteins from the bacterial cytoplasm to the host cell cytoplasm for the benefit of the pathogen. Prior to translocation specialized chaperones maintain proper effector protein conformation. The class II chaperone, Invasion plasmid gene (Ipg) C, stabilizes two pore forming translocator proteins. IpgC exists as a functional dimer to facilitate the mutually exclusive binding of both translocators.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this study, we present the 3.3 Å crystal structure of an amino-terminally truncated form (residues 10-155, denoted IpgC<sup>10-155</sup>) of the class II chaperone IpgC from <it>Shigella flexneri</it>. Our structure demonstrates an alternative quaternary arrangement to that previously described for a carboxy-terminally truncated variant of IpgC (IpgC<sup>1-151</sup>). Specifically, we observe a rotationally-symmetric "head-to- head" dimerization interface that is far more similar to that previously described for SycD from <it>Yersinia enterocolitica </it>than to IpgC<sup>1-151</sup>. The IpgC structure presented here displays major differences in the amino terminal region, where extended coil-like structures are seen, as opposed to the short, ordered alpha helices and asymmetric dimerization interface seen within IpgC<sup>1-151</sup>. Despite these differences, however, both modes of dimerization support chaperone activity, as judged by a copurification assay with a recombinant form of the translocator protein, IpaB.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>From primary to quaternary structure, these results presented here suggest that a symmetric dimerization interface is conserved across bacterial class II chaperones. In light of previous data which have described the structure and function of asymmetric dimerization, our results raise the possibility that class II chaperones may transition between asymmetric and symmetric dimers in response to changes in either biochemical modifications (e.g. proteolytic cleavage) or other biological cues. Such transitions may contribute to the broad range of protein-protein interactions and functions attributed to class II chaperones.</p

    Composition and Biophysical Properties of the Sorting Platform Pods in the Shigella Type III Secretion System

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    Shigella flexneri, causative agent of bacillary dysentery (shigellosis), uses a type III secretion system (T3SS) as its primary virulence factor. The T3SS injectisome delivers effector proteins into host cells to promote entry and create an important intracellular niche. The injectisome’s cytoplasmic sorting platform (SP) is a critical assembly that contributes to substrate selection and energizing secretion. The SP consists of oligomeric Spa33 “pods” that associate with the basal body via MxiK and connect to the Spa47 ATPase via MxiN. The pods contain heterotrimers of Spa33 with one full-length copy associated with two copies of a C-terminal domain (Spa33C). The structure of Spa33C is known, but the precise makeup and structure of the pods in situ remains elusive. We show here that recombinant wild-type Spa33 can be prepared as a heterotrimer that forms distinct stable complexes with MxiK and MxiN. In two-hybrid analyses, association of the Spa33 complex with these proteins occurs via the full-length Spa33 component. Furthermore, these complexes each have distinct biophysical properties. Based on these properties, new high-resolution cryo-electron tomography data and architectural similarities between the Spa33 and flagellar FliM-FliN complexes, we provide a preliminary model of the Spa33 heterotrimers within the SP pods. From these findings and evolving models of SP interfaces and dynamics in the Yersinia and Salmonella T3SS, we suggest a model for SP function in which two distinct complexes come together within the context of the SP to contribute to form the complete pod structures during the recruitment of T3SS secretion substrates

    Expression, limited proteolysis and preliminary crystallographic analysis of IpaD, a component of the Shigella flexneri type III secretion system

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    IpaD, the putative needle-tip protein of the S. flexneri type III secretion system, has been crystallized in a variety of crystal forms using in-drop proteolysis. Native and selenomethionine-labelled data collection and preliminary analyses are reported

    Expression, purification, crystallization and preliminary crystallographic analysis of MxiH, a subunit of the Shigella flexneri type III secretion system needle

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    A monodisperse truncation mutant of MxiH, the subunit of the S. flexneri type III secretion system needle, has been crystallized. SeMet derivatives and a uranyl derivative have undergone preliminary crystallographic analysis

    Development of a Broadly Protective, Self-Adjuvanting Subunit Vaccine to Prevent Infections by Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    Infections caused by the opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa can be difficult to treat due to innate and acquired antibiotic resistance and this is exacerbated by the emergence of multi-drug resistant strains. Unfortunately, no licensed vaccine yet exists to prevent Pseudomonas infections. Here we describe a novel subunit vaccine that targets the P. aeruginosa type III secretion system (T3SS). This vaccine is based on the novel antigen PaF (Pa Fusion), a fusion of the T3SS needle tip protein, PcrV, and the first of two translocator proteins, PopB. Additionally, PaF is made self-adjuvanting by the N-terminal fusion of the A1 subunit of the mucosal adjuvant double-mutant heat-labile enterotoxin (dmLT). Here we show that this triple fusion, designated L-PaF, can activate dendritic cells in vitro and elicits strong IgG and IgA titers in mice when administered intranasally. This self-adjuvanting vaccine expedites the clearance of P. aeruginosa from the lungs of challenged mice while stimulating host expression of IL-17A, which may be important for generating a protective immune response in humans. L-PaF’s protective capacity was recapitulated in a rat pneumonia model, further supporting the efficacy of this novel fusion vaccine

    Biophysical Characterization of the Type III Secretion Tip Proteins and the Tip Proteins Attached to Bacterium-Like Particles

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    Bacterium-like particles (BLPs), derived from Lactococcus lactis, offer a self-adjuvanting delivery vehicle for subunit protein vaccines. Proteins can be specifically loaded onto the BLPs via a peptidoglycan anchoring domain (PA). In this study, the tip proteins IpaD, SipD and LcrV belonging to type three secretion systems of Shigella flexneri, Salmonella enterica and Yersinia enterocolitica, respectively, were fused to the PA and loaded onto the BLPs. Herein, we biophysically characterized these nine samples and condensed the spectroscopic results into three-index empirical phase diagrams (EPDs). The EPDs show distinctions between the IpaD/SipD and LcrV subfamilies of tip proteins, based on their physical stability, even upon addition of the PA. Upon attachment to the BLPs, the BLPs become defining moiety in the spectroscopic measurements, leaving the tip proteins to have a subtle yet modulating effect on the structural integrity of the tip proteins-BLPs binding. In summary, this work provides a comprehensive view of physical stability of the tip proteins and tip protein-BLPs and serves as a baseline for screening of excipients to increase the stability of the tip protein-BLPs for future vaccine formulation

    A protein subunit vaccine elicits a balanced immune response that protects against Pseudomonas pulmonary infection

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    The opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pa) causes severe nosocomial infections, especially in immunocompromised individuals and the elderly. Increasing drug resistance, the absence of a licensed vaccine and increased hospitalizations due to SARS-CoV-2 have made Pa a major healthcare risk. To address this, we formulated a candidate subunit vaccine against Pa (L-PaF), by fusing the type III secretion system tip and translocator proteins with LTA1 in an oil-in-water emulsion (ME). This was mixed with the TLR4 agonist (BECC438b). Lung mRNA sequencing showed that the formulation activates genes from multiple immunological pathways eliciting a protective Th1-Th17 response following IN immunization. Following infection, however, the immunized mice showed an adaptive response while the PBS-vaccinated mice experienced rapid onset of an inflammatory response. The latter displayed a hypoxic lung environment with high bacterial burden. Finally, the importance of IL-17 and immunoglobulins were demonstrated using knockout mice. These findings suggest a need for a balanced humoral and cellular response to prevent the onset of Pa infection and that our formulation could elicit such a response

    Characterization of a Novel Fusion Protein from IpaB and IpaD of Shigella spp. and Its Potential as a Pan-Shigella Vaccine

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    Shigellosis is an important disease in the developing world, where about 90 million people become infected with Shigella spp. each year. We previously demonstrated that the type three secretion apparatus (T3SA) proteins IpaB and IpaD are protective antigens in the mouse lethal pulmonary model. In order to simplify vaccine formulation and process development, we have evaluated a vaccine design that incorporates both of these previously tested Shigella antigens into a single polypeptide chain. To determine if this fusion protein (DB fusion) retains the antigenic and protective capacities of IpaB and IpaD, we immunized mice with the DB fusion and compared the immune response to that elicited by the IpaB/IpaD combination vaccine. Purification of the DB fusion required coexpression with IpgC, the IpaB chaperone, and after purification it maintained the highly α-helical characteristics of IpaB and IpaD. The DB fusion also induced comparable immune responses and retained the ability to protect mice against Shigella flexneri and S. sonnei in the lethal pulmonary challenge. It also offered limited protection against S. dysenteriae challenge. Our results show the feasibility of generating a protective Shigella vaccine comprised of the DB fusion