13 research outputs found

    Using Sentence-Level LSTM Language Models for Script Inference

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    Abstract There is a small but growing body of research on statistical scripts, models of event sequences that allow probabilistic inference of implicit events from documents. These systems operate on structured verb-argument events produced by an NLP pipeline. We compare these systems with recent Recurrent Neural Net models that directly operate on raw tokens to predict sentences, finding the latter to be roughly comparable to the former in terms of predicting missing events in documents

    Learning Statistical Scripts with LSTM Recurrent Neural Networks

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    Scripts encode knowledge of prototypical sequences of events. We describe a Recurrent Neural Network model for statistical script learning using Long Short-Term Memory, an architecture which has been demonstrated to work well on a range of Artificial Intelligence tasks. We evaluate our system on two tasks, inferring held-out events from text and inferring novel events from text, substantially outperforming prior approaches on both tasks

    Statistical Script Learning with Multi-Argument Events

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    Scripts represent knowledge of stereotypical event sequences that can aid text understanding. Initial statistical methods have been developed to learn probabilistic scripts from raw text corpora; however, they utilize a very impoverished representation of events, consisting of a verb and one dependent argument. We present a script learning approach that employs events with multiple arguments. Unlike previous work, we model the interactions between multiple entities in a script. Experiments on a large corpus using the task of inferring held-out events (the “narrative cloze evaluation”) demonstrate that modeling multi-argument events improves predictive accuracy.