558 research outputs found

    Prospects of genetic engineering for robust insect resistance

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    Secondary plant metabolites are potentially of great value for providing robust resistance in plants against insect pests. Such metabolites often comprise small lipophilic molecules (SLMs), and can be similar also in terms of activity to currently used insecticides, for example, the pyrethroids, neonicotinoids and butenolides, which provide more effective pest management than the resistance traits exploited by breeding. Crop plants mostly lack the SLMs that provide their wild ancestors with resistance to pests. However, resistance traits based on the biosynthesis of SLMs present promising new opportunities for crop resistance to pests. Advances in genetic engineering of secondary metabolite pathways that produce insecticidal compounds and, more recently, SLMs involved in plant colonisation and development, for example, insect pheromones, offer specific new approaches but which are more demanding than the genetic engineering approaches adopted so far. In addition, nature also offers various opportunities for exploiting induction or priming for resistance metabolite generation. Thus, use of non-constitutively expressed resistance traits delivered via the seed is a more sustainable approach than previously achieved, and could underpin development of perennial arable crops protected by sentinel plant technologies

    Characterizing human odorant signals: insights from insect semiochemistry and in silico modelling

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    Interactions relating to human chemical signalling, although widely acknowledged, are relatively poorly characterized chemically, except for human axillary odour. However, the extensive chemical ecology of insects, involving countless pheromone and other semiochemical identifications, may offer insights into overcoming problems of characterizing human-derived semiochemicals more widely. Current techniques for acquiring insect semiochemicals are discussed, particularly in relation to the need for samples to relate, as closely as possible, to the ecological situation in which they are naturally deployed. Analysis is facilitated by chromatography coupled to electrophysiological preparations from the olfactory organs of insects in vivo. This is not feasible with human olfaction, but there are now potential approaches using molecular genetically reconstructed olfactory preparations already in use with insect systems. There are specific insights of value for characterizing human semiochemicals from advanced studies on semiochemicals of haematophagous insects, which include those involving human hosts, in addition to wider studies on farm and companion animals. The characterization of the precise molecular properties recognized in olfaction could lead to new advances in analogue design and a range of novel semiochemicals for human benefit. There are insights from successful synthetic biology studies on insect semiochemicals using novel biosynthetic precursors. Already, wider opportunities in olfaction emerging from in silico studies, involving a range of theoretical and computational approaches to molecular design and understanding olfactory systems at the molecular level, are showing promise for studying human semiochemistry

    A tunable cavity-locked diode laser source for terahertz photomixing

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    An all solid-state approach to the precise frequency synthesis and control of widely tunable terahertz radiation by differencing continuous-wave diode lasers at 850 nm is reported in this paper. The difference frequency is synthesized by three fiber-coupled external-cavity laser diodes. Two of the lasers are Pound-Drever-Hall locked to different orders of a Fabry-Perot (FP) cavity, and the third is offset-frequency locked to the second of the cavity-locked lasers using a tunable microwave oscillator. The first cavity-locked laser and the offset-locked laser produce the difference frequency, whose value is accurately determined by the sum of an integer multiple of the free spectral range of the FP cavity and the offset frequency. The dual-frequency 850-nm output of the three laser system is amplified to 500 mW through two-frequency injection seeding of a single semiconductor tapered optical amplifier. As proof of precision frequency synthesis and control of tunability, the difference frequency is converted into a terahertz wave by optical-heterodyne photomixing in low-temperature-grown GaAs and used for the spectroscopy of simple molecules. The 3-dB spectral power bandwidth of the terahertz radiation is routinely observed to be ≟1 MHz. A simple, but highly accurate, method of obtaining an absolute frequency calibration is proposed and an absolute calibration of 10^(-7) demonstrated using the known frequencies of carbon monoxide lines between 0.23-1.27 THz

    Independent evolution of the iridoid biosynthetic pathway in plants and insects

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    A Determination Of The Speed Of Light By The Phase-Shift Method

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    A low-frequency, phase-shift method for the measurement of the speed of light has been developed. This technique gives results commensurate with other advanced laboratory methods. One advantage of this technique is that the apparatus is of reasonable size and most of the circuitry involves widely known amateur radio techniques. Furthermore, our use of a low modulating frequency permits use of the solid-state, electro-optical light shutter. This eliminates the rather dangerous liquid Kerr cell, thus making our apparatus more acceptable to application in the undergraduate advanced laboratory. From a pedagogical point of view, the student is allowed to use and become acquainted with the lock-in amplifier which is so commonly found in the modern research laboratory. Two rather novel techniques were employed in this apparatus. These were phase multiplication and mixing of the rf signal in the last stages of the photomultiplier. Our value for the speed of light in air was [formula omitted]. The accepted value of the speed of light in air to the same number of significant figures is [formula omitted]. © 1969, American Association of Physics Teachers. All rights reserved

    Push-Pull: Chemical ecology-based integrated pest management technology

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    Lepidopterous stemborers, and parasitic striga weeds belonging to the family Orobanchaceae, attack cereal crops in sub-Saharan Africa causing severe yield losses. The smallholder farmers are resource constrained and unable to afford expensive chemicals for crop protection. The push–pull technology, a chemical ecology- based cropping system, is developed for integrated pest and weed management in cereal–livestock farming systems. Appropriate plants were selected that naturally emit signaling chemicals (semiochemicals). Plants highly attractive for stemborer egg laying were selected and employed as trap crops (pull), to draw pests away from the main crop. Plants that repelled stemborer females were selected as intercrops (push). The stemborers are attracted to the trap plant, and are repelled from the main cereal crop using a repellent intercrop (push). Root exudates of leguminous repellent intercrops also effectively control the parasitic striga weed through an allelopathic mechanism. Their root exudates contain flavonoid compounds some of which stimulate germination of Striga hermonthica seeds, such as Uncinanone B, and others that dramatically inhibit their attachment to host roots, such as Uncinanone C and a number of di-C-glycosylflavones (di-CGFs), resulting in suicidal germination. The intercrop also improves soil fertility through nitrogen fixation, natural mulching, improved biomass, and control of erosion. Both companion plants provide high value animal fodder, facilitating milk production and diversifying farmers’ income sources. The technology is appropriate to smallholder mixed cropping systems in Africa. Adopted by about 125,000 farmers to date in eastern Africa, it effectively addresses major production constraints, significantly increases maize yields, and is economical as it is based on locally available plants, not expensive external inputs

    Chemical Ecology in the Post Genomics Era

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    Possibilities for rationally exploiting co-evolution in addressing resistance to insecticides, and beyond

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    Certain biorational chemical agents used against insect pests impact essential stages or processes in insect life cycles when applied for pest management. Development of resistance to these agents, while involving maintenance of the natural role of the chemical agent, frequently requires the evolution of a new chemical structure by the resistant organism. When considering the process of resistance development, one could theoretically consider biorational structural determination rather than the less predictable or feasible generation of a novel replacement insecticide. At first consideration, this process might exclude toxicants such as typical pest control agents and rather be a phenomenon reserved principally for signalling processes such as are fulfilled by pheromones and other semiochemicals. However, because there is a unique co-evolutionary relationship between chemical defence and the physiology of the antagonistic organism, this process can be further explored for potential to overcome resistance to toxins. Given further consideration, newly evolved chemical defences may rationally provide options for new resistance-defeating chemistry. This review therefore discusses the potential for overcoming insecticide resistance through targeted application of this approach. Potential for use of a similar approach to counteract fungicide and herbicide resistance is also considered. Furthermore, the possible applications of this approach to address drug or pharmaceutic resistance are also considered
